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%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1100790224" format="1.0" version="1.3"}%
Please help in collecting odd reference examples to help testing how well AlexandriaCore deals with them.
* A dated magazine/newspaper article, title containing semantically relevant subscript formatting:
* Fialka, J.J. "Flat CO<sub>2</sub> emissions give experts hope," The Wall Street Journal, 8/2/99.
* Abstract volume, where the edited abstract book has *no editors*:
* Luoma, D.L., and Amaranthus, M.P. 1995. Assessment of ectomycorrhizal fungus diversity on roots and from sporocarps. Abstracts - Seventh International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. Brazilian Society of Microbiology. S<>o Paulo. p.16.
* Report:
* Occupational safety and health and working environment in the food and drink industries. Report III, Food and Drinks Industries Committee, International Labour Office, First Session, 1984. ILO, 1211 Gen<65>ve 22, Switzerland, 61 p. ISBN 92-2-103822-X, English, French
*Subreference issues???* Compare AlexandriaCore main page at bottom!
* Chapter specifically cited as part of a monograph by a single author. Occasionally used to point in a large monograph to the specific part that is cited or has been studied/evaluated. This may occur in the bibliography of an article, probably never in library databases, but also in personal reference databases (to indicate that only part of a book has been copied).
* Ambler, Scott W. 2003. Evolutionary Database Development. Chapter 9 of Agile Database Techniques. John Wiley &amp; Sons.
* Similar to chapter subreference above is *Range citation* inside the bibliography (page ranges within a monograph).
* Raven, Peter H. and Johnson, George B. Biology. Sixth Ed. <nop>McGraw-Hill. New York: NY: 2002. 720-721, 726-727.
* Richard: "I still think that "parts (subunits) like chapters (no authors)" logically should be treated as "Location" information.
Sometimes the "Location" is very clearly delineated (chapter with its own title), and sometimes it is not (single sentence or paragraph or page). I see a complete unbroken continuum between these two endpoints, with no easy way to distinguish them. If it is necessary to preserve the ability to cite (e.g., in a bibliographic listing) an individual, unauthored chapter separately from the authored book thatcontains it, then this certainly has implications on the schema."
* Gregor: You may well be correct. It depends a bit on whether AlexandriaCore should be able to express the bibliography part of an Online-flora fauna. I "used to" view the location attribute at something present in the citation type, when you cite / assert / acknowledge information in the "body" of the scientific information, not as something you would have in the bibliography. But perhaps we need something like inline-citation? -- Note: Jerry did not have a part structure in the original LC-Simply citation, it seems this was added by me, Gregor. Probably AC "Part" elements are dispensible?
* Software (dated and having publishers, but probably no ISBN):
* Adaskaveg, J. E. & Dunlap, M. R. 1993. <nop>PolyKey. Software package. University of California, Davis.
* Software (undated, source is URL):
* Exeter Software (undated). XID Authoring System, Version 3, for Windows. <nop>
* Software, postal address given:
* Pankhurst, R. J. 2003. PANKEY <20> Programs for the identification and description of plants of animals. Exeter Software (47 Route 25A, Suite 2, Setauket, New York 11733-2870).
* Software (dated, commercial publisher, has ISBN):
* B<>hmer, Bernd & Wohanka, Walter 2002. Die Pflanzenschutz-CD. Etwa 600 Farbfotos. Eugen Ulmer Verlag.
*Series issues*
* Book monograph in series
* Kantvilas, G. Lichens of rainforest in Tasmania and south-eastern Australia. Flora of Australia. Supplementary series no 9. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra 1999. (212 pp.) ISBN 0642568022
* Series item that should perhaps be treated as a book in a series:
* Entwisle, T.J. (ed.) Aquatic cryptogams of Australia - a guide to the larger fungi, lichens, macroalgae, liverworts and mosses of Australian inland waters. Australian Society for Limnology Special Publication No 10, 1994. (151 pp.) ISSN 0156 8426.
* Book in series where the book has no separate title
* George, A.S. (ed.) Flora of Australia, vol. 54 (various contributors). AGPS, 1992. 348 pp. ISBN 0644 240 61X.
* A *Journal* in an article-series (both series and Journal are parallel parent of article with no hierarchy between them):
* Deml G, Oberwinkler F 1981. Studies in Heterobasidiomycetes Part 4. Investigations on <i>Entorrhiza casparyana</i> by light and electron microscopy. Mycologia 73: 392-398.
-- Main.GregorHagedorn - 15 Nov 2004
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* Chapter specifically cited as part of a monograph by a single author. Occasionally used to point in a large monograph to the specific part that is cited or has been studied/evaluated.
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* Range citation inside the bibliography (page ranges within a monograph). Similar to chapter subreference above.
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* An article in a Journal is in an article-series:
* Deml G, Oberwinkler F 1981. Studies in Heterobasidiomycetes Part 4. Investigations on Entorrhiza casparyana by light and electron microscopy. Mycologia 73: 392-398.
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