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Sally Hinchcliffe sent a summary of ranks used in IPNI, and after removing ranks already in the rank enumeration, Notho-ranks (assuming they can be generated from knowledge that a rank is applied to a hybrid taxon, for which a separate flag is intended in LinneanCore), and historic rank-equivalents needing interpretation (beta, gamma, ** etc.), I asked Sally about examples and frequency in for some of the remaining ranks not yet covered in the enumeration.
Gregor: I think that "f. juv." is not a rank at all, but a life stage. Can you check f. juv. whether an epithet of that rank exists? Or is f. juv. simply a suffix to a name, as I would expect for a stage? -- Sally: There is only one name in ipni with this rank:
* 892637-1 Verbenaceae Vitex peduncularis Wall. f. juv. roxburghiana (C. B. Clarke) H. N. Moldenke in Phytologia, 37(3): 275 (1977).
Gregor: Is "subhybr." really a rank? -- Sally: there are three of these in IPNI and they display oddly (Katherine - I think these are wrong - but can you confirm?) as
* 883954-1 Labiatae Mentha gentilis <20> Veronensis Lebeau in Bull. Jard. Bot. Nation. Belg., 44 (3-4): 253 (1974). (parsed as fam. labiatae gen. mentha spec. gentilis subhybr. veronensis)
* 883957-1 Labiatae Mentha piperita <20> Nepetoides (Lej) Lebeau in Bull. Jard. Bot. Nation. Belg. 44 (3-4): 252 (1974).(parsed as fam. labiatae gen. mentha spec. piperita subhybr. nepetoides)
* 883983-1 Labiatae Mentha villosa <20> Lamyi (Malinv.) Lebeau in Bull. Jard. Bot. Nation. Belg., 44 (3-4): 254 (1974). (parsed as fam. labiatae gen. mentha spec. villosa subhybr. lamyi)
Gregor: Lusus and monstrosity: I think this may be the same thing. I have not yet encountered lusus (= freak of nature) yet. How often does is occur? Perhaps these seem to be close to "Modification" as well? -- Sally: There are about 140 lusus, 35 monstrosities (mostly ferns) and 5 modifications in IPNI. Examples:
* 889579-1 Rosaceae Cerasus erythrocarpa Nevski lus. albiflora Priszter in Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung., 22 (1-2): 207 (1976 publ. 1977), without type.
* 17560670-1 Pteridophyta Pseudocyclosorus esquirolii (Christ) Ching monstr. laciniatus (Sa. Kurata) T. Nakaike New Fl. Japan, Pterid.: 842 (1992):. 1992
* 33573-2 Blechnaceae Blechnum hastatum modif. bifurcatum (Looser) G.Kunkel Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 69: 306. 1959 Without basionym
Gregor: I do not know Prolus, Genitor, Stirps, praespecies, oec., linea, cycl. -- Sally:
* Prolus (43 records in IPNI, but some of them are non-referenced records called 'miscauto' records which were put in for basionyms etc. and aren't externally visible. The example I've given is a publicly visible one though)
* 293912-2 Brassicaceae Cardamine californica prol. cardiophylla O.E.Schulz Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 32: 388. 1903
* Genitor (3 records in IPNI)
* 895557-1 Pinaceae Pinus genitor Ducampopinus (A. Chev.) A. E. Murray in Kalmia, 13: 13 (1983):.
* Praespaecies (7 records in IPNI)
* 887655-1 Orchidaceae Ophrys holosericea (Burm. f.) Greuter psp. cornuta (Steven) H. Sundermann in Taxon. 24(5-6): 625 (1975).
* oec. (2 records in IPNI - Katherine these don't seem to display correctly ...)
* 883001-1 Gramineae Secale anatolicum Nachitchevanicum Ivanov & G.V.Yakovlev in Trudy Prikl. Bot. Genet. Selek., 44(1): 27(1971), without latin descr. or type. (parsed as fam. gramineae gen. secale spec. anatolicum oec. nachitchevanicum)
* linea (4 records in IPNI)
* 924816-1 Cactaceae Rebutiae (Donald) R. Mottram Contrib. New Class. Cact. Fam.: 7 (1990):.
* Gregor: To me that looks suspiciously like Spanish for "series"
* cycl. (1 records in IPNI)
* 42197-1 Compositae Artemisia Junceum (Poljak.) Filatova in Izv. Akad. Nauk Kaz. SSR, Biol., 1974 (1): 16 (1974).
* Gregor: seems infrageneric rank? Possibly a translation problem.
Gregor: How important are Agamovariety/Agamospecies? I understand what it is about, and am willing to include it - except you tell me it does not matter because even in IPNI it is extremely rare. Also, it seems "Apomict" should fall into the same category. Is "Apomict" a superterm for Agamovariety/Agamospecies? -- Sally: what is 'extremely rare'? there are 13 agamosp. and 10 agamovar. -
so they certainly aren't common. There's only 1 apomict:
* 69349-2 Asteraceae Crepis intermedia A. Gray ap. angustifolia Stebbins Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash. 504: 186. 1938 Without Latin diagnosis
Many thanks to Sally. Any help which of these ranks should be considered in the enumeration is welcome. Also some definition and information about where the ranks is correctly used (only in vascular plants?). Who knows resources containing definitions of these ranks?
It is clear that all these ranks are *not* covered by the codes. However, similar to the pathovars, formae speciales they may be relevant in practice, perhaps esp. in cultivated plants. Also, it is possible not to include all ranks, since the rank enumerations contain catch-all categories for any kind of infraspecific etc. rank.
-- Main.GregorHagedorn - 05 Nov 2004
Some collected information about some ranks:
*proles* <20> "A taxonomic rank formerly applied to cultivated plants and considered to be an equivalent to the rank of cultivar. This rank appears frequently in the Index Synonymique de la Flore de France, but is seldom used in North America. Example: Draba incana L. proles pyrenaca O.E. Schulz is the basionym of Draba incana L. subsp. pyrenaea (O.E. Schulz) O. Bol<6F>s & Vigo."
@d1 2
@d1 2
a2 2
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1100785845" format="1.0" version="1.3"}%
d6 1
a6 1
* 892637-1 Verbenaceae Vitex peduncularis Wall. f. juv. roxburghiana (C. B. Clarke) H. N. Moldenke in Phytologia, 37(3): 275 (1977).
d10 3
a12 3
* 883954-1 Labiatae Mentha gentilis <20> Veronensis Lebeau in Bull. Jard. Bot. Nation. Belg., 44 (3-4): 253 (1974). (parsed as fam. labiatae gen. mentha spec. gentilis subhybr. veronensis)
* 883957-1 Labiatae Mentha piperita <20> Nepetoides (Lej) Lebeau in Bull. Jard. Bot. Nation. Belg. 44 (3-4): 252 (1974).(parsed as fam. labiatae gen. mentha spec. piperita subhybr. nepetoides)
* 883983-1 Labiatae Mentha villosa <20> Lamyi (Malinv.) Lebeau in Bull. Jard. Bot. Nation. Belg., 44 (3-4): 254 (1974). (parsed as fam. labiatae gen. mentha spec. villosa subhybr. lamyi)
d15 3
a17 3
* 889579-1 Rosaceae Cerasus erythrocarpa Nevski lus. albiflora Priszter in Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung., 22 (1-2): 207 (1976 publ. 1977), without type.
* 17560670-1 Pteridophyta Pseudocyclosorus esquirolii (Christ) Ching monstr. laciniatus (Sa. Kurata) T. Nakaike New Fl. Japan, Pterid.: 842 (1992):. 1992
* 33573-2 Blechnaceae Blechnum hastatum modif. bifurcatum (Looser) G.Kunkel Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 69: 306. 1959 Without basionym
d21 14
a34 14
* Prolus (43 records in IPNI, but some of them are non-referenced records called 'miscauto' records which were put in for basionyms etc. and aren't externally visible. The example I've given is a publicly visible one though)
* 293912-2 Brassicaceae Cardamine californica prol. cardiophylla O.E.Schulz Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 32: 388. 1903
* Genitor (3 records in IPNI)
* 895557-1 Pinaceae Pinus genitor Ducampopinus (A. Chev.) A. E. Murray in Kalmia, 13: 13 (1983):.
* Praespaecies (7 records in IPNI)
* 887655-1 Orchidaceae Ophrys holosericea (Burm. f.) Greuter psp. cornuta (Steven) H. Sundermann in Taxon. 24(5-6): 625 (1975).
* oec. (2 records in IPNI - Katherine these don't seem to display correctly ...)
* 883001-1 Gramineae Secale anatolicum Nachitchevanicum Ivanov & G.V.Yakovlev in Trudy Prikl. Bot. Genet. Selek., 44(1): 27(1971), without latin descr. or type. (parsed as fam. gramineae gen. secale spec. anatolicum oec. nachitchevanicum)
* linea (4 records in IPNI)
* 924816-1 Cactaceae Rebutiae (Donald) R. Mottram Contrib. New Class. Cact. Fam.: 7 (1990):.
* Gregor: To me that looks suspiciously like Spanish for "series"
* cycl. (1 records in IPNI)
* 42197-1 Compositae Artemisia Junceum (Poljak.) Filatova in Izv. Akad. Nauk Kaz. SSR, Biol., 1974 (1): 16 (1974).
* Gregor: seems infrageneric rank? Possibly a translation problem.
d38 1
a38 1
* 69349-2 Asteraceae Crepis intermedia A. Gray ap. angustifolia Stebbins Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash. 504: 186. 1938 Without Latin diagnosis
d52 1
a52 1
@d1 1
a1 1
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d46 7
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1099668545" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
d10 3
a12 3
* 883954-1 Labiatae Mentha gentilis <20> Veronensis Lebeau in Bull. Jard. Bot. Nation. Belg., 44(3-4): 253 (1974). (parsed as fam. labiatae gen. mentha spec. gentilis subhybr. veronensis)
* 883957-1 Labiatae Mentha piperita <20> Nepetoides (Lej) Lebeau in Bull. Jard. Bot. Nation. Belg. 44(3-4): 252 (1974).(parsed as fam. labiatae gen. mentha spec. piperita subhybr. nepetoides)
* 883983-1 Labiatae Mentha villosa <20> Lamyi (Malinv.) Lebeau in Bull. Jard. Bot. Nation. Belg., 44(3-4): 254 (1974). (parsed as fam. labiatae gen. mentha spec. villosa subhybr. lamyi)
d15 1
a15 1
* 889579-1 Rosaceae Cerasus erythrocarpa Nevski lus. albiflora Priszter in Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung., 22(1-2): 207 (1976 publ. 1977), without type.
d28 1
a28 2
* 883001-1 Gramineae Secale anatolicum Nachitchevanicum Ivanov & G.V.Yakovlev in Trudy Prikl. Bot. Genet. Selek., 44(1): 27
(1971), without latin descr. ortype. (parsed as fam. gramineae gen. secale spec. anatolicum oec. nachitchevanicum)
d34 1
a34 1
* Gregor: seems infrageneric rank. I the rank possibly a translation problem
d36 1
a36 1
Gregor: How important are Agamovariety/Agamospecies? I understand what it is about, and am willing to include it - except you tell me it does not matter because even in IPNI it is extremely rare. Also, it seems "Apomict" should fall into the same category. Is "Apomict" a superterm for Agamovariety/Agamospecies? -- Sally: what is 'extremely rare'? there are 13 agamosp. and 10 agamovar. -
d38 1
a38 1
* 69349-2 Asteraceae Crepis intermedia A.Gray ap. angustifolia Stebbins Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash. 504: 186. 1938 Without Latin diagnosis