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%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1167389151" format="1.1" version="1.91"}%
Welcome to the home of the <strong>SDD WIKI</strong>! This is a web-based collaboration area for discussions of the subgroup on the Structure of Descriptive Data of the [[][Taxonomic Data Working Group]]. We welcome your contributions - please see the bottom of this page if you are new to this Wiki.
---+++ [[][Primer draft available!]]
The Primer is based on [[Version1dot1][version 1.1, RC1]]. There are consequential technical differences from the current [[DiscussionFor1dot1RC2][RC2]] but few should affect the Primer. It is expected that 1.1RC3 will be released before December 31 2006 with very few changes from RC2, and that a stable release made shortly thereafter. ... -- Main.BobMorris - 26 Oct 2006
---+++Starter Topics
* As part of the TDWG Infrastructure Project we have developed a [[Charter]]. Please comment!
* After the vote on SDD 1.0 at St. Petersburg several minor problems have arisen. We have addressed these by providing a slightly modified version of SDD and recommend that all usage of SDD should refer to this [[Version1dot1][version 1.1]].
---+++Ongoing discussions
* DiscussionFor1dot1RC2
* [[SDD2006BerlinSummary]]
* DiscussionFor1dot1RC1
* TextCharacterDiscussion
* ConceptStateDiscussion
* SyntheticData
* RDFandSDD. Also, see the discussion at the [[][GUID Wiki]] and [[][TDWG-TAG]] as well.
* WhatToDoWithElementsMarkedForDiscussion: "double underbar elements" are only for discussion, all will be removed when finalizing!
---+++Interesting related links:
* [[][Identify Life project]]
* [[][Electronic Field Guide]]
* [[][Kew Interactive Key Forum]]
* [[][Lucid]],
* [[][Hymenoptera On-Line Database]] and
* [[][OpenKey]]
* [[][Digitaltaxonomy: Overview Identification and Description software]]
---++Material below is outdated, we need to revise this soon!
---+++SDD Topics
* [[Charter]]
* PrimerHome - please contribute to this - the Primer will be authored collaboratively on this wiki
* SchemaDiscussion (main topic, currently referring to SDD 1.0)
* An up-to-date version of the schema should always be in CurrentSchemaVersion!
* MeetingMinutes (rich discussion content rather than formal minutes!) and MailingList (including archives)
* ToolsForSDD
* ImplementationsOfSDD
* SDDBioLinkDiscussion
* SDDAsNativeStore Issues about querying and other XML database issues arising when SDD is the underlying data representation.
<h3>Notes for WIKI newcomers:</h3>
* Click on TWiki.TWikiRegistration to register if you want to contribute
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* This wiki is open to anyone interested in the topic, but you must be a registered user to edit pages and add content. Register at the TWikiRegistration page.
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* Topic name conventions: topics renamed to <strong><nop>ResolvedTopic...</strong> or <strong><nop>ClosedTopic...</strong> are still valuable to read, but old and not relevant to ongoing discussions. Topics renamed to <strong><nop>ZZZObsolete</strong> are resolved or closed topics that I consider no longer intelligable based on the current version of the schema.
<a href=" "><img src="" border="0" alt="EFG home" align="left" /></a> Until May 2006 this wiki was hosted by the [[ Electronic Field Guide]] project. Many thanks to Bob Morris and his colleagues of the [[ University of Massachusetts at Boston]]!