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# TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform,
# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 TWiki Contributors.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For
# more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited.
package TWiki::Configure::Checkers::CGISetup;
use strict;
use base 'TWiki::Configure::Checker';
use File::Spec;
sub ui {
my $this = shift;
my $block = '';
# Detect whether mod_perl was loaded into Apache
$TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{ModPerlLoaded} =
( $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} =~ /mod_perl/ ));
# Detect whether we are actually running under mod_perl
# - test for MOD_PERL alone, which is enough.
$TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{UsingModPerl} = ( exists $ENV{MOD_PERL} );
$TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{ModPerlVersion} =
eval 'use mod_perl; return $mod_perl::VERSION';
# Get the version of mod_perl if it's being used
if ( $TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{UsingModPerl} ) {
$block .= $this->setting(
'', $this->WARN(<<HERE));
You are running <tt>configure</tt> with <tt>mod_perl</tt>. This
is risky because mod_perl will remember old values of configuration
variables. You are *highly* recommended not to run configure under
mod_perl (though the rest of TWiki can be run with mod_perl, of course)
# Check for potential module upgrade
# version, on some platforms - actually need CGI 2.93 for
# mod_perl 2.0 and CGI 2.90 for Cygwin Perl 5.8.0. See
if( $CGI::VERSION < 2.93 ) {
if ( $Config::Config{osname} eq 'cygwin' && $] >= 5.008 ) {
# Recommend upgrade if using Cygwin Perl 5.8.0
$block .= $this->setting(
'', $this->WARN( <<HERE ));
Perl CGI version 3.11 or higher is recommended to avoid problems with
attachment uploads on Cygwin Perl.
} elsif( $TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{ModPerlVersion} &&
$TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{ModPerlVersion} >= 1.99 ) {
# Recommend upgrade if using mod_perl 2.0, which
# is reported as version 1.99 and implies Apache 2.0
$block .= $this->setting(
'', $this->WARN( <<HERE ));
Perl CGI version 3.11 or higher is recommended to avoid problems with
my $n = ucfirst(lc($Config::Config{osname})).' '.
$Config::Config{osvers}.' ('.
$block .= $this->setting("Operating system", $n);
# Perl version and type
$n = $];
$n .= " ($Config::Config{osname})";
$block .= $this->setting('Perl version', $n);
# Perl @INC (lib path)
$block .= $this->setting(
'@INC library path', join(CGI::br(), @INC ).
This is the Perl library path, used to load TWiki modules,
third-party modules used by some plugins, and Perl built-in modules.
$block .= $this->setting(
'CGI bin directory', $this->_checkBinDir());
# Turn off fatalsToBrowser while checking module loads, to avoid
# load errors in browser in some environments.
$CGI::Carp::WRAP = 0; # Avoid warnings...
# Check that the module can be found, but don't croak on
# bogus configuration settings
$TWiki::cfg{ConfigurationFinished} = 1;
eval 'require TWiki';
my $mess = '';
if ($@) {
$mess = $@;
$mess = $this->ERROR(
' could not be loaded. The error was:').
Check path to <code>twiki/lib</code> and check that LocalSite.cfg is
present and readable
} else {
$mess = ' (Version: <strong>'.$TWiki::VERSION.'</strong>) found';
$block .= $this->setting(
'TWiki module in @INC path', $mess);
# Check that each of the required Perl modules can be loaded, and
# print its version number.
my $set;
my $perlModules = $this->_loadDEPENDENCIES();
if (ref($perlModules)) {
$set = $this->checkPerlModules( $perlModules );
} else {
$set = $this->ERROR($perlModules);
$block .= $this->setting("Perl modules",
# All module checks done, OK to enable fatalsToBrowser
import CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser );
my $url = $TWiki::query->url();
$block .= $this->setting(CGI::a({name=>'PATH_INFO'},'PATH_INFO'),
For a URL such as <strong>$url/foo/bar</strong>,
the correct PATH_INFO is <strong>/foo/bar</strong>, without any prefixed path
components. <a rel="nofollow" href="$url/foo/bar#PATH_INFO">
<strong>Click here to test this</strong></a>
- particularly if you are using mod_perl, Apache or IIS, or are using
a web hosting provider.
Look at the new path info here. It should be <strong>/foo/bar</strong>.
# mod_perl
if( $TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{UsingModPerl} ) {
$n = "Used for this script";
} else {
$n = "Not used for this script";
$n .= $this->NOTE(
'mod_perl is ', $TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{ModPerlLoaded} ? '' : 'not',
' loaded into Apache' );
if ( $TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{ModPerlVersion} ) {
$n .= $this->NOTE( 'mod_perl version ', $TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{ModPerlVersion} );
# Check for a broken version of mod_perl 2.0
if ( $TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{UsingModPerl} && $TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{ModPerlVersion} =~ /1\.99_?11/ ) {
# Recommend mod_perl upgrade if using a mod_perl 2.0 version
# with PATH_INFO bug (see Support.RegistryCookerBadFileDescriptor
# and Bugs:Item82)
$n .= $this->ERROR(<<HERE);
Version $TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{ModPerlVersion} of mod_perl is known to have major bugs that prevent
its use with TWiki. 1.99_12 or higher is recommended.
$block .= $this->setting('mod_perl', $n);
# Get web server's user and group info
my $usr;
eval {
$usr = getlogin() || getpwuid($>) || '';
my $grp = '';
eval {
$grp = join(',', map { lc(getgrgid( $_ )) } split( ' ', $( ));
if( $@ ) {
# Try to use Cygwin's 'id' command - may be on the path, since Cygwin
# is probably installed to supply ls, egrep, etc - if it isn't, give
# up.
# Run command without stderr output, to avoid CGI giving error.
# Get names of primary and other groups.
$grp = lc(qx(sh -c '( id -un ; id -gn) 2>/dev/null' 2>nul ));
$block .= $this->setting(
'CGI user', 'userid = <strong>'.$usr.'</strong> groups = <strong>'.
'Your CGI scripts are executing as this user.'));
$block .= $this->setting(
'Original PATH', $TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{originalPath}.
This is the PATH value passed in from the web server to this
script - it is reset by TWiki scripts to the PATH below, and
is provided here for comparison purposes only.
my $currentPath = $ENV{PATH} || ''; # As re-set earlier in this routine
$block .= $this->setting("Current PATH", $currentPath,
This is the actual PATH setting that will be used by Perl to run
programs. It is normally identical to {SafeEnvPath}, unless
that variable is empty, in which case this will be the webserver users
standard path..
return $this->foldableBlock(
CGI::em( 'CGI Setup' ), '(read only) ',
sub _checkBinDir {
my $this = shift;
my $dir = $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME} || '.';
$dir =~ s(/+configure[^/]*$)();
my $ext = $TWiki::cfg{ScriptSuffix} || '';
my $errs = '';
opendir(D, $dir) ||
return $this->ERROR(<<HERE);
Cannot open '$dir' for read ($!) - check it exists, and that permissions are correct.
foreach my $script (grep { -f "$dir/$_" && /^\w+(\.\w+)?$/ } readdir D) {
next if( $ext && $script !~ /\.$ext$/ );
if( $TWiki::cfg{OS} !~ /^Windows$/i &&
$script !~ /\.cfg$/ &&
!-x "$dir/$script" ) {
$errs .= $this->WARN(<<HERE);
$script might not be an executable script - please check it (and its
permissions) manually.
return $dir.CGI::br().$errs;
# The perl modules that are required by TWiki.
my $this = shift;
my $from = TWiki::findFileOnPath('TWiki.spec');
my @dir = File::Spec->splitdir( $from );
pop(@dir); # Getting rid of TWiki.spec
pop(@dir); # Leave lib dir
local $/ = "\n";
# SMELL: Assuming tools dir is parallel to lib dir
# DEPENDENCIES should be moved to the lib dir
push(@dir, 'tools');
$from = File::Spec->catfile(@dir, 'DEPENDENCIES');
my $d;
open($d, '<'.$from) || return 'Failed to load DEPENDENCIES: '.$!;
my @perlModules;
foreach my $line ( <$d> ) {
next unless $line;
my @row = split(/,\s*/, $line, 4);
next unless (scalar(@row) == 4 && $row[2] eq 'cpan');
my $ver = $row[1];
$ver =~ s/[<>=]//g;
my ($dispo,$usage) = $row[3] =~ /^\s*(\w+).?(.*)$/;
push(@perlModules, {
name => $row[0],
usage => $usage,
minimumVersion => $ver,
disposition => lc($dispo)
return \@perlModules;