
285 lines
9.8 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

# Plugin for TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform,
# Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Peter Thoeny,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For
# more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details, published at
# As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited.
use strict;
use TWiki::Func;
package TWiki::Plugins::SlideShowPlugin::SlideShow;
use vars qw( $imgRoot $installWeb );
# =========================
sub init
$installWeb = shift;
$imgRoot = '%PUBURLPATH%/'.$installWeb.'/SlideShowPlugin';
# =========================
sub handler
my( $text, $theTopic, $theWeb ) = @_;
my $textPre = "";
my $textPost = "";
my $args = "";
if( $text =~ /^(.*)%SLIDESHOWSTART%(.*)$/s ) {
$textPre = $1;
$text = $2;
} elsif( $text =~ /^(.*)%SLIDESHOWSTART{(.*?)}%(.*)$/s ) {
$textPre = $1;
$args = $2;
$text = $3;
if( $text =~ /^(.*)%SLIDESHOWEND%(.*)$/s ) {
$text = $1;
$textPost = $2;
# Make sure we don't end up back in the handler again
# SMELL: there should be a better block
$text =~ s/%SLIDESHOW/%<nop>SLIDESHOW/g;
my $query = TWiki::Func::getCgiQuery();
# Build query string based on existingURL parameters
my $qparams = '?slideshow=on;skin=print';
foreach my $name ( $query->param ) {
next if ( $name =~ /(keywords|web|topic|slideshow|skin|\#)/ );
$qparams .= ';' . $name . '=' . urlEncode( $query->param($name) );
if( $query && $query->param( 'slideshow' ) ) {
# in presentation mode
$textPre .= "\n#StartPresentation\n";
$textPre .= renderSlideNav( $theWeb, $theTopic, 1, 1, "e", $qparams );
my $slideMax = 0;
if( $text =~ /(.*?[\n\r])\-\-\-+(\++)\!* (.*)/s ) {
$textPre .= $1;
$text = $3;
my $level = $2;
$level =~ s/\+/\\\+/go;
my @slides = split( /[\n\r]\-\-\-+$level\!* /, $text );
$text = "";
my $hideComments = TWiki::Func::getPreferencesValue( 'SLIDESHOWPLUGIN_HIDECOMMENTS' ) || '';
my $tmplText = readTmplText( $theWeb, $args );
my $slideText = "";
my $slideTitle = "";
my $slideBody = "";
my $slideComment = "";
my $slideNum = 1;
$slideMax = @slides;
my @titles = ();
foreach( @slides ) {
next unless /^([^\n\r]*)(.*)$/s;
$slideTitle = $1 || '';
$slideBody = $2 || '';
$slideComment = '';
if( $hideComments && $slideBody =~ s/(\-\-\-+\+$level+\!*\s*Comments.*)//is ) {
$slideComment = $1;
push( @titles, $slideTitle );
$slideText = $tmplText;
$slideText =~ s/%SLIDETITLE%/$slideTitle/go;
$slideText =~ s/%SLIDETEXT%/$slideBody/go;
$slideText =~ s/%SLIDENUM%/$slideNum/go;
$slideText =~ s/%SLIDEMAX%/$slideMax/go;
$slideText =~ s/%SLIDENAV%/renderSlideNav(
$theWeb, $theTopic, $slideNum, $slideMax, "f p n", $qparams )/geo;
$slideText =~ s/%SLIDENAVALL%/renderSlideNav(
$theWeb, $theTopic, $slideNum, $slideMax, "f p n l", $qparams )/geo;
$slideText =~ s/%SLIDENAVFIRST%/renderSlideNav(
$theWeb, $theTopic, $slideNum, $slideMax, "f", $qparams )/geo;
$slideText =~ s/%SLIDENAVPREV%/renderSlideNav(
$theWeb, $theTopic, $slideNum, $slideMax, "p", $qparams )/geo;
$slideText =~ s/%SLIDENAVNEXT%/renderSlideNav(
$theWeb, $theTopic, $slideNum, $slideMax, "n", $qparams )/geo;
$slideText =~ s/%SLIDENAVLAST%/renderSlideNav(
$theWeb, $theTopic, $slideNum, $slideMax, "l", $qparams )/geo;
$text .= "\n\n-----\n#GoSlide$slideNum\n$slideText";
unless( $text =~ s/%SLIDECOMMENT%/\n$slideComment\n/go ) {
$text .= "\n$slideComment\n\n" if( $slideComment );
$text .= "%BR%\n\n" x 20;
$text =~ s/%TOC(?:\{.*?\})*%/renderSlideToc( $theWeb, $theTopic, @titles )/geo;
$text .= "\n#GoSlide$slideNum\n%BR%\n";
$text = "$textPre\n$text\n";
$text .= renderSlideNav( $theWeb, $theTopic, $slideMax + 1, $slideMax, "f p e", $qparams );
$text .= "\n";
$text .= "%BR%\n\n" x 30;
$text =~ s/%BR%/<br \/>/go;
$text .= $textPost;
} else {
# in normal topic view mode
if( $text =~ /[\n\r]\-\-\-+(\++)/s ) {
my $level = $1;
$level =~ s/\+/\\\+/go;
# add slide number to heading
my $slideNum = 1;
$text =~ s/([\n\r]\-\-\-+$level\!*) ([^\n\r]+)/"$1 Slide " . $slideNum++ . ": $2"/ges;
$text = "$textPre \n#StartPresentation\n"
. renderSlideNav( $theWeb, $theTopic, 1, 1, "s", $qparams )
. "\n$text $textPost";
return $text;
# =========================
sub renderSlideNav
my( $theWeb, $theTopic, $theNum, $theMax, $theButtons, $qstring ) = @_;
my $prev = $theNum - 1 || 1;
my $next = $theNum + 1;
my $text = '<span style="white-space: nowrap">';
my $viewUrl = "%SCRIPTURLPATH%/view%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/$theWeb/$theTopic";
if( $theButtons =~ /f/ ) {
# first slide button
if( $theButtons =~ / f/ ) {
$text .= "&nbsp;";
$text .= "<a href=\"$viewUrl$qstring#GoSlide1\">"
. "<img src=\"$imgRoot/first.gif\" border=\"0\""
. " alt=\"First slide\" /></a>";
if( $theButtons =~ /p/ ) {
# previous slide button
if( $theButtons =~ / p/ ) {
$text .= "&nbsp;";
$text .= "<a href=\"$viewUrl$qstring#GoSlide$prev\">"
. "<img src=\"$imgRoot/prev.gif\" border=\"0\""
. " alt=\"Previous\" /></a>";
if( $theButtons =~ /n/ ) {
# next slide button
if( $theButtons =~ / n/ ) {
$text .= "&nbsp;";
$text .= "<a href=\"$viewUrl$qstring#GoSlide$next\">"
. "<img src=\"$imgRoot/next.gif\" border=\"0\""
. " alt=\"Next\" /></a>";
if( $theButtons =~ /l/ ) {
# last slide button
if( $theButtons =~ / l/ ) {
$text .= "&nbsp;";
$text .= "<a href=\"$viewUrl$qstring#GoSlide$theMax\">"
. "<img src=\"$imgRoot/last.gif\" border=\"0\""
. " alt=\"Last slide\" /></a>";
if( $theButtons =~ /e/ ) {
# end slideshow button
if( $theButtons =~ / e/ ) {
$text .= "&nbsp;";
$text .= "<a href=\"$viewUrl\">"
. "<img src=\"$imgRoot/endpres.gif\" border=\"0\""
. " alt=\"End Presentation\" /></a>";
if( $theButtons =~ /s/ ) {
# start slideshow button
if( $theButtons =~ / s/ ) {
$text .= "&nbsp;";
$text .= "<a href=\"$viewUrl$qstring#GoSlide1\">"
. "<img src=\"$imgRoot/startpres.gif\" border=\"0\""
. " alt=\"Start Presentation\" /></a>";
$text .= '</span>';
return $text;
# =========================
sub renderSlideToc
my( $theWeb, $theTopic, @theTitles ) = @_;
my $slideNum = 1;
my $text = '';
my $viewUrl = "%SCRIPTURLPATH%/view%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/$theWeb/$theTopic";
foreach( @theTitles ) {
$text .= "\t\* ";
$text .= "<a href=\"$viewUrl?slideshow=on&amp;skin=print#GoSlide$slideNum\">";
$text .= " $_ </a>\n";
return $text;
# =========================
sub readTmplText
my( $theWeb, $theArgs ) = @_;
my $tmplTopic = TWiki::Func::extractNameValuePair( $theArgs, "template" );
unless( $tmplTopic ) {
$theWeb = $installWeb;
$tmplTopic = TWiki::Func::getPreferencesValue( "SLIDESHOWPLUGIN_TEMPLATE" )
|| "SlideShowPlugin";
if( $tmplTopic =~ /^([^\.]+)\.(.*)$/o ) {
$theWeb = $1;
$tmplTopic = $2;
my( $meta, $text ) = TWiki::Func::readTopic( $theWeb, $tmplTopic );
# remove everything before %STARTINCLUDE% and after %STOPINCLUDE%
$text =~ s/.*?%STARTINCLUDE%//os;
$text =~ s/%STOPINCLUDE%.*//os;
unless( $text ) {
$text = "<font color=\"red\"> $installWeb.SlideShowPlugin Error: </font>"
. "Slide template topic <nop>$theWeb.$tmplTopic not found or empty!\n\n"
} elsif( $text =~ /%SLIDETITLE%/ && $text =~ /%SLIDETEXT%/ ) {
# assume that format is OK
} else {
$text = "<font color=\"red\"> $installWeb.SlideShowPlugin Error: </font>"
. "Missing =%<nop>SLIDETITLE%= or =%<nop>SLIDETEXT%= in "
. "slide template topic $theWeb.$tmplTopic.\n\n"
$text =~ s/%WEB%/$theWeb/go;
$text =~ s/%TOPIC%/$tmplTopic/go;
$text =~ s/%ATTACHURL%/%PUBURL%\/$theWeb\/$tmplTopic/go;
return $text;
# =========================
sub urlEncode
my $text = shift;
$text =~ s/([^0-9a-zA-Z-_.:~!*'()\/%])/'%'.sprintf('%02x',ord($1))/ge;
$text =~ s/\%20/+/g;
return $text;