
453 lines
15 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

# Module of TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform,
# Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Peter Thoeny,
# and TWiki Contributors. All Rights Reserved. TWiki Contributors
# are listed in the AUTHORS file in the root of this distribution.
# NOTE: Please extend that file, not this notice.
# Additional copyrights apply to some or all of the code in this
# file as follows:
# Based on parts of Ward Cunninghams original Wiki and JosWiki.
# Copyright (C) 1998 Markus Peter - SPiN GmbH (
# Some changes by Dave Harris ( incorporated
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For
# more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited.
---+ package TWiki::UI::View
UI delegate for view function
package TWiki::UI::View;
use strict;
use integer;
use TWiki;
use TWiki::User;
use TWiki::UI;
use TWiki::Time;
---++ StaticMethod view( $session )
=view= command handler.
This method is designed to be
invoked via the =TWiki::UI::run= method.
Generate a complete HTML page that represents the viewed topics.
The view is controlled by CGI parameters as follows:
| =rev= | topic revision to view |
| =section= | restrict view to a named section |
| =raw= | no format body text if set |
| =skin= | comma-separated list of skin(s) to use |
| =contenttype= | Allows you to specify an alternate content type |
sub view {
my $session = shift;
my $query = $session->{cgiQuery};
my $webName = $session->{webName};
my $topicName = $session->{topicName};
my $raw = $query->param( 'raw' ) || '';
my $contentType = $query->param( 'contenttype' );
my $showRev = 1;
my $logEntry = '';
my $revdate = '';
my $revuser = '';
my $store = $session->{store};
# is this view indexable by search engines? Default yes.
my $indexableView = 1;
TWiki::UI::checkWebExists( $session, $webName, $topicName, 'view' );
my $skin = $session->getSkin();
my $rev = $store->cleanUpRevID( $query->param( 'rev' ));
my $topicExists =
$store->topicExists( $webName, $topicName );
# text and meta of the _latest_ rev of the topic
my( $currText, $currMeta );
# text and meta of the chosen rev of the topic
my( $meta, $text );
if( $topicExists ) {
( $currMeta, $currText ) = $store->readTopic
( $session->{user}, $webName, $topicName, undef );
TWiki::UI::checkAccess( $session, $webName, $topicName,
'view', $session->{user}, $currText );
( $revdate, $revuser, $showRev ) = $currMeta->getRevisionInfo();
$revdate = TWiki::Time::formatTime( $revdate );
if ( !$rev || $rev > $showRev ) {
$rev = $showRev;
if( $rev < $showRev ) {
( $meta, $text ) = $store->readTopic
( $session->{user}, $webName, $topicName, $rev );
( $revdate, $revuser ) = $meta->getRevisionInfo();
$revdate = TWiki::Time::formatTime( $revdate );
$logEntry .= 'r'.$rev;
} else {
# viewing the most recent rev
( $text, $meta ) = ( $currText, $currMeta );
# So we're reading an existing topic here. It is about time
# to apply the 'section' selection (and maybe others in the
# future as well). $text is cleared unless a named section
# matching the 'section' URL parameter is found.
if (my $section = $query->param('section')) {
my ( $ntext, $sections ) = TWiki::parseSections( $text );
$text = ''; # in the beginning, there was ... NO section
for my $s (@$sections) {
if ($s->{type} eq 'section' && $s->{name} eq $section) {
$text = substr( $ntext, $s->{start}, $s->{end}-$s->{start} );
} else { # Topic does not exist yet
$indexableView = 0;
$session->enterContext( 'new_topic' );
$rev = 1;
if( TWiki::isValidTopicName( $topicName )) {
( $currMeta, $currText ) =
TWiki::UI::readTemplateTopic( $session, 'WebTopicViewTemplate' );
} else {
( $currMeta, $currText ) =
TWiki::UI::readTemplateTopic( $session, 'WebTopicNonWikiTemplate' );
( $text, $meta ) = ( $currText, $currMeta );
$logEntry .= ' (not exist)';
if( $raw ) {
$indexableView = 0;
$logEntry .= ' raw='.$raw;
if( $raw eq 'debug' || $raw eq 'all' ) {
$text = $store->getDebugText( $meta, $text );
if( $TWiki::cfg{Log}{view} ) {
$session->writeLog( 'view', $webName.'.'.$topicName, $logEntry );
my( $mirrorSiteName, $mirrorViewURL, $mirrorLink, $mirrorNote ) =
$session->readOnlyMirrorWeb( $webName );
# Note; must enter all contexts before the template is read, as
# TMPL:P is expanded on the fly in the template reader. :-(
my( $revTitle, $revArg ) = ( '', '' );
if( $mirrorSiteName ) {
$session->enterContext( 'inactive' );
unless( $topicExists ) {
$text = '';
} elsif( $rev < $showRev ) {
$session->enterContext( 'inactive' );
# disable edit of previous revisions
$revTitle = '(r'.$rev.')';
$revArg = '&rev='.$rev;
my $template = $query->param( 'template' ) ||
$session->{prefs}->getPreferencesValue( 'VIEW_TEMPLATE' ) ||
my $tmpl = $session->{templates}->readTemplate( $template, $skin );
if( !$tmpl && $template ne 'view' ) {
$tmpl = $session->{templates}->readTemplate( 'view', $skin );
if( !$tmpl ) {
throw TWiki::OopsException( 'attention',
def => 'no_such_template',
web => $webName,
topic => $topicName,
params => [ $template, 'VIEW_TEMPLATE' ] );
$tmpl =~ s/%REVINFO%/%REVINFO%$mirrorNote/go;
$tmpl =~ s/%REVTITLE%/$revTitle/g;
$tmpl =~ s/%REVARG%/$revArg/g;
if( $indexableView &&
$TWiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{RobotsAreWelcome} &&
!$query->param() ) {
# it's an indexable view type, there are no parameters
# on the url, and robots are welcome. Remove the NOINDEX meta tag
$tmpl =~ s/<meta name="robots"[^>]*>//goi;
# Show revisions around the one being displayed
# we start at $showRev then possibly jump near $rev if too distant
my $revsToShow = $TWiki::cfg{NumberOfRevisions} + 1;
$revsToShow = $showRev if $showRev < $revsToShow;
my $doingRev = $showRev;
my $revs = '';
while( $revsToShow > 0 ) {
if( $doingRev == $rev) {
$revs .= 'r'.$rev;
} else {
$revs .= CGI::a({
href=>$session->getScriptUrl( 0,
rev => $doingRev ),
rel => 'nofollow'
"r$doingRev" );
if ( $doingRev - $rev >= $TWiki::cfg{NumberOfRevisions} ) {
# we started too far away, need to jump closer to $rev
use integer;
$doingRev = $rev + $revsToShow / 2;
$doingRev = $revsToShow if $revsToShow > $doingRev;
$revs .= ' | ';
if( $revsToShow ) {
$revs .= '&nbsp;' . CGI::a
( { href=>$session->getScriptUrl(
0, 'rdiff', $webName, $topicName,
rev1 => $doingRev,
rev2 => $doingRev-1 ),
rel => 'nofollow' },
'&lt;' ) . '&nbsp;';
my $ri = $session->{renderer}->renderRevisionInfo( $webName,
$meta );
$tmpl =~ s/%REVINFO%/$ri/go;
$tmpl =~ s/%REVISIONS%/$revs/go;
## SMELL: This is also used in TWiki::_TOC. Could insert a tag in
## TOC and remove all those here, finding the parameters only once
my @qparams = ();
foreach my $name ( $query->param ) {
next if ($name eq 'keywords');
next if ($name eq 'topic');
push @qparams, $name => $query->param($name);
$tmpl =~ s/%QUERYPARAMSTRING%/TWiki::_make_params(1,@qparams)/geo;
# extract header and footer from the template, if there is a
# %TEXT% tag marking the split point. The topic text is inserted
# in place of the %TEXT% tag. The text before this tag is inserted
# as header, the text after is inserted as footer. If there is a
# %STARTTEXT% tag present, the header text between %STARTTEXT% and
# %TEXT is rendered together, as is the footer text between %TEXT%
# and %ENDTEXT%, if present. This allows correct handling of TWiki
# markup in header or footer if those do require examination of the
# topic text to work correctly (e.g., %TOC%).
# Note: This feature is experimental and may be replaced by an
# alternative solution not requiring additional tags.
my( $start, $end );
if( $tmpl =~ m/^(.*)%TEXT%(.*)$/s ) {
my @starts = split( /%STARTTEXT%/, $1 );
if ( $#starts > 0 ) { # we know that there is something before %STARTTEXT%
$start = $starts[0];
$text = $starts[1] . $text;
} else {
$start = $1;
my @ends = split( /%ENDTEXT%/, $2 );
if ( $#ends > 0 ) { # we know that there is something after %ENDTEXT%
$text .= $ends[0];
$end = $ends[1];
} else {
$end = $2;
} else {
my @starts = split( /%STARTTEXT%/, $tmpl );
if ( $#starts > 0 ) { # we know that there is something before %STARTTEXT%
$start = $starts[0];
$text = $starts[1];
} else {
$start = $tmpl;
$text = '';
$end = '';
# If minimalist is set, images and anchors will be stripped from text
my $minimalist = 0;
if( $contentType ) {
$minimalist = ( $skin =~ /\brss/ );
} elsif( $skin =~ /\brss/ ) {
$contentType = 'text/xml';
$minimalist = 1;
} elsif( $skin =~ /\bxml/ ) {
$contentType = 'text/xml';
$minimalist = 1;
} elsif( $raw eq 'text' || $raw eq 'all' ) {
$contentType = 'text/plain';
} else {
$contentType = 'text/html'
$session->{SESSION_TAGS}{MAXREV} = $showRev;
$session->{SESSION_TAGS}{CURRREV} = $rev;
# Set page generation mode to RSS if using an RSS skin
$session->enterContext( 'rss' ) if $skin =~ /\brss/;
# Set the meta-object that contains the rendering info
# SMELL: hack to get around not having a proper topic object model
$session->enterContext( 'can_render_meta', $meta );
my $page;
# Legacy: If the _only_ skin is 'text' it is used like this:
# http://.../view/Codev/MyTopic?skin=text&contenttype=text/plain&raw=on
# which shows the topic as plain text; useful for those who want
# to download plain text for the topic. So when the skin is 'text'
# we do _not_ want to create a textarea.
# raw=on&skin=text is deprecated; use raw=text instead.
if( $raw eq 'text' || $raw eq 'all' || ( $raw && $skin eq 'text' )) {
# use raw text
$page = $text;
} else {
my @args = ( $session, $webName, $topicName, $meta, $minimalist );
$session->enterContext( 'header_text' );
$page = _prepare($start, @args);
$session->leaveContext( 'header_text' );
if( $raw ) {
if ($text) {
my $p = $session->{prefs};
$page .=
CGI::textarea( -readonly => 'readonly',
-rows => $p->getPreferencesValue('EDITBOXHEIGHT'),
-cols => $p->getPreferencesValue('EDITBOXWIDTH'),
-style => $p->getPreferencesValue('EDITBOXSTYLE'),
-default => $text
} else {
$session->enterContext( 'body_text' );
$page .= _prepare($text, @args);
$session->leaveContext( 'body_text' );
$session->enterContext( 'footer_text' );
$page .= _prepare($end, @args);
$session->leaveContext( 'footer_text' );
# Output has to be done in one go, because if we generate the header and
# then redirect because of some later constraint, some browsers fall over
$session->writeCompletePage( $page, 'view', $contentType )
sub _prepare {
my( $text, $session, $webName, $topicName, $meta, $minimalist) = @_;
$text = $session->handleCommonTags( $text, $webName, $topicName );
$text = $session->{renderer}->getRenderedVersion( $text, $webName, $topicName );
$text =~ s/( ?) *<\/?(nop|noautolink)\/?>\n?/$1/gois;
if( $minimalist ) {
$text =~ s/<img [^>]*>//gi; # remove image tags
$text =~ s/<a [^>]*>//gi; # remove anchor tags
$text =~ s/<\/a>//gi; # remove anchor tags
return $text;
---++ StaticMethod viewfile( $session, $web, $topic, $query )
=viewfile= command handler.
This method is designed to be
invoked via the =TWiki::UI::run= method.
Command handler for viewfile. View a file in the browser.
Some parameters are passed in CGI query:
| =filename= | Attachment to view |
| =rev= | Revision to view |
sub viewfile {
my $session = shift;
my $query = $session->{cgiQuery};
my $webName = $session->{webName};
my $topic = $session->{topicName};
my $fileName = $query->param( 'filename' );
$fileName = TWiki::Sandbox::sanitizeAttachmentName( $fileName );
my $rev = $session->{store}->cleanUpRevID( $query->param( 'rev' ) );
unless( $fileName && $session->{store}->attachmentExists(
$webName, $topic, $fileName )) {
throw TWiki::OopsException( 'attention',
def => 'no_such_attachment',
web => $webName,
topic => $topic,
params => [ 'viewfile', $fileName||'?' ] );
my $fileContent = $session->{store}->readAttachment(
$session->{user}, $webName, $topic, $fileName, $rev );
my $type = _suffixToMimeType( $session, $fileName );
my $length = length( $fileContent );
my $dispo = 'inline;filename='.$fileName;
print <<HERE;
Content-type: $type
Content-length: $length
Content-Disposition: $dispo
sub _suffixToMimeType {
my( $session, $theFilename ) = @_;
my $mimeType = 'text/plain';
if( $theFilename =~ /\.([^.]+)$/ ) {
my $suffix = $1;
my @types = grep{ s/^\s*([^\s]+).*?\s$suffix\s.*$/$1/i }
map{ $_.' ' }
split( /[\n\r]/,
TWiki::readFile( $TWiki::cfg{MimeTypesFileName} ) );
$mimeType = $types[0] if( @types );
return $mimeType;