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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="BobMorris" date="1162705140" format="1.1" reprev="1.6" version="1.6"}%
This is a refactoring of the [[][slides of Anna Weitzman]] at TDWG 2006. It is intended that discussion take place about the criteria expressed in them and what approaches are taken to the given issue. This page is a work in process. Do not edit until this notice goes away... Main.BobMorris
| * Links to external documentation * |||||
| *Product* | *Spec* | *Docs* | *Apps* | *Other* |
|PDF| | | | |
|TEI/TEI-lite| | | | |
|Flora Zambeziaca| | | | |
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.| | | | |
|Flora of Australia| | | | |
|TEI +| | | | |
|!TaxonX | | | | |
|taXMLit| | | | |
Below are the criteria. Each supports an opinion about whether it meets the given criterion, followed by the initials of the person most recently offering it, and the rev of this topic at which it was changed. The intention is to discuss _that_ assertion, or anything else specific to the row, on the topic linked at the end of each row. In such discussion, please be sure to indicate who you are and which Criterion you are discussing. If you change the conformance assertion, please add text to the to the associated Comment topic so that people understand why you changed it. Discussion of the Criterion itself should take place at the topic whose link follows each Criterion table.
| * Key to Notes * ||
| * Note * | * Denotes * |
|(1)|"depends on interface"|
|(2)|"of same series"|
| * Key to commentators on conformance * ||
| Initials | Who |
|AW|Anna Weitzman|
|RAM|Bob Morris|
|TC|Terry Catapano|
---+++Criterion (1) Allows searching at some level
| *Product* | * Meets* | * Says * | * At rev * | *Link to Discussion* |
|PDF|yes if text, no if image| AW | r1 | CommentPDF |
|TEI/TEI-lite|yes| AW | r1 | CommentTEI |
|Flora Zambeziaca|yes| AW | r1 | CommentFZ |
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|yes| AW | r1 | CommentFNZ |
|Flora of Australia|yes| AW | r1 | CommentFA |
|TEI +|yes| AW | r1 | CommentTEIPlus |
|!TaxonX |yes| AW | r1 | CommentTaxonX |
|taXMLit|yes| AW | r1 |CommentTaxMLit |
| [[Criterion1GeneralComments]] |
---+++Criterion (2) Includes metadata about the publication
| *Product* | * Meets* | * Says * | * At rev * | *Link to Discussion* |
|PDF|no| AW | r1 |CommentPDF|
|TEI/TEI-lite|yes| AW | r1 | CommentTEI|
|Flora Zambeziaca|yes| AW | r1 | CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|yes| AW | r1 | CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|yes| AW | r1 | CommentFA|
|TEI +|yes| AW | r1 | CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |yes| AW | r1 | CommentTaxonX|
|taXMLit|yes| AW | r1 | CommentTaxMLit|
| [[Criterion2GeneralComments]] |
---+++Criterion (3) Distinguishes main components of taxonomic literature
| *Product* | * Meets* | * Says * | * At rev * | *Link to Discussion* |
|PDF|no| AW | r1 |CommentPDF|
|TEI/TEI-lite|no| AW | r1 | CommentTEI|
|Flora Zambeziaca|yes| AW | r1 | CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|yes| AW | r1 | CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|yes| AW | r1 | CommentFA|
|TEI +|yes| AW | r1 | CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |yes| AW | r1 | CommentTaxonX|
|taXMLit|yes| AW | r1 | CommentTaxMLit|
| [[Criterion3GeneralComments]] |
---+++Criterion (4) Potentially applicable to all taxonomic literature
| *Product* | * Meets* | * Says * | * At rev * | *Link to Discussion* |
|PDF|yes| AW | r1 | CommentPDF|
|TEI/TEI-lite|yes| AW | r1 | CommentTEI|
|Flora Zambeziaca|no| AW | r1 | CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|no| AW | r1 | CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|no| AW | r1 | CommentFA|
|TEI +|yes| AW | r1 |CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |yes| AW | r1 | CommentTaxonX|
|taXMLit|yes| AW | r1 | CommentTaxMLit|
| [[Criterion4GeneralComments]] |
---+++Criterion (5) Allows (or structure could allow) multiple search criteria
| *Product* | * Says * | * At rev * | *name* | *synonyms*| *geography* | *dates* | *authors* | *collector* | *other* | *Link to Discussion* |
|PDF| AW | r1 |no|no|no|no|no|no|yes|CommentPDF|
|TEI/TEI-lite| AW | r1 |no|no|no|no|no|no|yes|CommentTEI|
|Flora Zambeziaca| AW | r1 |yes*|no|yes*|no|no|no|yes*|CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.| AW | r1 |yes|no|no|no|no|no|no|CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia| AW | r1 |yes*|no|no|no|no|no|no|CommentFA|
|TEI +| AW | r1 |yes*|yes*|yes*|yes*|yes*|yes*|yes*|CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX | AW | r1 |yes|no|yes*|yes*|yes*|no|yes*|CommentTaxonX|
|taXMLit| AW | r1 |yes|yes|yes|yes|yes|yes|yes|CommentTaxMLit|
| [[Criterion5GeneralComments]] |
---+++Criterion (6) Allows selection of user-defined subsets
| *Product* | * Meets* | * Says * | * At rev * | *Link to Discussion* |
|PDF|no| AW | r1 |CommentPDF|
|TEI/TEI-lite|no| AW | r1 |CommentTEI|
|Flora Zambeziaca|no| AW | r1 |CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|no| AW | r1 |CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|yes| AW | r1 |CommentFA|
|TEI +|no| AW | r1 |CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |yes*(1) | AW | r1 |CommentTaxonX|
|taXMLit|yes (1)| AW | r1 |CommentTaxMLit|
| [[Criterion6GeneralComments]] |
---+++Criterion (7) Suitable for accessing multiple works simultaneously
| *Product* | * Meets* | * Says * | * At rev * | *Link to Discussion* |
|PDF|no| AW | r1 |CommentPDF|
|TEI/TEI-lite|no| AW | r1 |CommentTEI|
|Flora Zambeziaca|yes (2)| AW | r1 |CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|yes (2)| AW | r1 |CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|yes (2)| AW | r1 |CommentFA|
|TEI +|yes| AW | r1 |CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |yes | AW | r1 |CommentTaxonX|
|taXMLit|yes| AW | r1 |CommentTaxMLit|
| [[Criterion7GeneralComments]] |
---+++Criterion (8) Synonymy extractable and combinable into catalogue format
| *Product* | * Meets* | * Says * | * At rev * | *Link to Discussion* |
|PDF|no| AW | r1 |CommentPDF|
|TEI/TEI-lite|no| AW | r1 |CommentTEI|
|Flora Zambeziaca|no| AW | r1 |CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|no| AW | r1 |CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|yno| AW | r1 |CommentFA|
|TEI +|yes*| AW | r1 |CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |no| AW | r1 |CommentTaxonX|
|taXMLit|yes| AW | r1 |CommentTaxMLit|
| [[Criterion8GeneralComments]] |
---+++Criterion (9) Display outputs from different treatments in uniform/comparable style
| *Product* | * Meets* | * Says * | * At rev * | *Link to Discussion* |
|PDF|no| AW | r1 |CommentPDF|
|TEI/TEI-lite|no| AW | r1 |CommentTEI|
|Flora Zambeziaca|yes (2)| AW | r1 |CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|yes (2)| AW | r1 |CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|yes (2)| AW | r1 |CommentFA|
|TEI +|yes| AW | r1 |CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |yes| AW | r1 |CommentTaxonX|
|taXMLit|yes| AW | r1 |CommentTaxMLit|
| [[Criterion9GeneralComments]] |
---+++Criterion (10) Output formats contain data with contextual information or without (atomized data may be extracted for other uses)
| *Product* | * Meets* | * Says * | * At rev * | *Link to Discussion* |
|PDF|no| AW | r1 |CommentPDF|
|TEI/TEI-lite|no(only with)| AW | r1 |CommentTEI|
|Flora Zambeziaca|no(only with)| AW | r1 |CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|no(only with)| AW | r1 |CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|no(only with)| AW | r1 |CommentFA|
|TEI +|no(only with)| AW | r1 |CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |no(only with)| AW | r1 |CommentTaxonX|
|taXMLit|yes| AW | r1 |CommentTaxMLit|
| [[Criterion10GeneralComments]] |
---+++Criterion (11) Produces usable keys
| *Product* | * Meets* | * Says * | * At rev * | *Link to Discussion* |
|PDF|no| AW | r1 |CommentPDF|
|TEI/TEI-lite|no| AW | r1 |CommentTEI|
|Flora Zambeziaca|yes| AW | r1 |CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|yes| AW | r1 |CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|yes| AW | r1 |CommentFA|
|TEI +|no| AW | r1 |CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |no| AW | r1 |CommentTaxonX|
|taXMLit|yes| AW | r1 |CommentTaxMLit|
| [[Criterion11GeneralComments]] |
---+++Criterion (12) Interoperable with other standard schemas
| *Product* | * Meets* | * Says * | * At rev * | *Link to Discussion* |
|PDF|no| AW | r1 |CommentPDF|
|TEI/TEI-lite|no| AW | r1 |CommentTEI|
|Flora Zambeziaca|no| AW | r1 |CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|no| AW | r1 |CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|no| AW | r1 |CommentFA|
|TEI +|no| AW | r1 |CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |yes*| AW | r1 |CommentTaxonX|
|taXMLit|yes| AW | r1 |CommentTaxMLit|
| [[Criterion12GeneralComments]] |
---+++Criterion (13) Uses other schemas
| *Product* | * Meets* | * Says * | * At rev * | *Link to Discussion* |
|PDF|no| AW | r1 |CommentPDF|
|TEI/TEI-lite|no| AW | r1 |CommentTEI|
|Flora Zambeziaca|no| AW | r1 |CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|no| AW | r1 |CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|no| AW | r1 |CommentFA|
|TEI +|no| AW | r1 |CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |yes| AW | r1 |CommentTaxonX|
|taXMLit|yes| AW | r1 |CommentTaxMLit|
| [[Criterion13GeneralComments]] |
-- Main.BobMorris - 21 Oct 2006
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="BobMorris" date="1162692239" format="1.1" version="1.5"}%
a4 41
* Criterion (1) Allows searching at some level
* PDF _depends on source (image or text)
* TEI/TEI-lite yes
* Flora Zambeziaca yes
* Flora/Fauna of New Zealand yes
* Flora of Australia yes
* TEI + yes
* TaxonX yes
* Criterion (2)
* Includes metadata about the publication
* PDF no
* TEI/TEI-lite yes
* Flora Zambeziaca yes
* Flora/Fauna of New Zealand yes
* Flora of Australia yes
* TEI + yes
* TaxonX yes
* taXMLit yes
* Criterion (3)
* Distinguishes main components of taxonomic literature
* PDF no
| * * TEI/TEI-lite no
* Flora Zambeziaca yes
* Flora/Fauna of New Zealand yes
* Flora of Australia yes
* TEI yes yes
* TaxonX yes
* taXMLit yes
*Criterion (4)
* Potentially applicable to all taxonomic literature
* PDF yes
* TEI/TEI-lite yes
* Flora Zambeziaca no
* Flora/Fauna of New Zealand no
* Flora of Australia no
* TEI yes yes
* !TaxonX yes
* taXMLit yes
d6 87
a92 2
!* denotes XXXX (1) denotes "depends on interface"
!* (2) denotes "of same series"
d95 9
a103 10
| *Product* | * Orig * | *Link to Discussion* |
| | *Eval* | |
|Flora Zambeziaca|no|CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|no|CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|yes|CommentFA|
|TEI +|no|CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |yes*(1) |CommentTaxonX|
|taXMLit|yes (1)|CommentTaxMLit|
d107 9
a115 10
| *Product* | * Orig * | *Link to Discussion* |
| | *Eval* | |
|Flora Zambeziaca|yes (2)|CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|yes (2)|CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|yes (2)|CommentFA|
|TEI +|yes|CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |yes |CommentTaxonX|
d119 9
a127 10
| *Product* | * Orig * | *Link to Discussion* |
| | *Eval* | |
|Flora Zambeziaca|no|CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|no|CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|yno|CommentFA|
|TEI +|yes*|CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |no|CommentTaxonX|
d131 9
a139 10
| *Product* | * Orig * | *Link to Discussion* |
| | *Eval* | |
|Flora Zambeziaca|yes (2)|CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|yes (2)|CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|yes (2)|CommentFA|
|TEI +|yes|CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |yes|CommentTaxonX|
d142 10
a151 11
--+++Criterion (10) Output formats contain data with contextual information or without (atomized data may be extracted for other uses)
| *Product* | * Orig * | *Link to Discussion* |
| | *Eval* | |
|TEI/TEI-lite|no(only with)|CommentTEI|
|Flora Zambeziaca|no(only with)|CommentFZ|
|Flora/Fauna of N.Z.|no(only with)|CommentFNZ|
|Flora of Australia|no(only with)|CommentFA|
|TEI +|no(only with)CommentTEIPlus|
|!TaxonX |no(only with)|CommentTaxonX|
d154 37
d192 1
a192 2
-- Main.BobMorris - 21 Oct 2006@
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="BobMorris" date="1162680976" format="1.1" reprev="1.4" version="1.4"}%
d102 16
a117 1
-- Main.BobMorris - 21 Oct 2006
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="BobMorris" date="1161742243" format="1.1" version="1.3"}%
d3 1
a3 1
This is a refactoring of the slides of Anna Weitzman at TDWG 2006. It is intended that discussion take place about the criteria expressed in them and what approaches are taken to the given issue. This page is a work in process. Do not edit until this notice goes away... Main.BobMorris
d48 1
d50 1
a50 1
*Criterion (6) Allows selection of user-defined subsets*
d61 1
d63 40
a102 1
-- Main.BobMorris - 21 Oct 2006@
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="BobMorris" date="1161472005" format="1.1" version="1.2"}%
d3 1
a3 1
This is a refactoring of the slides of Anna Weitzmann at TDWG 2006. It is intended that discussion take place about the criteria expressed in them and what approaches are taken to the given issue. This page is a work in process. Do not edit until this notice goes away... Main.BobMorris
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="BobMorris" date="1161467849" format="1.1" reprev="1.1" version="1.1"}%
d3 1
a3 1
This is a refactoring of the slides of Anna Weitzmann at TDWG 2006. It is intended that discussion take place about the criteria expressed in them and what approaches are taken to the given issue
d35 1
a35 1
d44 1
a44 1
* TaxonX yes
d47 13
a59 10
| * Criterion (6) * |
| *Allows selection of user-defined subsets* ||
|PDF |no|
|TEI/TEI-lite |no|
|Flora Zambeziaca |no|
|Flora/Fauna of New Zealand |no|
|Flora of Australia |yes|
|TEI +| |no|
|TaxonX |yes* (depends on interface)|
|taXMLit |yes (depends on interface)|
d61 1
a61 1
-- Main.BobMorris - 21 Oct 2006