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date 2006.; author GregorHagedorn; state Exp;
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@*SHOW Grass Genera - specifications. 17 March 1993.
*COMMENT This file is derived from sample data provided with the CSIRO DELTA programs. It is used
*COMMENT to test the import of DELTA formatted data into other DELTA compatible applications.
*COMMENT In this file I try to use or not use blank before or after the directive separator!
* CHARACTER TYPES 1,TE 3,RN 7,OM 8,RN 11,OM 25,TE 26,RN 27,OM 33,OM 38,IN 41,IN 44,IN 47,OM 48,IN 51,OM 54,IN 56,OM 60,IN 62,IN 64,OM 78-84,EUM 85,IN 87-88,TE
*NUMBERS OF STATES 7,7 11,4 12,3 13,5 18,3 23-24,4 27,3 28,4 33,3 40,3 47,3
49,3 51,3 56,3 63-64,3 67,3 69,3 74,3 78,5 79,6 80,7 81,15 82,12 83,4 84,6 86,6
*IMPLICIT VALUES 9,2 10,1 16,2 20,2 32,1 65,2 67,3 71-72,2 75,2 77,2
*DEPENDENT CHARACTERS 10,2:11 16,2:17 20,2:21-24 32,2:33-38 39,1:40-43
47,1/2:48-51 55,2:56 57,2:58-59 68,2:69 78,1:81-84 78,2:80:82-84
78,3:79-81:83-84 78,4:79-82:84 78,5:80-83
*DECIMAL PLACES 3,0 8,2 26,3
*COMMENT error directives added for testing only, do not make sense with the data!
*PERCENT ERROR 3,10 8,20 26,30
*ABSOLUTE ERROR 60,10 62,.005
*LINK CHARACTERS 3-5 7-9 10-11 13-15 16-17 18-21 26-29 32-37 41-42
45-47:52-54 48-51 55-56 57-59 62-63 64-65 68-70 71-72 73-75 78-
*NEW PARAGRAPHS AT CHARACTERS 1-2 12 25-26 68 77-78 87
*COMMENT Input files that are not present should be annotated, but should not prohibit import:
#88. MISCELLANEOUS (char heading only)
*ITEM SUBHEADINGS #1. MISCELLANEOUS (item subheading only)
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "nomenclature" 1
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "habit" 2-5 13
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "vegetative form" 2-11
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " culms (form)" 3-6
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " leaves (form)" 7-11
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " ligules" 10-11
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "reproductive organization" 12 23-24
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "inflorescence form" 13-24
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "femsterile spikelets" 25
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "femfertile spikelets" 26-63
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " glumes" 32-38
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " incomplete florets" 39-43
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " florets (female-fertile)" 44-63
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " lemmas (female-fertile)" 44-51 53-54
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " awns of female-fertile lemmas" 47-51
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " paleas (female-fertile)" 55-56
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " androecium of female-fertile florets" 60
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " gynoecium" 61-63
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "fruit" 64-67
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "photosynthetic pathway-related features" 68-70
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " biochemistry" 69
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "ts anatomy of the leaf blade" 68 70-76
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "diagnostic features of individual taxa" 77
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "classification" 78-84
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " subfamilies and supertribes" 78-79
*DEFINE CHARACTERS " tribes" 80-84
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "species number" 85
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "geography" 86
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "references" 87
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "text" 1 25 87 88
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "nontext" 2-24 26-86
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "morphology" veg repro infl femster femfert glumes incompl
florets lemmas paleas androec gynoec fruit diag
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "ident - include for routine identification using `Best'"
1-77 86-88
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "brief description" nom class spec geog ref
*DEFINE CHARACTERS "illustrated" 6 9 10 11 13
*CHARACTER RELIABILITIES 2-5,7 6,5 7-10,7 11-13,8 14-26,7 27,8 28-38,7 39,5
40-43,7 44,8 45-47,7 48,8 49-63,7 64,6 65,7 66,8 67,7 68,2 69,1 70,2 71-76,1 77,8 78-85,1 86,6
*KEY STATES 3,~2/2-5/5-25/25-75/75-150/150-300/300-1000/1000~ 7,1-3/4-6/7
8,~1/1-3/3-5/5-12/12-25/25-50/50-100/100~ 11,1/2-3/4
26,~0.9/0.9-2/2-5/5-15/15-30/30~ 38,0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8-9/10-12/13-19/20~
41,0/1/2~ 44,1/2/3~ 48,1/2/3/4/5/6-8/9/10/11/12/13-23/24~
54,0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8-9/10-12/13-19/20~ 60,0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7-15/15~ 62,1/2/3/4-5/6/7~
#1. C:\DELTA\DOCU\DATMODEL_THEORET.GIF <annotation for first image> C:\DELTA\DOCU\DATMODEL_CORE.gif <annotation for second image>
#2. C:\DELTA\DOCU\DATMODEL_THEORET.GIF <annotation for first image> C:\DELTA\DOCU\DATMODEL_CORE.gif <annotation for second image>
*SHOW Grass Genera - character list. 17 March 1993.
#1. <synonyms: `genera' included in the current description [X_] for most
nomenclatural literature references, see Clayton and Renvoize 1986>/
#2. <longevity of plants>/
1. annual <or biennial, without remains of old sheaths or culms>/
2. perennial <with remains of old sheaths and/[\]or culms> <Figs 1, 2,
#3. <mature> culms <maximum height: data unreliable for large genera>/
cm high/
#4. culms <whether woody or herbaceous>/
1. woody and persistent/
2. herbaceous <not woody, not persistent>/
#5. culms <whether branched above>/
1. branched <vegetatively> above <Fig. 2>/
2. unbranched <vegetatively> above <Figs 1, 7>/
#6. culm nodes <whether hairy or glabrous>/
1. hairy <Figs 4, 33>/
2. glabrous <Fig. 4>/
#7. leaf blades <shape/data incomplete>/
1. linear/
2. linear-lanceolate/
3. lanceolate/
4. ovate-lanceolate/
5. ovate/
6. elliptic/oblong/
7. obovate/
#8. leaf blades <mid-width: data very incomplete>/
mm wide/
#9. leaf blades <whether pseudopetiolate>/
1. pseudopetiolate <Figs 11, 42>/
2. not pseudopetiolate <implicit>/
#10. <adaxial> ligule <presence>/
1. <consistently> present <implicit>/
2. absent <at least from upper leaves>/
#11. <adaxial> ligule <form [X_] avoid seedlings>/
1. an unfringed membrane <may be variously hairy or ciliolate> <Fig.
2. a fringed membrane <Figs 20, 21, 23>/
3. a fringe of hairs <Fig. 22>/
4. a rim of minute papillae/
#12. plants <whether monoecious, with bisexual spikelets, or dioecious>/
1. <bisexual, but> monoecious with all the fertile spikelets unisexual/
2. bisexual, with <at least some> bisexual spikelets <Plates 1:4, 1:5,
1:8, 2:10, 2:11, 2:13[X-]2:17 etc.>/
3. dioecious <with separate male and female-fertile individuals> <Figs
25, 26>/
#13. inflorescence <chasmogamous: overall form>/
1. a single spike <Plate 1:9; Fig. 30>/
2. of spicate <spike-like> main branches <of spikes, narrow racemes or
narrow panicles> <Plate 1:4; Figs 31, 38, 53, 54>/
3. a false spike, with spikelets <or spikelet clusters> on contracted
axes <Plate 1:5; Figs 42, 49, 50, 51, 77>/
4. a single raceme <at least some of the spikelets clearly pedicellate>
<Fig. 33, 79>/
5. paniculate <and not readily referable to any of the other states>
<Plates 1:1, 1:3, 1:8, 2:12; Figs 34, 35, 36, 37, 55>/
#14. inflorescence <whether open or contracted: mainly applied to
1. open <Plates 1:8, 2:12; Figs 34, 35>/
2. contracted <very compact, or narrow and spike-like> <Plates 1:1,
1:3; Figs 36, 37>/
#15. inflorescence <whether comprising a complex of `partial
inflorescences' and intervening foliar organs (= leaves, spathes,
1. a complex of `partial inflorescences' and intervening foliar organs
<i.e., a `pseudo-inflorescence'> <Fig. 43>/
2. not comprising `partial inflorescences' and foliar organs/
#16. spikelet-bearing axes <whether disarticulating. Note that
spikelet-bearing axes may be greatly reduced>/
1. disarticulating <often manifested in clearly articulated rachides.
Excluding inflorescences falling whole (tumbleweeds)> <Figs 26, 27,
44, 45, 46, 47, 59, 76>/
2. persistent <not disarticulating: implicit> <Figs 30, 38, 39, 53>/
#17. spikelet-bearing axes <manner of disarticulation>/
1. falling entire <Figs. 50, 51>/
2. disarticulating at the joints <Figs 27, 44, 45, 46, 47, 59, 75, 76>/
#18. spikelets <grouping: recorded mainly in spikes and racemes>/
1. <mainly> solitary <Plate 1:4; Figs 30, 38, 56>/
2. <consistently> paired <Plate 1:6; Fig. 44>/
3. <consistently> in triplets <Figs 46, 52, 59>/
#19. spikelets <whether secund: currently a catch-all character, covering
one-sidedness of inflorescence (e.g., [IDactylis], dorsiventral
rachides, etc.>/
1. secund <Plates 1:2, 1:4, 2:15; Figs 31, 32, 38, 39, 42, 53, 54, 55>/
2. not secund/
#20. spikelets <whether in regular `long-and-short' combinations, as
exemplified in typical andropogonoids>/
1. consistently in `long-and-short' combinations <i.e.,
pedicellate/[\]sessile or long-pedicel/[\]short-pedicel pairs or
triplets: currently includes andropogonoid forms with the
pedicellate `spikelets' reduced to their pedicels> <Plates 1:6, 1:7;
Figs 28, 44, 47, 59, 72, 76>/
2. not <consistently> in distinct `long-and-short' combinations
#21. spikelets <detail of `long-and-short' combinations (intended mainly
for andropogonoids)>/
1. in pedicellate/[\]sessile combinations <Figs 28, 44, 47, 59>/
2. unequally pedicellate in each combination/
#22. pedicels of the `pedicellate' spikelets <whether fused with the
rachis: intended for andropogonoids>/
1. discernible, but <extensively> fused with the rachis <Plate 1:7;
Figs 47, 60>/
2. free of the rachis <Fig. 44, 75>/
#23. the `shorter' <andropogonoid> spikelets <sessile or
shorter-pedicelled, sexuality>/
1. hermaphrodite <Fig. 59>/
2. female-only/
3. male-only/
4. sterile/
#24. the `longer' <andropogonoid> spikelets <pedicelled or
longer-pedicelled, sexuality>/
1. hermaphrodite/
2. female-only/
3. male-only/
4. sterile <comment if reduced to pedicels> <Figs 59, 60>/
#25. <comments on female-sterile spikelets>/
#26. <female-fertile> spikelets <approximate length, excluding any awns:
data unreliable for large genera>/
mm long/
#27. <female-fertile> spikelets <plane of compression>/
1. compressed laterally <lying on the side when placed on a flat
surface> <Plates 1:2, 1:5, 1:9, 2:15, 2:17; Figs 30, 54, 56, 61, 67,
68, 73, 119>/
2. not noticeably compressed <terete>/
3. compressed <dorsally, ventrally or> dorsiventrally <lying on front
or back when placed on a flat surface> <Plates 1:4, 1:7, 2:10, 2:11;
Figs 70, 74, 75, 82, 97, 98>/
#28. <female-fertile> spikelets <location of disarticulation positions>/
1. <readily> disarticulating above the glumes <when mature>/
2. disarticulating between the glumes/
3. falling with the glumes <when mature> <pending data changes,
including forms where the spikelets are shed by inflorescence
4. not disarticulating <common in cultivated cereals>/
#29. <female-fertile> spikelets <whether rachilla disarticulates between
the florets of spikelets with two or more fertile florets>/
1. not disarticulating between the florets/
2. disarticulating between the florets/
#30. rachilla <of female-fertile spikelets, whether terminated by a
female-fertile floret, or `prolonged'>/
1. prolonged beyond the uppermost female-fertile floret <i.e. not
terminated by a female-fertile floret: note that `racemose'
spikelets with three or more female-fertile florets have all been
awarded this state> <Figs 41, 56, 61, 65>/
2. terminated by a female-fertile floret <not `prolonged'>/
#31. hairy callus <presence: an unsatisfactory catch-all character, but
widely recorded and useful in keys>/
1. present <Figs 28, 63, 72, 100>/
2. absent/
#32. glumes <of female-fertile spikelets, present or absent>/
1. present <implicit>/
2. absent/
#33. glumes <of female-fertile spikelets, number: `glumes' are barren, with
neither axillary spikelets nor florets>/
1. one per spikelet/
2. two/
3. several/
#34. glumes <of female-fertile spikelets, whether markedly unequal in the
intact spikelet; regardless of any differences in form>/
1. very unequal <in length in the intact spikelet> <Plates 1:8, 2:10,
2:12; Figs 61, 68, 71>/
2. more or less equal <in length in the intact spikelet: generally
includes `subequal'> <Plates 1:1, 1:7, 2:11; Figs 62, 66, 73, 79,
85, 89, 114, 119>/
#35. glumes <of female-fertile spikelets, lengths relative to proximal
(adjacent) lemmas. Refers to the longer glume when glumes unequal>/
1. <decidedly> shorter than the adjacent lemmas <in intact spikelets>
<Figs 61, 68, 89>/
2. long relative to the adjacent lemmas <more or less equalling or
exceeding them> <Plates 1:1, 1:7, 1:8, 2:15, 2:16; Figs 62, 66, 67,
71, 73, 79, 85, 114, 119>/
#36. glumes <of female-fertile spikelets, whether awned>/
1. awned <Plates 1:1, 2:15; Fig. 32>/
2. awnless <Fig. 73>/
#37. glumes <of female-fertile spikelets, whether carinate (i.e.,
one-keeled to middle or below)>/
1. carinate <one-keeled> <Plates 1:5, 2:17; Figs 54, 67, 73, 89, 114>/
2. non-carinate <includes forms with more than one keel, as well as
those with non-keeled glumes> <Plates 1:5, 1:7>/
#38. upper glume <(or the single glume) of female-fertile spikelets,
mid-zone nerve number>/
#39. <female-fertile> spikelets <whether containing sterile or male-only
florets in addition to female-fertile florets>/
1. <normally> with female-fertile florets only/
2. <or at least some of them, normally> with incomplete <sterile or
male-only> florets <note that the situation at the apex of spikelets
with more than three florets is often unknown or unclear> <Plates
1:8, 2:10, 2:12, 2:13, 2:16; Figs 61, 64, 71, 78, 79>/
#40. the incomplete <male or sterile> florets <position in spikelet>/
1. proximal to the female-fertile florets <Plates 1:8, 2:12, 2:13,
2:16; Figs 64, 71, 79>/
2. distal to the female-fertile florets <Figs 61, 78>/
3. both distal and proximal to the female-fertile florets/
#41. the proximal incomplete florets <of the female-fertile spikelets, when
present, number (intended mainly for panicoids)>/
#42. the proximal incomplete florets <of the female-fertile spikelets:
1. male <Plate 2:13; Figs 71, 79, 80>/
2. sterile <Plate 2:16>/
#43. the proximal <imperfect> lemmas <of the female-fertile spikelets:
whether awned>/
1. awned/
2. awnless/
#44. <number of> female-fertile florets <per female-fertile spikelet>/
#45. <female-fertile> lemmas <shape of apex>/
1. entire <Figs 91, 97>/
2. incised <Plate 2:18; Figs 66, 86, 87, 91>/
#46. <female-fertile> lemmas <entire, whether pointed or blunt>/
1. pointed <Fig. 97>/
2. blunt <Figs 88, 101>/
#47. <female-fertile> lemmas <whether mucronate or awned>/
1. awnless <neither mucronate nor awned> <Figs 68, 71, 73, 89 etc.>/
2. mucronate <with a short, hard point or vestigial or incipient awn>
<Plate 2:16; Fig. 104>/
3. awned <Plates 1:5, 1:6, 2:18; Figs 56, 61, 66, 67, 85, 87, 90, 91,
#48. awns <of female-fertile lemmas, if present, number>/
#49. awns <of female-fertile lemmas, position of (main, median)>/
1. from a sinus <Figs 86, 91>/
2. dorsal <Figs 56, 67, 90>/
3. apical <Plate 1:5; Figs 61, 85, 87, 91, 92, 96, 114>/
#50. awns <of female-fertile lemmas, whether straight or geniculate when
1. non-geniculate <straight or curved> <Plates 1:5, 2:18; Figs 56, 61,
2. geniculate <usually twisted at the base> <Figs 66, 67, 86, 90>/
#51. awns <main, median of the female-fertile lemmas, relative length>/
1. much shorter than the body of the lemma <Plate 1:5>/
2. about as long as the body of the lemma/
3. much longer than the body of the lemma <Plates 1:6, 2:18; Figs 61,
66, 67, 86, 87, 91>/
#52. <female-fertile> lemmas <whether carinate (i.e., one-keeled at least
to the middle on the back>/
1. carinate <with a single median keel> <Plate 1:2; Figs 54, 68>/
2. non-carinate <rounded, flat, with two or more keels> <Figs 82, 83,
86, 90, 91>/
#53. <female-fertile> lemmas <presence of germination flap>/
1. with a clear germination flap <when mature> <Figs 99, 100>/
2. without a germination flap/
#54. <female-fertile> lemmas <number of nerves traversing mid-region>/
#55. palea <female-fertile, presence in female-fertile florets>/
1. present/
2. absent/
#56. palea <female-fertile, relative size>/
1. relatively long <three-quarters or more of female-fertile lemma
length> <Plates 2:13, 2:16; Figs 102, 104>/
2. conspicuous but relatively short <less than three-quarters of
female-fertile lemma length> <Fig. 88>/
3. very reduced <or vestigial>/
#57. lodicules <presence in female-fertile florets>/
1. present/
2. absent/
#58. lodicules <of female-fertile florets, texture>/
1. <distally> fleshy <`cuneate'; panicoid type> <Figs 103, 106, 107,
2. <distally> membranous <i.e. pooid type> <Plate 2:14; Figs 108, 110,
#59. lodicules <of female-fertile florets, whether hairy>/
1. ciliate <or hairy> <Figs 103, 108, 110>/
2. glabrous <Figs 106, 107, 109, 111>/
#60. stamens <number per female-fertile floret (not applicable to male
spikelets or male florets)>/
#61. ovary <of female-fertile florets, whether apex glabrous or hairy>/
1. glabrous <Plate 2:14; Figs 103, 106, 116, 118>/
2. hairy <Figs 110, 112, 115, 117>/
#62. stigmas <number>/
#63. stigmas <colour, in chasmogamous spikelets>/
1. white <Plates 1:2, 1:5, 1:7, 2:14; Figs 110, 111, 115>/
2. red <anthocyanin> pigmented <i.e. red, pink, purple or black>
<Plates 1:3, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8, 2:10 etc.; Figs 79, 107>/
3. <golden> brown <Plate 2:12>/
#64. fruit <length when mature>/
1. small <less than 4 mm>/
2. medium sized <4[X-]10 mm>/
3. large <more than 10 mm long>/
#65. fruit <or grain surface pattern>/
1. sculptured <Fig. 127>/
2. <relatively> smooth <the near-universal condition: implicit> <Figs
#66. hilum <form>/
1. short <punctiform or shortly elliptical, less than half length of
fruit> <Figs 122, 124>/
2. long-linear <more than half as long as fruit> <Figs 121, 123>/
#67. pericarp <whether fused or loose (or free)>/
1. free <Figs 119, 120>/
2. loosely adherent <fairly easily removable when soaked>/
3. fused <implicit, except in Arundinoideae and Chloridoideae> <Figs
#68. <maximum cells-distant count. Reliably indicative of photosynthetic
pathway [X_] see Hattersley and Watson 1975>/
1. <showing a maximum cells-distant count of one, reliably predicting>
C[v4] <Plates 3:23, 3:24; Figs 187, 188, 192[X-]196, 198,
207[X-]213, 222, 224[X-]226>/
2. <showing a maximum cells-distant count of two or more, reliably
predicting> C[v3] <Plates 3:25, 3:26; Figs 189[X-]191, 197, 216,
218, 219, 223, 227>/
#69. <c[v4]> biochemical type <as determined by enzyme assay: see Hatch and
Kagawa 1974, Gutierrez et al. 1974(a) and 1974(b), Hatch, Kagawa and
Craig 1975, and Prendergast, Hattersley and Stone 1987. Species
samples in parentheses>/
1. PCK/
2. NAD[X-]ME/
3. NADP[X-]ME/
#70. <leaf blade XyMS: reliably indicative of C[v4] type (Hattersley and
Watson 1976. Note that this feature is ascertainable from primary
vascular bundles only [X_] see Character Note)>/
1. XyMS+ <C[v3], or C[v4] `aspartate formers' type PCK or NAD[X-]ME
(exceptions: Eriachneae)> <Plates 3:24[X-]26; Figs 187, 189[X-]193,
195[X-]198, 203[X-]205, 212, 214, 220, 223, 224>/
2. XyMS[X-] <C[v4] `malate formers', type NADP[X-]ME> <Plate 3:23; Figs
188, 199, 208, 209, 222>/
#71. <leaf blade> mesophyll <presence of arm cells (= `ratchet' cells)>/
1. with arm cells <Figs 213, 215, 216>/
2. without arm cells <implicit when ts adequately described>/
#72. <leaf blade> mesophyll <presence of fusoid cells>/
1. with fusoids <Figs 214, 216[X-]220>/
2. without fusoids <implicit when ts adequately described>/
#73. midrib <of the leaf blade, prominence>/
1. conspicuous <prominent in the outline, with distinctive
sclerenchyma, etc.> <Plate 3:25; Figs 221, 222>/
2. not readily distinguishable <other than by position>/
#74. midrib <of the mid leaf blade, vascularization>/
1. with one bundle only/
2. having a conventional arc of bundles <i.e. at least three bundles>
<Fig. 222>/
3. having complex vascularization <i.e. with more than one bundle, not
arranged in a conventional arc> <Fig. 221>/
#75. midrib <and/[\]or middle part of leaf blade, whether extensively of
colourless cells adaxially>/
1. with <conspicuous> colourless tissue adaxially <Fig. 222>/
2. without <conspicuous> colourless tissue adaxially <implicit when ts
adequately described>/
#76. <presence in the leaf blade of small vascular bundles unaccompanied by
1. many of the smallest vascular bundles unaccompanied by sclerenchyma
<Plate 3:23; Figs 222, 226>/
2. all <or nearly all> the vascular bundles accompanied by
#77. <[IZea mays]>/
1. fruiting inflorescence a massive, spatheate cob, the fruits in many
2. fruiting inflorescence not as in maize <implicit>/
#78. <subfamily>/
1. Pooideae/
2. Bambusoideae/
3. Arundinoideae/
4. Chloridoideae/
5. Panicoideae/
#79. <supertribes of Watson [Iet al]. 1985, with name endings changed>/
1. Triticodae/
2. Poodae/
3. Oryzodae/
4. Bambusodae/
5. Panicodae/
6. Andropogonodae/
#80. <tribe of Pooideae>/
1. Triticeae/
2. Brachypodieae/
3. Bromeae/
4. Aveneae <including Agrostideae, Phalarideae>/
5. Meliceae/
6. Seslerieae/
7. Poeae <including Hainardieae, Monermeae>/
#81. <tribe of Bambusoideae>/
1. Oryzeae/
2. Olyreae/
3. Centotheceae/
4. Anomochloeae/
5. Brachyelytreae/
6. Diarrheneae/
7. Ehrharteae/
8. Phaenospermateae/
9. Phyllorhachideae/
10. Phareae/
11. Streptochaeteae/
12. Streptogyneae/
13. Guaduelleae/
14. Puelieae/
15. Bambuseae/
#82. <tribe of Arundinoideae>/
1. Steyermarkochloeae/
2. Stipeae/
3. Nardeae/
4. Lygeae/
5. Arundineae/
6. Danthonieae <and satellites>/
7. Cyperochloeae/
8. Micraireae/
9. Spartochloeae/
10. Aristideae/
11. Eriachneae/
12. Amphipogoneae/
#83. <tribe/[\]assemblage of Chloridoideae>/
1. Pappophoreae/
2. Orcuttieae/
3. Triodieae/
4. main chloridoid assemblage <including Chlorideae, Cynodonteae,
Eragrosteae, Sporoboleae, Aeluropodeae, Jouveae, Unioleae,
Leptureae, Lappagineae, Spartineae, Trageae, Perotideae,
#84. <tribe of Panicoideae>/
1. Isachneae/
2. Paniceae/
3. Neurachneae/
4. Arundinelleae/
5. Andropogoneae/
6. Maydeae/
#85. <number of species>/
#86. <floristic Kingdoms: after Takhtajan 1969. Data deduced from
information for Takhtajan's floristic regions (see below), provided
by B. K. Simon 1987>/
1. Holarctic/
2. Paleotropical/
3. Neotropical/
4. Cape/
5. Australian/
6. Antarctic/
#87. <leaf anatomical references>/
#88. taxon images:/
*SHOW Grass Genera - items. 17 March 1993.
# Agrostis <L. NOTE: Item Name or note MAY CONTAIN SLASH: 1/3!>/
1<[IAgraulus] P. Beauv., [IAgrestis] Bub., [IAnomalotis] Steud.,
[IBromidium] Nees, [ICandollea] Steud., [IChaetotropis] Kunth,
[IDecandolea] Batard, [IDidymochaeta] Steud., [ILachnagrostis] Trin.,
[INeoschischkinia] Tsvelev, [INotonema] Raf., [IPentatherum] Nabelek,
[IPodagrostis] (Griseb.) Scribn., [ISenisetum] Koidz., [ITrichodium]
Michaux, [IVilfa] Adans.> 2,1/2 3<mostly>,(3-)5-100 4,2 5,2 6,2 7,1
8,0.2-10 9,2 10,1 11,1 12,2 13,5 14,1/2<e.g., [IBromidium]> 15,2 16,2 18,-
19,2 20,2 26,0.8-4 27,1 28,1 30,1/2 31,1<the hairs less than 0.5 mm long>/2
32,1 33,2 34,2 35,2 36,2 37,1/2 38,1 39,1 44,(1-)3-4.5-7(-9)<Single note in Delta> 45,1-2<usually truncate or
emarginate, sometimes toothed via excurrent veins> 47,1/2/3 48<when
present,>,1/3<[IBromidium]>/5<rarely> 49,2 50,2 51,1-2/3<<2%> rarely> 52,2
53,2 54,3-5 55<nearly always>,1 56,1/2/3 57,1 58,2 59,2 60,3 61,1 62,2 63,1
64,1 65,2 66,1 67,3 68,2 70,1 71,2 72,2 73,1/2 74,1 75,2 76,1/2 77,2 78,1
79,2 80,4 85<about>,220 86,1&2&3&4&5&6 87<Metcalfe 1960; this project>
88<ag01.gif ag25.gif>
# Andropogon <L.>/
1<[IAnatherum] P. Beauv., [IArthrostachys] Desv., [IArthrolophis] (Trin.)
Chiov., [IDimeiostemon] Raf., [IEriopodium] Hochst., [IHeterochloa] Desv.,
[IHomoeatherum] Nees, [ILeptopogon] Roberty> 2,1/2 3,8-250(-430) 4,2 5,1/2
7,1 9,1/2 10,1 11,1-2 12,2 13,2/5<usually with paired or digitate
`racemes', these often spatheate and aggregated into false panicles>
15,1<often>/2 16,1 17,2 18,2 20,1 21,1 22,2 23,1 24,3/4<sometimes reduced
to their pedicels> 25<the pedicelled spikelets male or barren, usually
awnless, occasionally suppressed> 27,1/2/3 28,3 29,- 30,2 31,1 32,1 33,2
34,2 35,2 36,1/2<G[v2] sometimes aristate> 38,1-3 39,2 40,1 41,1 42,2 43,2
44,1 45,2<usually bifid> 47,3 48,1 49,1 50,2 51,2-3 52,2 54,1-3 55,1
56,3<hyaline> 57,1<tiny> 58,1 59,1/2 60,1-3 61,1 62,2 64,1 65,2 66,1 67,3
68,1 69,3<3 species> 70,2 71,2 72,2 73,1 74,2 75,1 76,1/2 77,2 78,5 79,6
84,5 85<about>,100 86,1&2&3&4 87<Metcalfe 1960; this project>
*INCLUDE ITEMS 1-8 10-20