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@distribution of Salmo salar - FishBase example marked up in SPM
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<tp:authorship>Carl Linné</tp:authorship>
<tc:TaxonConcept rdf:ID="taxon">
<tc:nameString>Salmo salar Linnaeus, 1758</tc:nameString>
<tc:hasName rdf:resource="#name"/>
<tc:accordingToString>Carl Linné</tc:accordingToString>
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<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:ID="aa111">
<tp:authorship>Rochard, E. and P. Elie</tp:authorship>
<tp:title>La macrofaune aquatique de l'estuaire de la Gironde. Contribution au livre blanc de l'Agence de l'Eau Adour Garonne.</tp:title>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:ID="aa222">
<tp:authorship>Page, L.M. and B.M. Burr</tp:authorship>
<tp:title>A field guide to freshwater fishes of North America north of Mexico. , Boston. p.</tp:title>
<tp:publisher>Houghton Mifflin Company</tp:publisher>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:ID="aa333">
<tp:authorship>Scott, W.B. and E.J. Crossman</tp:authorship>
<tp:title>Freshwater fishes of Canada. 184:1-966.</tp:title>
<tp:parentPublication>Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can.</tp:parentPublication>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:ID="aa444">
<tp:authorship>Kazakov, R.V.</tp:authorship>
<tp:title>Distribution of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in freshwater bodies of Europe.</tp:title>
<tp:parentPublication>Aquacult. Fish. Manage.</tp:parentPublication>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:ID="aa555">
<tp:authorship>Daymond, J.R.</tp:authorship>
<tp:title>Family Salmonidae</tp:title>
<tp:parentPublication>Sears Found. Mar. Res. Mem.</tp:parentPublication>
<spm:SpeciesProfileModel rdf:ID="spm">
<spm:aboutTaxon rdf:resource="#taxon"/>
<spm:hasContent>This species reproduces in fresh water and exhibits territorial behaviour. The young migrate to sea to feed, spending a number of years there, and then return to the stream of their birth to mate and repeat the cycle.</spm:hasContent>
<spm:hasContent> Atlantic Ocean: temperate and arctic zones in northern hemisphere. In eastern Atlantic Ocean distributed in drainages from the Baltic states to Portugal.</spm:hasContent>
<tcom:publishedInCitation rdf:resource="aa111"/>
<spm:hasContent>In western Atlantic Ocean distributed in coast drainages from northern Quebec in Canada to Connecticut in USA.</spm:hasContent>
<tcom:publishedInCitation rdf:resource="aa222"/>
<spm:hasContent> In eastern Atlantic Ocean distributed in drainages from the Baltic states to Portugal.</spm:hasContent>
<tcom:publishedInCitation rdf:resource="aa111"/>
<spm:hasContent>Landlocked stocks are present in North America </spm:hasContent>
<tcom:publishedInCitation rdf:resource="aa333"/>
<spm:hasContent>Landlocked stocks are present in Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway</spm:hasContent>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:resource="aa444"/>
<spm:hasContent>150 cm TL (male/unsexed); 120 cm TL (female); max. published weight: 46.8 kg ;</spm:hasContent>
<spm:hasContent>max. reported age: 13 years</spm:hasContent>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:resource="aa555"/>
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@distribution of Salmo salar - FishBase example marked up in SPM
@d1 127
a127 141
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<tn:TaxonName rdf:ID="name">
<tp:authorship>Carl Linn纯tp:authorship>
<tc:TaxonConcept rdf:ID="taxon">
<tc:nameString>Salmo salar Linnaeus, 1758</tc:nameString>
<tc:hasName rdf:resource="#name"/>
<tc:accordingToString>Carl Linn纯tc:accordingToString>
<tc:rank rdf:resource=""/>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:ID="aa111">
<tp:authorship>Rochard, E. and P. Elie</tp:authorship>
<tp:title>La macrofaune aquatique de l'estuaire de la Gironde. Contribution au livre blanc de l'Agence de l'Eau Adour Garonne.</tp:title>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:ID="aa222">
<tp:authorship>Page, L.M. and B.M. Burr</tp:authorship>
<tp:title>A field guide to freshwater fishes of North America north of Mexico. , Boston. p.</tp:title>
<tp:publisher>Houghton Mifflin Company</tp:publisher>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:ID="aa333">
<tp:authorship>Scott, W.B. and E.J. Crossman</tp:authorship>
<tp:title>Freshwater fishes of Canada. 184:1-966.</tp:title>
<tp:parentPublication>Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can.</tp:parentPublication>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:ID="aa444">
<tp:authorship>Kazakov, R.V.</tp:authorship>
<tp:title>Distribution of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in freshwater bodies of Europe.</tp:title>
<tp:parentPublication>Aquacult. Fish. Manage.</tp:parentPublication>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:ID="aa555">
<tp:authorship>Daymond, J.R.</tp:authorship>
<tp:title>Family Salmonidae</tp:title>
<tp:parentPublication>Sears Found. Mar. Res. Mem.</tp:parentPublication>
<spm:SpeciesProfileModel rdf:ID="spm">
<spm:aboutTaxon rdf:resource="#taxon"/>
<spm:hasContent>This species reproduces in fresh water and exhibits territorial behaviour. The young migrate to sea to feed, spending a number of years there, and then return to the stream of their birth to mate and repeat the cycle.</spm:hasContent>
<spm:hasContent> Atlantic Ocean: temperate and arctic zones in northern hemisphere. In eastern Atlantic Ocean distributed in drainages from the Baltic states to Portugal.</spm:hasContent>
<tcom:publishedInCitation rdf:resource="aa111"/>
<spm:hasContent>In western Atlantic Ocean distributed in coast drainages from northern Quebec in Canada to Connecticut in USA.</spm:hasContent>
<tcom:publishedInCitation rdf:resource="aa222"/>
<spm:hasContent> In eastern Atlantic Ocean distributed in drainages from the Baltic states to Portugal.</spm:hasContent>
<tcom:publishedInCitation rdf:resource="aa111"/>
<spm:hasContent>Landlocked stocks are present in North America </spm:hasContent>
<tcom:publishedInCitation rdf:resource="aa333"/>
<spm:hasContent>Landlocked stocks are present in Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway</spm:hasContent>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:resource="aa444"/>
<spm:hasContent>150 cm TL (male/unsexed); 120 cm TL (female); max. published weight: 46.8 kg ;</spm:hasContent>
<spm:hasContent>max. reported age: 13 years</spm:hasContent>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:resource="aa555"/>
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@distribution of Salmo salar - FishBase example marked up in SPM
@d1 19
a19 17
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<tp:authorship>Carl Linné</tp:authorship>
<tc:TaxonConcept rdf:ID="taxon">
<tc:nameString>Salmo salar Linnaeus, 1758</tc:nameString>
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d22 1
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<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:ID="111">
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<tp:authorship>J.-L. Mauvais and J.-F. Guillaud (eds.) </tp:authorship>
<tp:title>État des connaissances sur l'estuaire de la Gironde. Agence de l'Eau Adour-Garonne</tp:title>
<tp:publisher>Éditions Bergeret</tp:publisher>
<tp:placePublished>Bordeaux, France</tp:placePublished>
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<spm:SpeciesProfileModel rdf:ID="spm">
<spm:aboutTaxon rdf:resource="#taxon"/>
<spm:hasContent>This species reproduces in fresh water and exhibits territorial behaviour. The young migrate to sea to feed, spending a number of years there, and then return to the stream of their birth to mate and repeat the cycle.</spm:hasContent>
<spm:hasContent> Atlantic Ocean: temperate and arctic zones in northern hemisphere. In eastern Atlantic Ocean distributed in drainages from the Baltic states to Portugal.</spm:hasContent>
<tcom:publishedInCitation rdf:resource="111"/>
<spm:hasContent>In western Atlantic Ocean distributed in coast drainages from northern Quebec in Canada to Connecticut in USA.</spm:hasContent>
<tcom:publishedInCitation rdf:resource="222"/>
<spm:hasContent> In eastern Atlantic Ocean distributed in drainages from the Baltic states to Portugal.</spm:hasContent>
<tcom:publishedInCitation rdf:resource="111"/>
<spm:hasContent>Landlocked stocks are present in North America </spm:hasContent>
<tcom:publishedInCitation rdf:resource="333"/>
<spm:hasContent>Landlocked stocks are present in Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway</spm:hasContent>
<tp:PublicationCitation rdf:ID="444"/>
<spm:hasContent>150 cm TL (male/unsexed); 120 cm TL (female); max. published weight: 46.8 kg ;</spm:hasContent>
<spm:hasContent>max. reported age: 13 years</spm:hasContent>
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