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Kupu API reference
Kupu can be customized in several ways: controls can be customized or
hidden using CSS, elements can be modified using TAL (modifying the
macro) and more advanced customization can be done by extending (or
modifying, although this is usually not advised) the JavaScript,
either in the macro or in seperate .js files. This document will give
a short description of how to use and extend the Kupu JavaScripts and
a reference of the public Kupu API.
How to use Kupu
The KupuEditor and KupuUI objects
Generally the body tag of the document will contain a call to the
initKupu function. This is the glue code of Kupu, here's where all the
objects get instantiated and tied together to form the
application. When doing large customizations, this function will
usually be overwritten or extended. The default implementation takes 1
argument (the id of the iframe it will control) and return a reference
to the core object, KupuEditor.
kupu = initKupu("kupu-editorframe");
The KupuEditor object (in this case called 'kupu') will be the object
with which you can control the iframe, the UI and
tools. Customizations should generally not involve extending the
KupuEditor object, but rather by plugging in new tools. Usage is quite
straightforward, for a reference of the public methods see below.
The UI object holds event handlers for the toolbar buttons. This is a
core Kupu object and should generally be left untouched. The event
handlers, although the preferred method of attaching events is dynamic
from inside the objects rather then from HTML, should be attached to
the buttons from the template (this made the code a lot cleaner, it
might change in future versions though). Therefore a reference to the
UI object must be retrieved from the KupuEditor object using the
getTool method:
kupuui = kupu.getTool('ui');
Note that the reason why this method is called getTool is that the UI
is essentially treated as a tool, an Kupu plugin (more about those
later). The string 'ui' is the id by which the object is registered
in initKupu. Usually the ui object and the button bindings can just
be copied from the kupu.html file (if you don't use ZPT macros in the
kupumacros.html file).
Tools and extending Kupu
Tools are extensions of Kupu. A tool can be seen as a plugin in the
Kupu editor, providing additional functionality. Tools will usually be
the objects that will be extended or overridden.
A tool should usually subclass KupuTool and will usually override the
'initialize' method (which will be called when the tool is registered to
the KupuEditor object) and the updateState method (which will be
called on click and certain keyup events on the iframe so that the
state of the tool (e.g. add or edit mode) can be controlled. Events on
elements should generally be bound to the methods from inside the
The initialize method will be called with a single argument, a
reference to the editor object. The method should at least store that
reference on this. Note that if you don't override the method, the
KupuObject class provides a default implementation that does exactly
that. The updateState method will be called with 2 arguments, the
first is a reference to the current selected element and the second
the event object. If the tool doesn't want to react to state changes,
it doesn't have to override the method: the superclass will provide a
dummy implementation.
Usually a tool will be created and registered inside initKupu,
although it can also be done from an external document or the HTML. An
object is registered to the KupuEditor object as such:
var myTool = new MyTool();
kupu.registerTool('my-tool', myTool);
As shown above, the getTool method of the KupuEditor object can be
used to retrieve a reference to the tool later on (so there's no need
to store a reference in the global namespace or anything).
For a nice, small example of a tool, see the PathTool in the
kupubasetools.js file.
ToolBoxes and larger Tools
Most tools will both harbour functionality and stuff like event handlers
and references to HTML elements. To make sure the tool can be used in as
much different situations as possible, it is advised to split it up in 2
pieces, one for the logic and one for the UI-related methods and
The standard way for doing this is using a subclass of KupuTool for the
tool and a subclass of KupuToolBox for the UI-part, and register the ToolBox
to the Tool using the registerToolBox method. It is not mandatory to use
this baseclass, not even to use registerToolBox, but it should be sufficient.
For a more complex (and useful) example of a Tool combined with a ToolBox
see the LinkTool.
Public API
Helper functions (kupuhelpers.js)
Methods on KupuObject (kupueditor.js)
registerTool(id, tool)
- register a tool
- return a previously registered tool
- register a ContentFilter
- trigger the updateState machinery
- save the document
prepareForm(form[, fieldid)
- add a hidden field to form with the id fieldid (defaults
to 'kupu'), should be called before the form is subbmited
to make the Kupu content get sent to the server using POST.
execCommand(command[, param])
- perform an execCommand on the editor iframe
- returns the currently selected node
getNearestParentOfType(node, type)
- returns the nearest parent of node (or node itself) of
element type
- returns the document object
- returns the iframe.contentWindow.document
- insert a new node on the cursor location
logMessage(message, severity)
- log a message with the logger, message is the message to log and
severity is an integer that can be 0 (default) for debug messages,
1 for warnings and 2 for errors (different loggers can be plugged
into Kupu, but a severity of 2 will usually make the logger raise
an exception).
- return the name of the client browser, will return IE, Mozilla
or raise an exception if the client uses a non-supported one.
- transform is a Sarissa node.
Returns the body tag (or body tags if more than one) as text.
- returns the body node as text (including <body> tag). Will return all
body nodes if there are multiple bodies.
- sets the contents of the body to the specified HTML text
(which should not include a body tag). If there are multiple
bodies they are all replaced.
Methods on tools (kupubasetools.js)
KupuTool - the baseclass for tools
- initialize the tool
updateState(selectedNode, event)
- update the state of the tool if required
registerToolBox(id, toolbox)
- register a ui object (ToolBox)
KupuToolBox - the baseclass for toolboxes (view elements of tools)
initialize(tool, editor)
- initialize the toolbox
updateState(selNode, event)
- update the state of the UI according to the iframe's state
Tool implementations (depending on the complexity of the tool a tool either
exists of a single Tool class, or of a Tool and a ToolBox class, the
ToolBox classes will only harbour event handlers and such so will
therefore not be documented):
KupuUI - the toolbar, only contains event handlers and generic button
- handle a basic action like Bold or Italic
- basic button handlers for a specific action
- set the style of the current text block
ColorchooserTool - the color picker (part of the toolbar)
- open the colorchooser to pick a foreground color
- open the colorchooser to pick a background color
- event handler for a click inside the colorchooser
- show the colorchooser
- hide the colorchooser
- create the colorchooser and inside the table
PropertyTool - set the title and metadata of a document
- set the properties on the document from the form data
LinkTool - add and edit hyperlinks
createLink(url, type, name, target, title)
- create a link around the current selection
- delete the current link, if any
ImageTool - add and edit images
createImage(url, alttext, imgclass)
- create an image
- set the class of the selected image
TableTool - add and edit tables
- add a table with default settings
createTable(rows, cols, makeHeader, tableclass)
- create a table
- add a row underneath the current selected one
- delete the current table row
- add a column to the right of the current one
- delete the current table column
- set the alignment of the current column according to the form
- set the table class according to the form data
ListTool - manage lists (part of the toolbar)
- add an unordered list
- add an ordered list
- set the style of the nearest unordered list parent according to
the form data
- set the style of the nearest ordered list parent according to
the form data
ShowPathTool - show the path to the current node in the status bar
no methods besides updateState()
Additional helper functions, objects and methods:
addEventHandler(element, event, method, context)
- bind <method> to <event> on <element>, using <context> as context
('this' inside the method body).
removeEventHandler(element, event, method)
- remove binding of <method> for <event> from <element>
selectSelectItem(select, item)
- select item <item> from HTML optionlist <select>
loadDictFromXML(document, islandid)
- load configuration values from an XML chunk
Logger objects:
When the KupuEditor gets initialized, it expects a logging
object with one method (log(message, severity)) to be passed
along as an argument. Two loggers are defined: 1 called
DebugLogger that will alert all messages and 1 called
PlainLogger that should be instantiated with the ids of the
element in which debug messages will be shown and the maximum
number of messages as arguments, that will show all debug
messages and warnings to the debug window and will raise an
exception for all errors.
A helper class to fix the contexts in methods when called in a
specific way (usually when used as an event handler). In some
cases the 'this' variable inside functions can change, this
class helps in resetting it to the object on which the method
is defined (and actually it can help in setting a different
context as well, although this will not generally be
advised). For more information see the source.
A herlper class to overcome a problem with
window.setTimeout(), this has the problems that it isn't
usable to call object methods without very nasty complications
and that it doesn't allow usage of variable references as
arguments (both because the argument that is executed is a
string that will be evalled in global context). For more
information see the source.
- a helper method added to the prototype of Array that will
return true if element is in the array, false if it isn't.
- a helper method added to the prototype of String that strips
all outer whitespace. The original string is not affected; a
new instance of String is returned.