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The kupu Templating System
kupu is an editor with many features, many of them optional or
specific to certain integration implementations. While it is fairly
easy to maintain the JavaScript side of features through separate
files, the HTML template has to be custom constructed for every
feature combination.
Kupu 1.0 thus comes with five different templates. Zope-based
applications would just require one template because they could turn
certain parts of the template on and off by filling ZPT
slots. However, applications not using Zope Page Templates (ZPTs) have
to customize one of the provided templates. That not only means manual
editing of the templates in order to configure the feature set, it
also means the lack of an automatic update when a new kupu version is
We want to...
* involve as few files as possible when adding a new feature to
kupu. We preferrably only want to add a file for the JavaScript
part of the feature and a file for the template part of the
* be able to disable a feature whenever we want under any
* allow and encourage third party developers to develop plugins
(i.e. new features) for kupu that can be distributed outside the
main kupu integration and yet be included without manual
* be able to include platform specific markup when necessary.
* rely on templating standards (XML, XSLT, XInclude, etc.)
It is clear, that a system-indepentend templating system is needed to
ease kupu's integration into other systems and any customization that
is required by such a process.
A position in a template, at which markup can be inserted. Example:
the HTML header, the HTML body.
A bundle of code and markup providing a certain set of
functionality. Examples for basic features are: the editor frame,
toolbar with buttons, colorchooser, synchronous form-based or
asynchronous document-centric editing support. Examples for more
advanced and optional features are: save on part, autosave, context
menu, source editing, library drawer.
A part of a Feature. While order usually does not matter when
writing JavaScript prototypes (or including them from a file), order
in a template *does* matter. Therefore, a Feature can consist of
different parts which are distributed throughout the template at the
appropriate places (Slots). Example: The parts of the source edit
feature are the button in the toolbar that enables source editing
and the function that is called when the button is clicked.
Combination of target platform specific Features or Parts of
Features. The way Features are implemented might vary througout
different integration layers, due to the requirements of the target
platforms. Examples of Implementations are: Default (the default set
of Features), Zope (re-implementation of certain features for Zope
integration), Plone, Silva, Apache Lenya, MMBase, etc.
Set of Feature definitions or Feature disablings in the context of a
certain Implementation or order of Implementations. Distributions
can not only differ from integration layer to integration layer, but
also be customized for every application or system Kupu is part
of. Kupu thus only provides *default* distributions, e.g.:
Distribution for default Features, Distribution for Plone,
Distribution for Silva, Distributon for Silva, etc. Web Developer
XYZ might choose to make a custom distribution for the application
(s)he's building for customer ABC.
Whenever the above defined words appear in the text below, their first
letter is capitalized. Otherwise, the term is used in its conventional
* An Implementation overrides one or more features defined by default
Implementations or defines new features
* Wiring Parts to Slots is Distribution-specific.
* Implementation Order is Distribution-specific.
* Feature enabling/disabling is Distribution-specific, but usually
more specific to the target application than to the pre-packaged
File system structure
kupu's former main template (kupumacros.html) is split into logical
chunks resembling Features and Parts as defined above. Each Feature
and all its parts resides in an XML file with the file ending '.kupu'.
All features of an Implementation reside in the same directory. The
main kupu distribution includes a directory named 'default'. It
contains a default set of Features in their default Implementation.
Platform specific markup resides in other Implementation directories.
A Distribution is represented in an XML file typically named
'dist.kupu'. It defines an order in which Features are looked up in
Implementations and can optionally disable Features.
A system consisting of XSLT templates is used to parse a Distribution
configuration file and construct markup custom to that particular
Distribution. The XInclude standard is used to combine all .kupu XML
files to one large tree that can be fed to an XSLT processor.
=============================== ================================================
kupu/ (the root directory of the kupu distribution)
kupu/dist.kupu (kupu's default Distribution file)
kupu/default/ ('default' Implementation of Features)
kupu/default/wire.kupu (wires Parts to Slots)
kupu/default/include.kupu (imports all Features and the wiring from the
'default' Implementation for convenience)
kupu/foo/ ('Foo' Implementation)
kupu/foo/wire.kupu ([re-]wires [additional] Parts to Slots)
kupu/foo/include.kupu (imports all Features and the wiring from the
'default' Implementation for convenience)
kupu/foo/ (some additional platform specific files)
=============================== ================================================
XML format
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="dist" />
<define name="dist">
<element name="dist">
<ref name="featureOrInclude" />
<ref name="implementationOrder" />
<ref name="expand" />
<define name="feature">
<element name="feature">
<attribute name="name">
<text />
<attribute name="implementation">
<text />
<element name="part">
<attribute name="name">
<text />
<ref name="partContents" />
<define name="featureOrInclude">
<!-- we can either include more features from elsewhere -->
<element name="include">
<ref name="featureOrInclude" />
<!-- or provide actual features -->
<ref name="feature" />
<define name="wire">
<element name="wire">
<attribute name="implementation">
<text />
<ref name="fillSlot" />
<define name="fillSlot">
<element name="fill-slot">
<attribute name="name">
<text />
<ref name="arbitraryMarkup" />
<ref name="insertPart" />
<define name="expand">
<element name="expand">
<ref name="defineSlot" />
<define name="defineSlot">
<element name="define-slot">
<attribute name="name">
<text />
<define name="implementationOrder">
<element name="implementation-order>
<element name="implementation">
<attribute name="name">
<text />
<define name="arbitraryMarkup">
<element name=""> <!-- XXX arbitrary markup -->
<ref name="partContents" />
<define name="insertPart">
<element name="insert-part">
<attribute name="name">
<text />
<attribute name="part">
<text />
<define name="partContents">
<ref name="arbitraryMarkup" />
<ref name="defineSlot" />
Example markup:
<!-- Include implementations -->
<xi:include href="default/include.kupu" />
<xi:include href="zope2/include.kupu" />
<xi:include href="zope3/include.kupu" />
<xi:include href="silva/include.kupu" />
<xi:include href="plone/include.kupu" />
<xi:include href="apache-lenya/include.kupu" />
<xi:include href="roundup/include.kupu" />
<!-- ... -->
<!-- Define the default slot to start with -->
<kupu:define-slot name="start" />
<!-- Define an order for the implementations that are to be used. The
most specific one is located at the top, the last one should
always be 'default'. -->
<!-- most specific one at top -->
<kupu:implementation name="plone" />
<kupu:implementation name="default" />
<!-- Plone does not want to use certain features -->
<kupu:disable-feature name="toolboxes" />
<kupu:disable-feature name="save" />
<kupu:disable-feature name="colorchooser" />
<!-- Include features -->
<xi:include href="feature1.kupu" />
<xi:include href="feature2.kupu" />
<kupu:part name="part1">
<p>Part 1 of Feature 1</p>
<kupu:part name="part2">
This part defines a slot that can be filled with more markup by
other features:
<div id="foobar">
<kupu:define-slot name="foobar" />
<kupu:fill-slot name="foobar">
<kupu:insert-part feature="some_feature" part="some_part" />
<kupu:insert-part feature="another_feature" part="a_part" />
- Yet to be solved: How to handle i18n in templates? Temporary
solution: use ZPT's i18n markup so that we have at least a declaration
of what is to be i18n'd.
- Feature/Part dependencies