
921 lines
22 KiB
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# Translation of kupu.pot to Serbian
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# The files kupu-sr.po and kupu-sr-Latn.po are respectivelly the plone
# translations for the Serbian language in Cyrillic and the Serbian
# language in Latin script. As the Serbian language can be written down
# equivocally using these two different scripts, both translation files
# are provided.
# The kupu-sr-Latn.po is automatically generated from kupu-sr.po and
# should NOT be edited by hand.
# The kupu-sr.po and kupu-sr-Latn.po for plone domain MUST always be
# distributed one with the other.
# If you have any questions regarding this translation, you can write to
# the first translator, Filip Miletić (f dot miletic at ewi dot tudelft
# dot nl).
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Kupu\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-08-02 20:40+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-08-07 23:45+01:00\n"
"Last-Translator: Filip Miletic <f dot miletic at ewi dot tudelft dot nl>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"Language-Code: sr-Latn\n"
"Language-Name: Serbian (Latin)\n"
"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8\n"
"Domain: kupu\n"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Properties modified"
msgstr "Svojstva su izmenjena"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Command ${command} executed with parameter ${param}"
msgstr "Naredba ${command} je izvršena sa parametrom ${param}"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Not inside a definition list element!"
msgstr "Kursor nije unutar definicije člana spiska!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Add table"
msgstr "Dodaj tabelu"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Table added"
msgstr "Tabela je dodata"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Source edit tool initialized"
msgstr "Pokrenut je alat za uređivanje izvornog koda"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr "Obriši red"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Recursion detected when counting column position"
msgstr "Primećena je rekurzija pri brojanju kolona"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "List style changed"
msgstr "Stil spiska je promenjen"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Create image"
msgstr "Napravi sliku"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "You have unsaved changes. Do you want to save before leaving the page?"
msgstr "Neke izmene nisu sačuvane. Da li želite da ih sačuvate pre nego što napustite ovu stranicu?"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Table row removed"
msgstr "Vrsta u tabeli je uklonjena"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Document saved"
msgstr "Dokument je sačuvan"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Color chosen"
msgstr "Izabrana boja"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Table row added"
msgstr "Vrsta u tabeli je dodata"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Error saving document"
msgstr "Greška pri čuvanju dokumenta"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "No destination URL available!"
msgstr "Odredišni URL nije dostupan!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Link removed"
msgstr "Veza je uklonjena"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "No row to delete"
msgstr "Nema vrsti za brisanje"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Delete Table"
msgstr "Obriši tabelu"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
msgstr "Dokument je očišćen i šalje se na server"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Image tool initialized"
msgstr "Pokrenut je alat za slike"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "End offset out of range!"
msgstr "Krajnji pomeraj je van opsega!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "tdindex: ${tdindex}"
msgstr "tdindex: ${tdindex}"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Create link"
msgstr "Napravi vezu"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Starting HTML cleanup"
msgstr "Pročišćavanje HTML koda"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Link modified"
msgstr "Veza je izmenjena"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Request sent to server"
msgstr "Zahtev je poslat na server"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Table tool initialized"
msgstr "Pokrenut je alat za tabele"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "There were no errors."
msgstr "Nije bilo grešaka."
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
msgstr "izuzetak ${message} pri prijavi obrađivača događaja za element ${element}, događaj ${event}, metod ${method}"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
msgstr "Greška pri učitavanju prevoda (status ${status} ), biće korišćen engleski"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
msgstr "Nađen je početni pomak u nodu bez dece!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Deprecation warning: KupuTool._selectSelectItem"
msgstr "Zastareli metod: KupuTool._selectSelectItem"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Couldn\\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
msgstr "Nije moguće postaviti dizajnerski način rada. Kupu neće raditi sa ovim pregledačem."
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "No element found in the config island!"
msgstr "Nijedan element nije nađen u konfiguracionom ostrvu!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Start offset out of range!"
msgstr "Početni pomeraj je van opsega!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
msgstr "Nalepljivanje iz JavaSkripta je isključeno u vašoj Mozili iz bezbednosnih razloga. Za više podataka, pročitajte"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Property tool initialized"
msgstr "Pokrenut je alat za svojstva"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Colorchooser tool initialized"
msgstr "Pokrenut je alat za izbor boja"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "No parentcolumn found!"
msgstr "Roditeljska kolona nije pronađena!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Row repeated"
msgstr "Ponovljena vrsta"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Table removed"
msgstr "Tabela je uklonjena"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Iseci"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Unsupported browser!"
msgstr "Pregledač nije podržan!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Add row"
msgstr "Dodaj vrstu"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Link tool initialized"
msgstr "Alat za veze je pokrenut"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Sending request to server"
msgstr "Slanje zahteva serveru"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Invalid table size"
msgstr "Veličina tabele je neispravna"
# FIXME What is this?
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Error placing back selection"
msgstr "Greška pri izboru unazad"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Delete link"
msgstr "Obriši vezu"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Add column"
msgstr "Dodaj kolonu"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
msgstr "Isecanje iz JavaSkripta je isključeno u vašoj Mozili iz bezbednosnih razloga. Za više podataka, pročitajte"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Exception while processing updateState on ${id}: ${msg}"
msgstr "Izuzetak pri obradi updateState na ${id}: ${msg}"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Cleaning up HTML..."
msgstr "Pročišćavanje HTMLa..."
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "List style tool initialized"
msgstr "Pokrenut alat za vrstu spiska"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Row repeat turned off"
msgstr "Ponavljanje vrsti je isključeno"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
msgstr "Došlo je do greške pri pokretanju fioka. Najverovatnoje da XSLT ili XML datoteke nisu dostupne. Ako ovo nije probno izdanje Kupua, proverite datoteke ili servis koji trebaju da ih obezbede (greška: ${error})."
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Deprecation warning: KupuToolBox._selectSelectItem"
msgstr "Zastareli metod: KupuToolBox._selectSelectItem"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
msgstr "Umnožavanje iz JavaSkripta je isključeno u vašoj Mozili iz bezbednosnih razloga. Za više podataka, pročitajte"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Command ${command} executed"
msgstr "Izvršena je komanda ${command}"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr "Obriši kolonu"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Error saving your data.\\nResponse status: ${status}.\\nCheck your server log for more information."
msgstr "Greška pri čuvanju podataka.\\nStatusna poruka: ${status}.\\nProverite dnevnik na serveru za više podataka."
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
msgstr "Ova mogućnost zahteva da su iskačući prozori dozvoljeni u pregledaču!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Not inside link"
msgstr "Kursor nije unutar veze"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "View source"
msgstr "Pregled izvornog koda"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Image inserted"
msgstr "Slika je ubačena"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Browser not supported!"
msgstr "Pregledač nije podržan!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Please wait while saving document..."
msgstr "Sačekajte dok se čuvanje dokumenta ne završi..."
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Editor initialized"
msgstr "Uređivač je pokrenut"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Umnoži"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Nalepi"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Zoom tool initialized"
msgstr "Alat za uveličavanje je pokrenut"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Table column deleted"
msgstr "Kolona u tabeli je obrisana"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Offset out of document range"
msgstr "Pomeraj je van opsega dokumenta"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Table cleaned up"
msgstr "Tabela je pročišćena"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Error loading data, status ${status}"
msgstr "Greška pri učitavanju podataka, status ${status}"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\\'s security settings."
msgstr "Poruka u statusnoj traci nije mogla biti postavljena, proverite bezbednosna podešavanja u Vašem pregledaču."
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
msgstr "Pomak krajnjeg noda je primećen u nodu koji nema dece!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Your form has not been saved. All changes you have made will be lost"
msgstr "Vaš formular nije sačuvan. Sve izmene koje ste napravili biće izgubljene"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Link added"
msgstr "Veza je dodata"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "No head in document!"
msgstr "Dokument nema zaglavlje!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Not inside a row!"
msgstr "Kursor nije unutar vrste!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Not inside a table!"
msgstr "Kursor nije unutar tabele!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Selection not inside the node!"
msgstr "Izbor nije unutar noda!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Editor not initialized yet!"
msgstr "Uređivač još nije pokrenut!"
#: /common/kupu.pox:None
msgid "Table column added"
msgstr "Dodata je kolona u tabeli"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Caption"
msgid "imagedrawer_caption_label"
msgstr "Naslov"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Insert Link"
msgid "linkdrawer_title"
msgstr "Ubaci vezu"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Left"
msgid "imagedrawer_left"
msgstr "Levo"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "(${width} by ${height})"
msgid "imagedrawer_size"
msgstr "(${width} sa ${height})"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Insert Image"
msgid "imagedrawer_title"
msgstr "Ubaci sliku"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Upload to: ${folder}"
msgid "imagedrawer_upload_to_label"
msgstr "Postavi u: ${folder}"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Name"
msgid "linkdrawer_name_label"
msgstr "Ime"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Preview"
msgid "imagedrawer_upload_preview_label"
msgstr "Pregled"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: ""
# "Select an image from your computer and click ok to have it\n"
# " automatically uploaded to selected folder and inserted into the\n"
# " editor."
msgid "imagedrawer_upload_instructions"
msgstr ""
"Izaberite sliku sa Vašeg računara i pritisnite „U redu“ kako biste\n"
"je automatski poslali u izabrani direktorijum i ubacili u uređivač."
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Upload ..."
msgid "imagedrawer_upload_link"
msgstr "Pošalji..."
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Title:"
msgid "imagedrawer_upload_title_label"
msgstr "Naslov:"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Title"
msgid "linkdrawer_title_label"
msgstr "Naslov"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Description"
msgid "linkdrawer_description_label"
msgstr "Opis"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "ALT-text"
msgid "imagedrawer_upload_alt_text"
msgstr "Alternativni tekst"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "search"
msgid "kupudrawer_search"
msgstr "nađi"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Inline"
msgid "imagedrawer_inline"
msgstr "U liniji"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Target"
msgid "linkdrawer_target_label"
msgstr "Odredište"
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
# Default: "Right"
msgid "imagedrawer_right"
msgstr "Desno"
#: /default/body.kupu:None
msgid "Kupu Editor Test Page"
msgstr "Probna strana uređivača Kupu"
#: /default/colorchooser.kupu:None
msgid "text color: alt-f"
msgstr "boja teksta: alt-f"
#: /default/colorchooser.kupu:None
msgid "background color: alt-h"
msgstr "boja pozadine: alt-h"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Row"
msgid "tabledrawer_row_label"
msgstr "Vrsta"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Right"
msgid "tabledrawer_right_option"
msgstr "Desno"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Current column alignment"
msgid "tabledrawer_alignment_label"
msgstr "Uravnaj trenutnu kolonu"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
msgid "external link"
msgstr "spoljašnja veza"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Center"
msgid "tabledrawer_center_option"
msgstr "Sredina"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Fix All Tables"
msgid "tabledrawer_fix_tables_button"
msgstr "Fiksiraj sve tabele"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
msgid "External Link"
msgstr "Spoljašnja veza"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Columns"
msgid "tabledrawer_columns_label"
msgstr "Kolone"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Left"
msgid "tabledrawer_left_option"
msgstr "Levo"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
msgid "image"
msgstr "slika"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
msgid "table"
msgstr "tabela"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Pregled"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Rows"
msgid "tabledrawer_rows_label"
msgstr "Vrste"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
msgid "internal link"
msgstr "unutrašnja veza"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Table"
msgid "tabledrawer_title"
msgstr "Tabela"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Add Table"
msgid "tabledrawer_add_table_button"
msgstr "Dodaj tabelu"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Close"
msgid "tabledrawer_close_button"
msgstr "Zatvori"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Column"
msgid "tabledrawer_column_label"
msgstr "Kolona"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Create Headings"
msgid "tabledrawer_headings_label"
msgstr "Napravi zaglavlje"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Fix"
msgid "tabledrawer_fix_button"
msgstr "Fiksiraj"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Fix Table"
msgid "tabledrawer_fix_table_label"
msgstr "Fiksiraj tabelu"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "U redu"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
#: /common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl:None
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Otkaži"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Add"
msgid "tabledrawer_add_button"
msgstr "Dodaj"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Remove"
msgid "tabledrawer_remove_button"
msgstr "Ukloni"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
# Default: "Table Class"
msgid "tabledrawer_class_label"
msgstr "Klasa tabele"
#: /default/drawers.kupu:None
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Link the highlighted text to this URL:"
msgstr "Priveži označeni tekst za ovaj URL:"
#: /default/save.kupu:None
msgid "save: alt-s"
msgstr "sačuvaj: alt-s"
#: /default/sourceedit.kupu:None
msgid "edit HTML code"
msgstr "uredi HTML kod"
#: /default/spellchecker.kupu:None
msgid "check spelling"
msgstr "provera pravopisa"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
# Default: "1"
msgid "list-decimal"
msgstr "1"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
# Default: "A"
msgid "list-upperalpha"
msgstr "A"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "bold: alt-b"
msgstr "polucrno: alt-b"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "superscript: alt-+"
msgstr "gornji indeks: alt-+"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
# Default: "&#9675;"
msgid "list-circle"
msgstr "&#9675;"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "Formatted"
msgstr "Formatirano"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
# Default: "a"
msgid "list-loweralpha"
msgstr "a"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
# Default: "no bullet"
msgid "list-nobullet"
msgstr "bez oznake"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
# Default: "i"
msgid "list-lowerroman"
msgstr "i"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "Kupu SVN/unreleased"
msgstr "Kupu SVN/neobjavljen"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "Remove image"
msgstr "Ukloni sliku"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "undo: alt-z"
msgstr "poništi: alt-z"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
# Default: "&#9679;"
msgid "list-disc"
msgstr "&#9679;"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "definition list: alt-="
msgstr "spisak definicija: alt-="
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "indent: alt->"
msgstr "uvlačenje: alt->"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "Remove link"
msgstr "Ukloni vezu"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normalno"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "Naslov"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "Subheading"
msgstr "Podnaslov"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "left justify: alt-l"
msgstr "uravnaj levo: alt-l"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "right justify: alt-r"
msgstr "uravnaj desno: alt-r"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "outdent: alt-<"
msgstr "izvlačenje: alt-<"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
# Default: "&#9632;"
msgid "list-square"
msgstr "&#9632;"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "underline: alt-u"
msgstr "podvučeno: alt-u"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "redo: alt-y"
msgstr "ponovi: alt-y"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "subscript: alt--"
msgstr "donji indeks: alt--"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "center justify: alt-c"
msgstr "uravnaj po sredini: alt-c"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "unordered list: alt-*"
msgstr "neuređen spisak: alt-*"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "Heading 3"
msgstr "Naslov 3"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "Heading 2"
msgstr "Naslov 2"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "Heading 1"
msgstr "Naslov 1"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "Heading 6"
msgstr "Naslov 6"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "Heading 5"
msgstr "Naslov 5"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "Heading 4"
msgstr "Naslov 4"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "numbered list: alt-#"
msgstr "nabrojani spisak: alt-#"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
msgid "italic: alt-i"
msgstr "kurziv: alt-i"
#: /default/toolbar.kupu:None
# Default: "I"
msgid "list-upperroman"
msgstr "I"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Headings:"
msgstr "Naslovi:"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Fix"
msgstr "Fiksiraj"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Remove Column"
msgstr "Ukloni kolonu"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Inline"
msgstr "U liniji"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Select a cleanup action:"
msgstr "Izbor prečišćavanja:"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Veze"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Rows:"
msgstr "Vrste:"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Remove Row"
msgstr "Ukloni vrstu"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabele"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Napravi"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Insert image at the following URL:"
msgstr "Ubaci sliku sa sledećeg URLa:"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Naslov:"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Opis:"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Image class:"
msgstr "Klasa slike:"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Add Column"
msgstr "Dodaj kolonu"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Fix Table"
msgstr "Fiksiraj tabelu"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Slike"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Insert Image"
msgstr "Ubaci sliku"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Add Table"
msgstr "Dodaj tabelu"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Add Row"
msgstr "Dodaj vrstu"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Svojstva"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Col Align:"
msgstr "Uravnanje kolona:"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Center"
msgstr "Sredina"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Debug Log"
msgstr "Dnevnik grešaka"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Make Link"
msgstr "Napravi vezu"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Cleanup expressions"
msgstr "Pročisti izraze"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Columns:"
msgstr "Kolone:"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Table Class:"
msgstr "Klasa tabele:"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Desno"
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
#: /default/toolboxes.kupu:None
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Levo"
#: /plone/body.kupu
msgid "force-kupu"
msgstr "force-kupu"
#: /plone/body.kupu
msgid "suppress-kupu"
msgstr "suppress-kupu"