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from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.Archetypes.public import *
from Products.Archetypes.config import REFERENCE_CATALOG
from Products.Archetypes.Field import TextField
from Products.Archetypes.ReferenceEngine import Reference
from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import FileUpload
import re
# UID_PATTERN matches a UID in an anchor or image tag.
UID_PATTERN = re.compile(r'''<(?:a\b[^>]+href|img\b[^>]+src)="resolveuid/(?P<uid>[^">/]+)''', re.I)
class ReftextField(TextField):
__implements__ = TextField.__implements__
_properties = TextField._properties.copy()
'widget': RichWidget,
'default_content_type' : 'text/html',
'default_output_type' : 'text/x-html-captioned',
'allowable_content_types' : ('text/html',),
'relationship' : None, # defaults to field name
'referenceClass' : Reference,
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
""" Assign input value to object. If mimetype is not specified,
pass to processing method without one and add mimetype
returned to kwargs. Assign kwargs to instance.
if value is None:
# nothing to do
TextField.set(self, instance, value, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(value, basestring):;
value =
uids = UID_PATTERN.findall(value) # XXX: build list of uids from the value here
uids = dict.fromkeys(uids).keys() # Remove duplicate uids.
tool = getToolByName(instance, REFERENCE_CATALOG)
relationship = self.relationship
if relationship is None:
relationship = self.__name__
targetUIDs = [ref.targetUID for ref in
tool.getReferences(instance, relationship)]
add = [v for v in uids if v and v not in targetUIDs]
sub = [t for t in targetUIDs if t not in uids]
# tweak keyword arguments for addReference
addRef_kw = kwargs.copy()
addRef_kw.setdefault('referenceClass', self.referenceClass)
if addRef_kw.has_key('schema'): del addRef_kw['schema']
for uid in add:
__traceback_info__ = (instance, uid, value, targetUIDs)
# throws ReferenceError if uid is invalid
tool.addReference(instance, uid, relationship, **addRef_kw)
except ReferenceError:
for uid in sub:
tool.deleteReference(instance, uid, relationship)
# print "Result was:",[ref.targetUID for ref in
# tool.getReferences(instance, relationship)]
# print "Objects:",[ref.getTargetObject() for ref in
# tool.getReferences(instance, relationship)]