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* Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Kupu Contributors. All rights reserved.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the Kupu
* License. See LICENSE.txt for license text. For a list of Kupu
* Contributors see CREDITS.txt.
// $Id: test_kupuhelpers.js 9982 2005-03-21 09:53:57Z yuppie $
function SelectionTestCase() {
this.assertEquals = function(var1, var2, message) {
/* assert whether 2 vars have the same value */
// XXX: this should be removed again when issue 188 is resolved
// toSource() of Mozilla objects returns always the same
if (!message) {
message = '';
} else {
message = "'" + message + "' ";
if (var1 != var2) {
throw('Assertion '+message+'failed: ' + var1 + ' != ' + var2);
var visibleEmptyElements = new Array('IMG', 'BR', 'HR');
var blockElements = new Array('P', 'DIV');
this.setUp = function() {
var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe');
this.doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
this.body = this.doc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
this.kupudoc = new KupuDocument(iframe);
this.selection = this.kupudoc.getSelection();
this._MozillaPosition = function(element, offset, lastnode) {
// this does not skip invisible whitespace
var node = element.firstChild;
for (var i=0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE) {
var endcounts = !node.nextSibling &&
if ((offset < node.length) ||
((offset == node.length) && (!lastnode || endcounts))) {
return [node, offset];
if (endcounts) {
offset -= 1;
offset -= node.length;
} else if (node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (visibleEmptyElements.contains(node.tagName.toUpperCase())) {
if (offset > 0 && !node.nextSibling) {
offset -= 1;
i += 1;
if (offset == 0) {
return [element, i];
offset -= 1;
} else {
position = this._MozillaPosition(node, offset, lastnode);
if (position[0]) {
return position;
offset = position[1];
node = node.nextSibling;
return [node, offset];
this._setSelection = function(startOffset, startNextNode, endOffset,
endNextNode, verificationString) {
var element = this.body;
var innerSelection = this.selection.selection;
var range = innerSelection.createRange();
var endrange = innerSelection.createRange();
range.moveStart('character', startOffset);
endrange.moveStart('character', endOffset);
range.setEndPoint('EndToStart', endrange);;
} else {
var position = this._MozillaPosition(element, startOffset,
innerSelection.collapse(position[0], position[1]);
if (startOffset != endOffset) {
var position = this._MozillaPosition(element, endOffset,
innerSelection.extend(position[0], position[1]);
this.assertEquals('"'+this.selection.toString().replace(/\r|\n/g, '')+'"',
this._cleanHtml = function(s) {
s = s.toLowerCase().replace(/[\r\n]/g, "");
s = s.replace(/\>[ ]+\</g, "><");
return s;
this.tearDown = function() {
this.body.innerHTML = '';
SelectionTestCase.prototype = new TestCase;
function KupuHelpersTestCase() { = 'KupuHelpersTestCase';
this.setUp = function() {
var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe');
this.doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
this.body = this.doc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
this._testdiv = document.getElementById('testdiv');
this.testSelectSelectItem = function() {
var select = this.doc.createElement('select');
var option = this.doc.createElement('option');
option.value = 'foo';
var option2 = this.doc.createElement('option');
option2.value = 'bar';
this.assertEquals(select.selectedIndex, 0);
var ret = selectSelectItem(select, 'bar');
this.assertEquals(select.selectedIndex, 1);
var ret = selectSelectItem(select, 'baz');
this.assertEquals(select.selectedIndex, 0);
this.testArrayContains = function() {
var array = new Array(1, 2, 3);
this.assertFalse(array.contains('1', 1));
this.testStringStrip = function() {
// an empty string
var str = "";
this.assertEquals(str.strip(), str);
// a string only containg whitespace
str = " \n \t ";
this.assertEquals(str.strip(), "");
// a string not containg any whitespaces
str = "foo"
this.assertEquals(str.strip(), str);
// a word wrapped around whitespace
str = "\n foo \t ";
// a single character wrapped in whitespace
str = "\n\t a \t\n";
this.assertEquals(str.strip(), "a");
// a string containing whitespace in the middle
str = "foo bar baz";
this.assertEquals(str.strip(), str);
// a string containing spaces around it and in it
str = " \t foo bar\n baz ";
this.assertEquals(str.strip(), "foo bar\n baz");
str = " tu quoque Brute filie mee ";
this.assertEquals(str.strip(), "tu quoque Brute filie mee");
this.testLoadDictFromXML = function() {
var dict = loadDictFromXML(document, 'xmlisland');
this.assertEquals(dict['foo'], 'bar');
this.assertEquals(dict['sna'], 'fu');
for (var attr in dict) {
this.assert(attr == 'foo' || attr == 'sna' ||
attr == 'some_int' || attr == 'nested' ||
attr == 'list');
this.assertEquals(dict['some_int'], 1);
this.assertEquals(dict['nested']['foo'], 'bar');
this.assertEquals(dict['list'][0], 0);
this.assertEquals(dict['list'].length, 2);
this.testGetFromSelector = function() {
data = '<div><span id="xspan" class="xyzzy"></span></div>';
this._testdiv.innerHTML = data;
node = getFromSelector("xspan");
this.assertEquals(node &&, "xspan");
node = getFromSelector("#testdiv span.xyzzy");
this.assertEquals(node &&, "xspan");
data = '<div><button class="xyzzy"></button><span id="xspan" class="foo xyzzy bar"></span></div>';
this._testdiv.innerHTML = data;
node = getFromSelector("#testdiv span.xyzzy");
this.assertEquals(node &&, "xspan");
this.tearDown = function() {
this.body.innerHTML = '';
this._testdiv.innerHTML = '';
KupuHelpersTestCase.prototype = new TestCase;
function KupuSelectionTestCase() {
this.testReplaceWithNode = function() {
this.body.innerHTML = '<p>foo bar baz</p>';
// select |bar|
this._setSelection(4, null, 7, null, 'bar');
node = this.doc.createElement('img');
this.selection.replaceWithNode(node, true);
this.assertEquals(this.body.innerHTML.toLowerCase(), '<p>foo <img> baz</p>');
this.testReplaceWithNodeTwice = function() {
this.body.innerHTML = '<p>foo bar baz</p>';
// select |bar|
this._setSelection(4, null, 7, null, 'bar');
node = this.doc.createElement('img');
this.selection.replaceWithNode(node, true);
this.selection.replaceWithNode(node, true);
this.assertEquals(this.body.innerHTML.toLowerCase(), '<p>foo <img> baz</p>');
this.testParentElementMissing = function() {
this.body.innerHTML = '<p>foo <b>bar</b><img><img> baz</p>';
// remove selection
var selection = this.selection.selection;
_SARISSA_IS_IE ? selection.empty() : selection.removeAllRanges();
node = this.doc.getElementsByTagName('p')[0];
this.assertEquals(this.selection.parentElement(), node);
this.testParentElementBold = function() {
this.body.innerHTML = '<p>foo <b>bar</b><img/><img/> baz</p>';
// select |bar|
this._setSelection(4, true, 7, false, 'bar');
node = this.doc.getElementsByTagName('b')[0];
this.assertEquals(this.selection.parentElement(), node);
this.testParentElementImg = function() {
this.body.innerHTML = '<p>foo <b>bar</b><img/><img/> baz</p>';
// select |<img/>|
this._setSelection(7, true, 8, false, '');
node = this.doc.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
this.assertEquals(this.selection.parentElement(), node);
this.testParentElementImgSpecial = function() {
this.body.innerHTML = '<p>foo <a><img/></a></p>';
// select |<img/>|
this._setSelection(4, true, 5, null, '');
node = this.doc.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
foo = this.selection.parentElement();
this.assertEquals(this.selection.parentElement(), node);
this.testParentElementMixed = function() {
this.body.innerHTML = '<p>foo <b>bar</b><img><img> baz</p>';
// select |ar</b><img><img> b|
this._setSelection(5, null, 11, null, 'ar b');
node = this.doc.getElementsByTagName('p')[0];
this.assertEquals(this.selection.parentElement(), node);
this.testParentElement_r9516 = function() {
this.body.innerHTML = '<p>foo <b>bar</b><img/></p><p>baz</p>';
// select |<img/></p><p>baz|
this._setSelection(7, true, 12, false, 'baz');
node = this.doc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
this.assertEquals(this.selection.parentElement(), node);
this.testGetContentLength = function() {
this.body.innerHTML = '<p>foo bar baz</p>';
// select |bar|
this._setSelection(4, null, 7, null, 'bar');
this.assertEquals(this.selection.getContentLength(), 3);
this.testToString = function() {
this.body.innerHTML = '<p>foo <b>bar</b> baz</p>';
var selection = this.kupudoc.getSelection();
this.assertEquals(selection.toString(), 'foo bar baz');
this.assertEquals(selection.toString(), 'bar');
KupuSelectionTestCase.prototype = new SelectionTestCase;