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* Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Kupu Contributors. All rights reserved.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the Kupu
* License. See LICENSE.txt for license text. For a list of Kupu
* Contributors see CREDITS.txt.
// $Id: test_plone.js 15966 2005-08-11 15:16:18Z duncan $
// Various tests for html -> xhtml processing.
function KupuPloneTestCase() {
this.base_setUp = this.setUp; = 'KupuPloneTestCase';
this.incontext = function(s) {
return '<html><head><title>test</title></head><body>'+s+'</body></html>';
this.verifyResult = function(actual, expected) {
//var expected = this.incontext(exp);
if (actual == expected)
var context = /<html><head><title>test<\/title><\/head><body>(.*)<\/body><\/html>/;
if (context.test(actual) && context.test(expected)) {
var a = context.exec(actual)[1];
var e = context.exec(expected)[1];
throw('Assertion failed: ' + a + ' != ' + e);
throw('Assertion failed: ' + actual + ' != ' + expected);
this.setUp = function() {
this.editor = new KupuEditor(this.kupudoc, {}, null);
this.ui = new PloneKupuUI('kupu-tb-styles');
this.ui.editor = this.editor;
this.testRelativeLinks1 = function() {
var data = '<a href="http://localhost/cms/folder/emptypage#_ftnref1">[1]</a>';
var expected = '<a href="#_ftnref1">[1]</a>';
var base = 'http://localhost/cms/folder/';
var actual = this.editor.makeLinksRelative(data, base);
this.verifyResult(actual, expected);
this.testRelativeLinks2 = function() {
var data = '<a href="http://localhost/cms/folder/otherdoc#key">[1]</a>';
var expected = '<a href="otherdoc#key">[1]</a>';
var base = 'http://localhost/cms/folder/';
var actual = this.editor.makeLinksRelative(data, base);
this.verifyResult(actual, expected);
this.testRelativeLinks3 = function() {
var data = '<a href="http://localhost/cms/otherfolder/otherdoc">[1]</a>';
var expected = '<a href="../otherfolder/otherdoc">[1]</a>';
var base = 'http://localhost/cms/folder/';
var actual = this.editor.makeLinksRelative(data, base);
this.verifyResult(actual, expected);
this.testRelativeLinks4 = function() {
var data = '<a href="http://localhost:9080/plone/Members/admin/art1">[1]</a>';
var expected = '<a href="art1">[1]</a>';
var base = 'http://localhost:9080/plone/Members/admin/art1';
var actual = this.editor.makeLinksRelative(data, base);
this.verifyResult(actual, expected);
this.testRelativeLinks5 = function() {
var data = '<a href="http://localhost:9080/plone/Members/admin/art1/subitem">[1]</a>';
var expected = '<a href="art1/subitem">[1]</a>';
var base = 'http://localhost:9080/plone/Members/admin/art1';
var actual = this.editor.makeLinksRelative(data, base);
this.verifyResult(actual, expected);
this.testRelativeLinks6 = function() {
var data = '<a href="http://localhost:9080/plone/Members/admin">[1]</a>';
var expected = '<a href=".">[1]</a>';
var base = 'http://localhost:9080/plone/Members/admin/art1';
var actual = this.editor.makeLinksRelative(data, base);
this.verifyResult(actual, expected);
this.testSetTextStyle = function() {
var data = '<p>line 1</p><div class="Caption">line 2</div><div class="Caption">line 3</div>';
// select .....................................|e 2</div><div class="Caption">line|...
var expected = '<p>line 1</p><h2>line 2</h2><h2>line 3</h2>';
this.body.innerHTML = data;
this._setSelection(10, null, 18, null, 'e 2line');
this.assertEquals(this._cleanHtml(this.body.innerHTML), expected);
this.testSetTextStyleTable = function() {
var data = '<table><tbody><tr><td>test</td></tr></tbody></table>';
// select
var expected = '<table><tbody><tr><td><div class="te st">test</div></td></tr></tbody></table>';
var withheader = '<table><tbody><tr><th>test</th></tr></tbody></table>';
this.body.innerHTML = data;
var idx = _SARISSA_IS_IE ? 2 : 1;
this._setSelection(idx, null, idx+2, null, 'es');
this.ui.setTextStyle('div|te st'); // Space in class forces IE to put it in quotes!
this.assertEquals(this._cleanHtml(this.body.innerHTML), expected);
this._setSelection(idx, null, idx+2, null, 'es');
this.assertEquals(this._cleanHtml(this.body.innerHTML), data);
this.assertEquals(this._cleanHtml(this.body.innerHTML), withheader);
KupuPloneTestCase.prototype = new SelectionTestCase;