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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="GarryJolleyRogers" date="1259118876" format="1.1" version="1.8"}%
---+!! %TOPIC%
---+TDWG BDI.SDD_ Technical Review Meeting
<strong>3-7. April 2006<br/>
Federal Biological Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry, Berlin, Germany</strong>
---++1. Goals
The goal was to resolve outstanding technical and substantial issues resulting from implementations of the UBIF and BDI.SDD_ Schema version 1.0 finalized at the previous TDWG meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia. The motivation for the changes were to achieve a solid foundation for an improved primer and technical documentation. Earlier documentation created for intermediate versions is now obsolete.
---++2. Participants
* Bob Morris,
* Gregor Hagedorn
* Jacob Asiedu
* Damian Barnier (not Friday)
* Kevin Thiele (not Friday)
* Markus D<>ring (only Tuesday)
---++3. Outcomes
The technical issues (especially schema validation under different software implementation) were resolved on the first day. The core problem was the relationship between descriptive concepts, characters, and character or concept hierarchizations. The (recurring) underlying problem is that BDI.SDD_ has to satisfy both operational and fundamental concepts. While the intention was to release a minor revision ("BDI.SDD_ 1.01"), the outcome after the agreed changes was called [[Version1dot1][BDI.SDD_ version 1.1]].
The meeting drafted the BDI.SDD_ [Charter] as recommended by the TDWG TIP and Process groups, discussed and revised the [[][BDI.SDD_ presentation]] requested by Roger Hyam for the TAG meeting in Edinburgh (BDI.SDD_ participant: G. Hagedorn).
---++4. Outlook
Although initial implementations of BDI.SDD_ 1.0 were already carried out, wider implementation attempts were hampered by the lack of sufficient documentation and examples. Implementations of BDI.SDD_ 1.1 are agreed for Lucid and the EFG guides, and it is hoped that further groups find the resources to implement BDI.SDD_. The next meeting called "BDI.SDD_ lite" will try to address this by bringing potential implementers together and defining a subset of BDI.SDD_ containing those concepts most urgently needed by these groups. The BDI.SDD_ Lite meeting will also review and update the primer and techncial documentation, and may result in an explicit "profile" of BDI.SDD_ with a reduced complexity.
For further details of the discussions held see the [[SDD2006BerlinMinutes][technical report and meeting minutes]].
-- Main.GregorHagedorn - 24 May 2006@
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1258685129" format="1.1" reprev="1.7" version="1.7"}%
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---+TDWG BDI.SDD Technical Review Meeting
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The goal was to resolve outstanding technical and substantial issues resulting from implementations of the UBIF and BDI.SDD Schema version 1.0 finalized at the previous TDWG meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia. The motivation for the changes were to achieve a solid foundation for an improved primer and technical documentation. Earlier documentation created for intermediate versions is now obsolete.
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The technical issues (especially schema validation under different software implementation) were resolved on the first day. The core problem was the relationship between descriptive concepts, characters, and character or concept hierarchizations. The (recurring) underlying problem is that BDI.SDD has to satisfy both operational and fundamental concepts. While the intention was to release a minor revision ("BDI.SDD 1.01"), the outcome after the agreed changes was called [[Version1dot1][BDI.SDD version 1.1]].
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The meeting drafted the BDI.SDD [Charter] as recommended by the TDWG TIP and Process groups, discussed and revised the [[][BDI.SDD presentation]] requested by Roger Hyam for the TAG meeting in Edinburgh (BDI.SDD participant: G. Hagedorn).
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Although initial implementations of BDI.SDD 1.0 were already carried out, wider implementation attempts were hampered by the lack of sufficient documentation and examples. Implementations of BDI.SDD 1.1 are agreed for Lucid and the EFG guides, and it is hoped that further groups find the resources to implement BDI.SDD. The next meeting called "BDI.SDD lite" will try to address this by bringing potential implementers together and defining a subset of BDI.SDD containing those concepts most urgently needed by these groups. The BDI.SDD Lite meeting will also review and update the primer and techncial documentation, and may result in an explicit "profile" of BDI.SDD with a reduced complexity.
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-- Main.GregorHagedorn - 24 May 2006
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1148634609" format="1.1" version="1.5"}%
---+TDWG SDD Technical Review Meeting
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The goal was to resolve outstanding technical and substantial issues resulting from implementations of the UBIF and SDD Schema version 1.0 finalized at the previous TDWG meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia. The motivation for the changes were to achieve a solid foundation for an improved primer and technical documentation. Earlier documentation created for intermediate versions is now obsolete.
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The technical issues (especially schema validation under different software implementation) were resolved on the first day. The core problem was the relationship between descriptive concepts, characters, and character or concept hierarchizations. The (recurring) underlying problem is that SDD has to satisfy both operational and fundamental concepts. While the intention was to release a minor revision ("SDD 1.01"), the outcome after the agreed changes was called [[Version1dot1][SDD version 1.1]].
d26 1
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The meeting drafted the SDD [Charter] as recommended by the TDWG TIP and Process groups, discussed and revised the [[][SDD presentation]] requested by Roger Hyam for the TAG meeting in Edinburgh (SDD participant: G. Hagedorn).
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Although initial implementations of SDD 1.0 were already carried out, wider implementation attempts were hampered by the lack of sufficient documentation and examples. Implementations of SDD 1.1 are agreed for Lucid and the EFG guides, and it is hoped that further groups find the resources to implement SDD. The next meeting called "SDD lite" will try to address this by bringing potential implementers together and defining a subset of SDD containing those concepts most urgently needed by these groups. The SDD Lite meeting will also review and update the primer and techncial documentation, and may result in an explicit "profile" of SDD with a reduced complexity.
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-- Main.GregorHagedorn - 24 May 2006@
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1148629494" format="1.1" version="1.4"}%
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Although initial implementations of SDD 1.0 were already carried out, wider implementation attempts were hampered by the lack of sufficient documentation and examples. Implementations of SDD 1.1 are agreed for Lucid and the EFG guides, and it is hoped that further groups find the resources to implement SDD. The next meeting called "SDD lite" will try to addres this by bringing potential implementers together and defining a subset of SDD containing those concepts most urgently needed by these groups. The SDD Lite meeting will also review and update the primer and tecncial documentation, and may result in an explicit "profile" of SDD with a reduced complexity.
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1148464585" format="1.1" version="1.3"}%
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The goal of the meeting was to resolve outstanding technical and substantial issues that resulted from implementations of the UBIF and SDD Schema version 1.0 finalized at the previous TDWG meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia. The primary motivation for both kinds of changes was to achieve the best possible foundation for improved documentations (primer and technical documentation). In the history of SDD several versions of primer and documentation were created for intermediate versions, but later became obsolete. The opportunity provided by TDWG to support a new round of primer and documentation development should be based on the best possible version.
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The technical issues (especially schema validation under different software implementation) were relatively minor and could be resolved in the first day. However, the discussion of more substantial problems caused several points of the previous design to be revisited. At the core of the problem was the relationship between descriptive concepts, characters, and character or concept hierarchizations. The recurring underlying problem is that SDD has to satisfy both operational and fundamental concepts. Whereas at the onset of the meeting the intention was to release a minor revision ("SDD 1.01"), the outcome after the agreed changes was called [[Version1dot1][SDD version 1.1]].
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In addition, the meeting drafted the SDD [Charter] requested by the new TDWG TIP group, and revised and discussed the [[][SDD presentation]] requested by Roger Hyam for the TAG meeting in Edinburgh (SDD participant: G. Hagedorn).
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a28 1
Although initial implementations of SDD 1.0 were already carried out, wider implementation attempts were hampered by the lack of sufficient documentation and examples. Implementations of SDD 1.1 are agreed for Lucid and the EFG guides, and it is hoped that further groups find the resources to implement SDD. Towards this goal the next meeting called "SDD lite" will try to bring potential implementers together and define a subset of SDD containing those concepts most urgently needed by these groups. The outcome of this meeting will inform the ongoing primer and documentation development, and may result in an explicit "profile" of SDD with a reduced complexity.
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-- Main.GregorHagedorn - 24 May 2006
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1146133225" format="1.0" version="1.2"}%
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This is a summary of the results of the meeting in April 2006 in Berlin. For more details see [[SDD2006BerlinMinutes]].
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The following to be deleted when writing this. Lee suggests:
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. An executive summary (about half page) that will inform people in very simple terms
a. When the meeting took place and where
b. Who was at the meeting
c. what where the key outputs and outcomes, what decisions were made and why.
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We would certainly want to use this summary to promote the meeting on the TDWG public web site and possibly use it for local PR for the host
institution/agency, send to various lists and for example, the GBIF web site. This summary should either head the Technical Report or have a link to it.
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1146046393" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
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