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---++ Rob Emery (Mr), Senior Entomologist
Department of Agriculture Western Australia
3 Baron-Hay Court,
South Perth, 6151
Western Australia
Ph: 61 8 9368 3247
Fax: 61 8 9368 3223
Mob: 0404 819 601
*Western Australian Department of Agriculture Insect Collection Database*.
Department of Agriculture Western Australia, Senior Entomologist, Rob Emery has developed the Invertebrate Collection Database (ICDb) which has been used by the Department of Agriculture for the last 11 years. It currently holds specimen records for around 130,000 specimens and I believe this makes it one of the largest online specimen catalogues in the world. Work on this database was recognised nationally in September 2000 when it was awarded a National Quarantine Award in the Media and Education category. ICDb has now been adapted to hold the Plant Pathology group's culture collection of some 9,000 records. Other organisations have seen the value of our approach and ICDb is used by the Western Australian Museum (Terry Houston), Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management (Tom Burbidge) as well as quarantine collections in Canberra (Glynn Maynard) and New South Wales (James Walker). ICDb also formed the basis for the species catalogue of Tasmania DPIWE (Lionel Hill) and evaluation copies of it are currently with Queensland DPI (John Donaldson), and Forests Tasmania (Dick Bashford).
This database is now a node of more than a dozen disparate collection databases across Australia that form the Australian Plant Pest Database, http://www.planthealthaustralia.com.au/appd.
Rob has a Bach. App. Sci. (Biology) and Grad. Dip. Natural Resources and has worked for the Entomology Branch for 28 years on a range of insect pests. He began working with computers soon after his arrival and initially developed databases in our Prime mainframe environment using Info 9. Rob quickly saw the advantages of personal computers in the early 80's and over the years has developed a number of significant databases including a Pest Interception Database, Pest Threat Analysis Database and Pest Host Interactions Database. Rob realised the potential of the Internet for online delivery of information and developed database-driven web pages for pest identification and resistance management. The latter has achieved international recognition and pre-empted the FAO recommendation for such databases.
I would be able to devote time to web-based discussions as part of a working group between the two workshops.
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