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---++ OJS Documentation
As far as I can tell, OJS is stand-alone, except for linking to the user database. An important implication of this is that *all user registrations must go via the Register pages in TYPO3, not OJS. As a start, I've written a comprehensive OJS User Guide at http://www.tdwg.org/fileadmin/documentation/ojs/OJS_Guide.pdf. This gives a step by step for Authors, Reviewers and Editors.
---+++Publishing Charters
* 2009_02_05_Lee. I am uncertain if Ricardo has linked OJS to TYPO3 when a group charter is published. One thing I have learnt is that the *Galley* of the charter should be in HTML format and the Word (doc) version should be as a Word file. I get the feeling that Ricardo may have set this up to assist in the creation of charter pages for new groups. Dunno at this stage (see problems on how to create new group pages in TYPO3).
* 2009_04_24_Lee. I've now confirmed that Ricardo's plug-in in TYPOS picks up the galley proof (and published) version (must be HTML) from OJS. This means that if you want to *change* or *update* a charter, then what need to be done is to upload the new charter in HTML (single file) and then delete the old galley (it doesn't override the older file in this case, just makes a another version) and then publish it again. This file ends up being displayed where there are references to the charter in TYPO3. I updated the TAPIR Charter today to replace the old TAPIR mail list with a link to the TAG list and it seemed to work. See the TYPO3 documentation on how to change links int eh Activities table
---+++Publishing Standards
* 2010_02_8_Lee. Ricardo's email of this date suggested that that latest file had to be uploaded as the latest Copyedit, but if so, it is different to the Layout publishing for public review. See Darwin Core and TAPIR standards. In other words, publishing the Layout file as a proposed standard vs. publishing the Copyedit file as THE standard! I need to seek clarification from Ricardo on this.
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 05 Feb 2009