196 lines
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196 lines
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---+!! %TOPIC%
[[http://dynarch.com/mishoo/calendar.epl][Mishoo JSCalendar]], packaged for use by plugins, skins and add-ons.
It is automatically generated from the subversion repository, and any changes
you make will simply be overwritten the next time a release is generated.
Instead, you could check your fix in, raise a bug in the Bugs web, or mail thge author.
---++ Summary of Contents
This module packages the [[http://dynarch.com/mishoo/calendar.epl][Mishoo JSCalendar]] Javascript in a form suitable for use with TWiki.
---++ Detailed Documentation
Read [[%ATTACHURL%/doc/html/reference.html][the Mishoo documentation]] or [[%ATTACHURL%][visit the demo page]].
This package provides a =renderFormFieldForEditHandler= that could be invoked by a plugin to ensure that forms use the [[http://dynarch.com/mishoo/calendar.epl][Mishoo JSCalendar]] for editing.
This package also includes a small Perl module to make using the calendar easier from TWiki plugins. This module includes the function:
addHEAD( $setup )
that can automatically add the required headers to the page being rendered. =$setup= is the name of the calendar setup module; it can either be ommitted, in which case the method described in the Mishoo documentation can be used to create calendars, or it can be ='twiki'=, in which case a helper function is added that simplifies using calendars to set a value in a text field. For example,
# Add styles and javascript for the calendar
require TWiki::Contrib::JSCalendarContrib;
if( $@ || !$TWiki::Contrib::JSCalendarContrib::VERSION ||
$TWiki::Contrib::JSCalendarContrib::VERSION < 0.961 ) {
TWiki::Func::writeWarning('JSCalendarContrib >=0.961 not found '.$@);
} else {
TWiki::Contrib::JSCalendarContrib::addHEAD( 'twiki' );
$html .= CGI::textfield(
{ name => 'datefield',
id => "id_datefield" });
$html .=
-name => 'datefield_calendar',
-onclick =>
"return showCalendar('id_datefield','%e %B %Y')",
-src=> TWiki::Func::getPubUrlPath() . '/' .
TWiki::Func::getTwikiWebname() .
-alt => 'Calendar',
-align => 'MIDDLE' );
The first parameter to showCalendar is the id of the textfield. See the Mishoo documentation for details of the '$e %B %Y' parameter.
Note that the header will only be added once, regardless of the number of times that addHEAD is called.
=addHEAD= can be called from =commonTagsHandler= for adding the header to all pages, or to =beforeEditHandler= just for edit pages etc.
---+++ Settings
* Name of the perl package
* Set STUB = TWiki::Contrib::JSCalendarContrib
* What do I do
* Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = [[http://dynarch.com/mishoo/calendar.epl][Mishoo JSCalendar]], packaged for use by plugins, skins and add-ons.
---+++ Installation Instructions
* Download the archive from the Plugins web (see below)
* Unpack it in your twiki installation directory. Content:
| *File:* | *Description:* |
| ==data/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib.txt== | |
| ==lib/TWiki/Contrib/JSCalendarContrib.pm== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/twiki.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/bugtest-hidden-selects.html== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar-blue2.css== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar-blue.css== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar-brown.css== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar-green.css== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar.php== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar-setup.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar-setup_stripped.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar_stripped.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar-system.css== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar-tas.css== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar-win2k-1.css== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar-win2k-2.css== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar-win2k-cold-1.css== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/calendar-win2k-cold-2.css== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/ChangeLog== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/dayinfo.html== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/doc/html/field-button.jpg== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/doc/html/reference.css== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/doc/html/reference.html== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/doc/html/reference-Z-S.css== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/doc/reference.pdf== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/img.gif== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/index.html== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-af.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-al.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-bg.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-big5.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-big5-utf8.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-br.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-ca.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-cs-utf8.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-cs-win.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-da.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-de.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-du.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-el.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-en.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-es.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-fi.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-fr.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-he-utf8.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-hr.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-hr-utf8.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-hu.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-it.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-jp.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-ko.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-ko-utf8.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-lt.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-lt-utf8.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-lv.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-nl.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-no.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-pl.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-pl-utf8.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-pt.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-ro.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-ru_win_.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-ru.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-si.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-sk.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-sp.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-sv.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-tr.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/calendar-zh.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/lang/cn_utf8.js== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/skins/aqua/active-bg.gif== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/skins/aqua/dark-bg.gif== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/skins/aqua/hover-bg.gif== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/skins/aqua/menuarrow.gif== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/skins/aqua/normal-bg.gif== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/skins/aqua/rowhover-bg.gif== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/skins/aqua/status-bg.gif== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/skins/aqua/theme.css== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/skins/aqua/title-bg.gif== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/skins/aqua/today-bg.gif== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/skins/aqua/transparent-bg.png== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/menuarrow.gif== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/menuarrow2.gif== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/multiple-dates.html== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/README== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/release-notes.html== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/simple-1.html== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/simple-2.html== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/simple-3.html== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/test.php== | |
| ==pub/TWiki/JSCalendarContrib/test-position.html== | |
* Make sure that all files are readable by the web server user
* An administrator can customize the appearance of the calendar by setting the following in =<nop>LocalSite.cfg=
| *Setting* | *Default* |
| =$TWiki::cfg{JSCalendarContrib}{style}= | ='blue'= |
| =$TWiki::cfg{JSCalendarContrib}{lang}= | ='en'= |
| =$TWiki::cfg{JSCalendarContrib}{format}= | ='%e %b %Y'= |
---+++ Contrib Info
| Author: | TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk |
| Version: | 11704 of the Mishoo calendar |
| Copyright ©: | See [[%ATTACHURL%/doc/html/reference.html][the Mishoo documentation]] |
| License: | GPL ([[http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html][GNU General Public License]]) |
| Dependencies: | None |
| Change History: | |
| 11594 | Allow format to be configured. |
| 11415 | Add a =renderFormFieldForEditHandler= so other plugins can forward to this handler to add the date field to the TWikiForms. (TWiki:Main.ThomasWeigert) |
| 10247 | <a rel='nofollow' href='http://develop.twiki.org/~develop/cgi-bin/view/Bugs/Item2054'>Item2054</a> put the calendar at z-index 2000, way above pattern skin divs. |
| 6634 | <a rel='nofollow' href='http://develop.twiki.org/~develop/cgi-bin/view/Bugs/Item453'>Item453</a> removed EditTablePlugins private copy of the Mishoo JS calendar, and made sure it works with JSCalendarContrib. Improved the documentation of the JSCalendar while I was there. |
| 6626 | <a rel='nofollow' href='http://develop.twiki.org/~develop/cgi-bin/view/Bugs/Item468'>Item468</a> updated docs for Dakar release |
| 5048 | Cairo readiness |
| 5039 | Split from SharedCode |
| 27 Dec 2005 | updated to calendar version 1.0; set style for Safari to win2k-1|
| 14 Aug 2004 | Separated out from SharedCode module |
| Home: | http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/%TOPIC% |
| Feedback: | http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/%TOPIC%Dev |
| Appraisal: | http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/%TOPIC%Appraisal |
__Related Topics:__ %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences