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%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1147813287" format="1.1" version="1.38"}%
Discussion on <nop>LinneanCore, a schema to exchange taxonomic name strings.
<h3>New Topics</h3>
LinneanCoreCanonicalName (name without authors)<br/>
LinneanCoreCanonicalAuthorship (author and citation elements)<br/>
ObjectIdentifierPattern (ids and GUIDs in LinneanCore - and actually anywhere)<br/>
LinneanCoreDisentangle (Appeal to separate hierarchy and canonical name as far as possible)<br/>
LinneanCoreNameIdentity (How many elements necessary for infrageneric/specific ranks?)
LinneanCoreNomenclaturalStatus (legitimacy, conservation, etc. of names - later assessment)<br/>
LCNameCreationTypeDiscussion (sp. nov., comb. nov., autonym)<br/>
LinneanCoreHomoIsonym (issues of homonym isonym, and nomen novum/replacement name)<br/>
LinneanCoreHybridNothotaxa (issues about hybrid formulae and "notho"taxa [named hybrids])<br/>
LinneanCoreConceptSuffixString (provide a place in atomization for "s. lat." etc.?)<br/>
LinneanCoreUseCases (Activities for which LC is intended)<br/>
LinneanCoreResourceLinks (Links to <nop>BioCode, etc.)<br/>
LinneanCoreDefinitions (definitions of terms to be used in further discussions)
LinneanCoreDomain (What constitutes a unique LC unit or record)<br/>
LinneanCoreTCSInteraction (Issues related to LC as a subset of TCS<br/>
LinneanCoreMultipleStructuresForNames (Distinguishing "Nominal" from other types of Concepts).
<h3>Schema versions and example data</h3>
LinneanCoreExampleNames (names from different kingdoms, hard cases etc.)<br/>
LinneanCoreTcsNameExamples (Napier TCS team's commentary on LinneanCoreExampleNames, with some XML examples of how nomenclatural information can be captured in a concept world).
<h3>Relevant enumerations of values (part of UBIF schema)</h3>
TaxonomicRankEnum (see also [[][formatted html page]])<br/>
LinneanCoreNomenclaturalStatus (Unfinished - input most welcome!)<br/>
NomenclaturalCodesEnum (e.g. "Botanical/Zoological" for ICBN, ICZN, etc.)
<h3>Retired or closed Topics</h3>
<em>Note</em>: It is assumed that the discussion topics below are dormant (either resolved, or parsed/transferred into more specific topics in sections above). If you make changes of any of the pages linked below, please move the topic link out of this section.
LinneanCoreAfterChristchurch (Rich's charter email, 2004-10-18)<br/>
LinneanCoreUrgency (Letter by Chris Lyal)<br/>
LinneanCoreChoiceOfName (<nop>LinneanCore or <nop>LinneausCore?)
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