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# TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform,
# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 TWiki Contributors.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For
# more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited.
# This class is used to refer to two hashes of configuration values.
# The first is a hash of default values, and the second (which will
# have mostly the same keys) contains the *current* value (i.e. the
# value after edits have been applied).
# $defaults is a reference to the hash of defaults
# $values is a reference to the hash of current values
use strict;
package TWiki::Configure::Valuer;
use TWiki::Configure::Type;
sub new {
my ($class, $defaults, $values) = @_;
my $this = bless({}, $class);
$this->{defaults} = $defaults;
$this->{values} = $values;
return $this;
# Get a value from one of the value sets (defaults or values)
sub _getValue {
my ($this, $value, $set) = @_;
my $keys = $value->getKeys();
my $var = '$this->{'.$set.'}->'.$keys;
my $val;
eval '$val = '.$var.' if exists('.$var.')';
if (defined $val) {
# SMELL: Really shouldn't do this unless we are sure it's an RE,
# but the probability of this string occurring elsewhere than an
# RE is so low that we can afford to take the risk.
while ($val =~ s/^\(\?-xism:(.*)\)$/$1/) {};
return $val;
# get the current value
sub currentValue {
my ($this, $value) = @_;
return $this->_getValue($value, 'values');
# get the default value
sub defaultValue {
my ($this, $value) = @_;
return $this->_getValue($value, 'defaults');
# Get changed values from CGI. Each parameter is identified by a
# TYPEOF: param that specifies the keys e.g. ?TYPEOF:{Kiss}=Smooch. The
# type is used to determine if the value of {Kiss} in CGI is different to
# the value known to the Valuer (i.e. has been updated). If it is, the keys
# are added to the $updated hash.
sub loadCGIParams {
my ($this, $query, $updated) = @_;
my $param;
my $changed = 0;
# Each config param has an associated TYPEOF: param, so we only
# pick up those things that we really want
foreach $param ( $query->param ) {
# the - (and therefore the ' and ") is required for languages
# e.g. {Languages}{'zh-cn'}.
next unless $param =~ /^TYPEOF:((?:{[-\w'"]+})*)/;
my $keys = $1;
# The value of TYPEOF: is the type name
my $typename = $query->param( $param );
my $type = TWiki::Configure::Type::load($typename);
my $newval = $type->string2value($query->param( $keys ));
my $xpr = '$this->{values}->'.$keys;
my $curval = eval $xpr;
if (!$type->equals($newval, $curval)) {
#print "<br>$typename $keys '$newval' != '$curval'\n";
eval $xpr.' = $newval';
$updated->{$keys} = 1;
return $changed;