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# Module of TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform,
# Copyright (C) 2004 Wind River Systems Inc.
# Copyright (C) 1999-2006 TWiki Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved. TWiki Contributors
# are listed in the AUTHORS file in the root of this distribution.
# NOTE: Please extend that file, not this notice.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For
# more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited.
use strict;
use TWiki;
use TWiki::Contrib::MailerContrib::WebNotify;
use TWiki::Contrib::MailerContrib::Change;
use TWiki::Contrib::MailerContrib::UpData;
---+ package TWiki::Contrib::Mailer
Package of support for extended Web<nop>Notify notification, supporting per-topic notification and notification of changes to children.
Also supported is a simple API that can be used to change the Web<nop>Notify topic from other code.
package TWiki::Contrib::Mailer;
use URI;
use vars qw ( $VERSION $RELEASE $verbose );
# This should always be $Rev: 11662 $ so that TWiki can determine the checked-in
# status of the plugin. It is used by the build automation tools, so
# you should leave it alone.
$VERSION = '$Rev: 11662 $';
# This is a free-form string you can use to "name" your own plugin version.
# It is *not* used by the build automation tools, but is reported as part
# of the version number in PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS.
$RELEASE = 'Dakar';
---++ StaticMethod mailNotify($webs, $session, $verbose)
* =$webs= - filter list of names webs to process. Wildcards (*) may be used.
* =$session= - optional session object. If not given, will use a local object.
* =$verbose= - true to get verbose (debug) output
Main entry point.
Process the Web<nop>Notify topics in each web and generate and issue
notification mails. Designed to be invoked from the command line; should
only be called by =mailnotify= scripts.
sub mailNotify {
my( $webs, $twiki, $noisy ) = @_;
$verbose = $noisy;
my $webstr;
if ( defined( $webs )) {
$webstr = join( '|', @$webs );
$webstr = '*' unless ( $webstr );
$webstr =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;
if (!defined $twiki) {
$twiki = new TWiki();
$twiki->enterContext( 'command_line');
# absolute URL context for email generation
$twiki->enterContext( 'absolute_urls' );
my $report = '';
foreach my $web ( grep( /$webstr/,
$twiki->{store}->getListOfWebs( 'user ') )) {
$report .= _processWeb( $twiki, $web );
$twiki->leaveContext( 'absolute_urls' );
return $report;
# PRIVATE: Read the webnotify, and notify changes
sub _processWeb {
my( $twiki, $web) = @_;
if( ! $twiki->{store}->webExists( $web ) ) {
print STDERR "**** ERROR mailnotifier cannot find web $web\n";
return '';
print "Processing $web\n" if $verbose;
my $report = '';
# Read the webnotify and load subscriptions
my $wn = new TWiki::Contrib::MailerContrib::WebNotify(
$twiki, $web, $TWiki::cfg{NotifyTopicName} );
if ( $wn->isEmpty() ) {
print "\t$web has no subscribers\n" if $verbose;
} else {
# create a DB object for parent pointers
print $wn->stringify() if $verbose;
my $db = new TWiki::Contrib::MailerContrib::UpData( $twiki, $web );
$report .= _processSubscriptions( $twiki, $web, $wn, $db );
return $report;
sub _processSubscriptions {
my ( $twiki, $web, $notify, $db ) = @_;
my $timeOfLastNotify =
$twiki->{store}->readMetaData( $web, 'mailnotify' ) || 0;
my $timeOfLastChange = '';
if ( $verbose ) {
print "\tLast notification was at " .
TWiki::Time::formatTime( $timeOfLastNotify ). "\n";
# Hash indexed on email address, each entry contains a hash
# of topics already processed in the change set for this email.
# Each subhash maps the topic name to the index of the change
# record for this topic in the array of Change objects for this
# email in %changeset.
my %seenset;
# Hash indexed on email address, each entry contains an array
# indexed by the index stored in %seenSet. Each entry in the array
# is a ref to a Change object.
my %changeset;
# Hash indexed on topic name, mapping to email address, used to
# record simple newsletter subscriptions.
my %allSet;
my $changes = $twiki->{store}->readMetaData( $web, 'changes' );
unless ( $changes ) {
print "No changes\n" if ( $verbose );
return '';
foreach my $line ( reverse split( /\n/, $changes ) ) {
# Parse lines from .changes:
# <topic> <user> <change time> <revision>
# WebHome FredBloggs 1014591347 21
next if $line =~ /minor$/;
my ($topicName, $userName, $changeTime, $revision) =
split( /\t/, $line);
next unless $twiki->{store}->topicExists( $web, $topicName );
$timeOfLastChange = $changeTime unless( $timeOfLastChange );
# found last interesting change?
last if( $changeTime <= $timeOfLastNotify );
print "\tFound change to $topicName\n" if ( $verbose );
# Formulate a change record, irrespective of
# whether any subscriber is interested
my $change = new TWiki::Contrib::MailerContrib::Change
( $twiki, $web, $topicName, $userName, $changeTime, $revision );
# Now, find subscribers to this change and extend the change set
$notify->processChange( $change, $db, \%changeset, \%seenset, \%allSet );
# For each topic, see if there's a compulsory subscription independent
# of the time since last notify
foreach my $topic ($twiki->{store}->getTopicNames($web)) {
$notify->processCompulsory( $topic, $db, \%allSet );
# Now generate emails for each recipient
my $report = _sendChangesMails(
$twiki, $web, \%changeset,
TWiki::Time::formatTime($timeOfLastNotify) );
$report .= _sendNewsletterMails( $twiki, $web, \%allSet);
$twiki->{store}->saveMetaData( $web, 'mailnotify', $timeOfLastChange );
return $report;
# PRIVATE generate and send an email for each user
sub _sendChangesMails {
my ( $twiki, $web, $changeset, $lastTime ) = @_;
my $report = '';
my $skin = $twiki->getSkin();
my $template = $twiki->{templates}->readTemplate( 'mailnotify', $skin );
my $homeTopic = $TWiki::cfg{HomeTopicName};
my $before_html = $twiki->{templates}->expandTemplate( 'HTML:before' );
my $middle_html = $twiki->{templates}->expandTemplate( 'HTML:middle' );
my $after_html = $twiki->{templates}->expandTemplate( 'HTML:after' );
my $before_plain = $twiki->{templates}->expandTemplate( 'PLAIN:before' );
my $middle_plain = $twiki->{templates}->expandTemplate( 'PLAIN:middle' );
my $after_plain = $twiki->{templates}->expandTemplate( 'PLAIN:after' );
my $mailtmpl = $twiki->{templates}->expandTemplate( 'MailNotifyBody' );
$mailtmpl = $twiki->handleCommonTags( $mailtmpl, $web, $homeTopic );
if( $TWiki::cfg{RemoveImgInMailnotify} ) {
# change images to [alt] text if there, else remove image
$mailtmpl =~ s/<img\s[^>]*\balt=\"([^\"]+)[^>]*>/[$1]/goi;
$mailtmpl =~ s/<img src=.*?[^>]>//goi;
my $sentMails = 0;
foreach my $email ( keys %{$changeset} ) {
my $html = '';
my $plain = '';
foreach my $change (sort { $a->{TIME} cmp $b->{TIME} }
@{$changeset->{$email}} ) {
$html .= $change->expandHTML( $middle_html );
$plain .= $change->expandPlain( $middle_plain );
$plain =~ s/\($TWiki::cfg{UsersWebName}\./\(/go;
my $mail = $mailtmpl;
$mail =~ s/%EMAILTO%/$email/go;
$mail =~ s/%HTML_TEXT%/$before_html$html$after_html/go;
$mail =~ s/%PLAIN_TEXT%/$before_plain$plain$after_plain/go;
$mail =~ s/%LASTDATE%/$lastTime/geo;
$mail = $twiki->handleCommonTags( $mail, $web, $homeTopic );
my $base = $TWiki::cfg{DefaultUrlHost} . $TWiki::cfg{ScriptUrlPath};
$mail =~ s/(href=\")([^"]+)/$1.relativeURL($base,$2)/goei;
$mail =~ s/(action=\")([^"]+)/$1.relativeURL($base,$2)/goei;
# remove <nop> and <noautolink> tags
$mail =~ s/( ?) *<\/?(nop|noautolink)\/?>\n?/$1/gois;
my $error = $twiki->{net}->sendEmail( $mail, 5 );
if ($error) {
print STDERR "Error sending mail: $error\n";
$report .= $error."\n";
} else {
$report .= "\t$sentMails change notifications\n";
return $report;
sub relativeURL {
my( $base, $link ) = @_;
return URI->new_abs( $link, URI->new($base) )->as_string;
sub _sendNewsletterMails {
my ($twiki, $web, $allSet) = @_;
my $report = '';
foreach my $topic (keys %$allSet) {
$report .= _sendNewsletterMail(
$twiki, $web, $topic, $allSet->{$topic});
return $report;
sub _sendNewsletterMail {
my ($twiki, $web, $topic, $emails) = @_;
my $wikiName = $twiki->{user}->wikiName();
# SMELL: this code is almost identical to PublishContrib
# Read topic data.
my ($meta, $text) = TWiki::Func::readTopic( $web, $topic );
# tell the session what topic we are currently rendering so the
# contexts are correct
$twiki->{topicName} = $topic;
$twiki->{webName} = $web;
# SMELL: need a new prefs object for each topic
$twiki->{prefs} = new TWiki::Prefs($twiki);
my $prefs = $twiki->{prefs}->pushPreferences(
# Then local site prefs
if( $TWiki::cfg{LocalSitePreferences} ) {
my( $lweb, $ltopic ) = $twiki->normalizeWebTopicName(
undef, $TWiki::cfg{LocalSitePreferences} );
$twiki->{prefs}->pushPreferences( $lweb, $ltopic, 'SITE' );
# Get individual user preferences
$TWiki::cfg{UsersWebName}, $wikiName, 'USER '.$wikiName);
# and web preferences
$twiki->{prefs}->pushPreferences($web, $topic, 'TOPIC');
'SESSION', $twiki->{client}->getSessionValues()) if $twiki->{client};
$twiki->enterContext( 'can_render_meta', $meta );
# Get the skin for this topic
my $skin = $twiki->getSkin();
$twiki->{templates}->readTemplate( 'newsletter', $skin );
my $header = $twiki->{templates}->expandTemplate( 'NEWS:header' );
my $body = $twiki->{templates}->expandTemplate( 'NEWS:body' );
my $footer = $twiki->{templates}->expandTemplate( 'NEWS:footer' );
my ($revdate, $revuser, $maxrev);
($revdate, $revuser, $maxrev) = $meta->getRevisionInfo();
$revuser = $revuser->wikiName();
# Handle standard formatting.
$body =~ s/%TEXT%/$text/g;
# Don't render the header, it is preformatted
$header = TWiki::Func::expandCommonVariables($header, $topic, $web);
my $tmpl = "$body\n$footer";
$tmpl = TWiki::Func::expandCommonVariables($tmpl, $topic, $web);
$tmpl = TWiki::Func::renderText($tmpl, "", $meta);
$tmpl = "$header$tmpl";
# REFACTOR OPPORTUNITY: stop factor me into getTWikiRendering()
# SMELL: this code is identical to PublishContrib!
# New tags
my $newTmpl = '';
my $tagSeen = 0;
my $publish = 1;
foreach my $s ( split( /(%STARTPUBLISH%|%STOPPUBLISH%)/, $tmpl )) {
if( $s eq '%STARTPUBLISH%' ) {
$publish = 1;
$newTmpl = '' unless( $tagSeen );
$tagSeen = 1;
} elsif( $s eq '%STOPPUBLISH%' ) {
$publish = 0;
$tagSeen = 1;
} elsif( $publish ) {
$newTmpl .= $s;
$tmpl = $newTmpl;
$tmpl =~ s/.*?<\/nopublish>//gs;
$tmpl =~ s/%MAXREV%/$maxrev/g;
$tmpl =~ s/%CURRREV%/$maxrev/g;
$tmpl =~ s/%REVTITLE%//g;
$tmpl =~ s|( ?) *</*nop/*>\n?|$1|gois;
# Remove <base.../> tag
$tmpl =~ s/<base[^>]+\/>//;
# Remove <base...>...</base> tag
$tmpl =~ s/<base[^>]+>.*?<\/base>//;
# Rewrite absolute URLs
my $base = $TWiki::cfg{DefaultUrlHost} . $TWiki::cfg{ScriptUrlPath};
$tmpl =~ s/(href=\")([^"]+)/$1.relativeURL($base,$2)/goei;
$tmpl =~ s/(action=\")([^"]+)/$1.relativeURL($base,$2)/goei;
my $report = '';
my $sentMails = 0;
my %targets = map { $_ => 1 } @$emails;
foreach my $email ( keys %targets ) {
my $mail = $tmpl;
$mail =~ s/%EMAILTO%/$email/go;
my $base = $TWiki::cfg{DefaultUrlHost} . $TWiki::cfg{ScriptUrlPath};
$mail =~ s/(href=\")([^"]+)/$1.relativeURL($base,$2)/goei;
$mail =~ s/(action=\")([^"]+)/$1.relativeURL($base,$2)/goei;
# remove <nop> and <noautolink> tags
$mail =~ s/( ?) *<\/?(nop|noautolink)\/?>\n?/$1/gois;
my $error = $twiki->{net}->sendEmail( $mail, 5 );
if ($error) {
print STDERR "Error sending mail: $error\n";
$report .= $error."\n";
} else {
$report .= "\t$sentMails newsletters\n";
return $report;