477 lines
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477 lines
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(e.g. TestCases.TestCaseOopsAttention)!
%{ Messages for oopsattention }%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"User Account [_1] Deleted" args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Your user name has been removed from the Authentication System."}%
%MAKETEXT{"Your user topic has not been renamed. Please e-mail [_1] to request this." args="<a href='mailto:%WIKIWEBMASTER%?subject=%ENCODE{"%WIKITOOLNAME% Delete User"}%&&body=%ENCODE{"%PARAM1%"}%'>%WIKIWEBMASTER%</a>"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"The new web has been created"}%
%MAKETEXT{"And populated with topics from the base web"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Would you like to go to:"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"[_1] to start working on the new web" args="[[%HOMETOPIC%]]"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"[_1] to customize the web specific preferences" args="[[%WEBPREFSTOPIC%]]"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"[_1] to create another web" args="[[%TWIKIWEB%.ManagingWebs]]"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"[_1] home" args="[[%MAINWEB%.%HOMETOPIC%][%WIKITOOLNAME%]]"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Topic was merged"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Rev [_1] was saved by [_2], while you were still editing." args="%PARAM1%, %MAINWEB%.%PARAM2%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Those changes have been merged with yours to create Rev [_1]. Text fields will have been merged, but other data such as form fields may have overwritten the other users changes. Please inspect the topic to make sure it is OK, especially if you made any changes to form fields." args="%PARAM3%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"You can see the differences ~[~[[_1]~]~[here~]~]." args="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"rdiff"}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%?rev1=%PARAM1%;rev2=%PARAM3%"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Missing action command"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Unrecognized action command [_1]" args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Can't find user [_1]" args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please make sure you spelled the [_1] correctly and try again. If you get stuck, please mail [_2]." args="%TWIKIWEB%.LoginName, %WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"See [_1] for a list of existing users or register as new user in [_2]." args="%MAINWEB%.TWikiUsers, %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiRegistration"}% %TMPL:END%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"[_1] is in at least one group and cannot be removed" args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Remove the user from the group(s) [_1] first." args="%PARAM2%"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Attachment move failed"}%
%MAKETEXT{"During move of attachment [_1] to [_2] an error was found. Please notify your [_3] administrator." args="%PARAM3%, <nop>%PARAM1%.<nop>%PARAM2%, <nop>%WIKITOOLNAME%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Attachment delete failed"}%
%MAKETEXT{"During deletion of attachment =[_1]= an error was found. Please notify your [_2] administrator." args="%URLPARAM{attachment}%, <nop>%WIKITOOLNAME%"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"The [_1] topic already exists" args="\"%TOPIC%\""}%
%MAKETEXT{"Cannot create [_1] because it already exists." args="%TOPIC%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go _back_ in your browser and try a new name."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Rename failed"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Cannot rename [_1] to [_2] because it already exists." args="%TOPIC%, <nop>%PARAM1%.<nop>%PARAM2%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go _back_ in your browser and try a new name."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Rename failed"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Cannot rename [_1] to [_2] because it already exists." args="%WEB%, <nop>%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go _back_ in your browser and try a new name."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"New topic name [_1] is not a [_2]" args="\"<nop>%PARAM1%\", %TWIKIWEB%.WikiWord"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and choose a topic name that is a [_1].WikiWord or check the allow non-Wiki Word box" args="%TWIKIWEB%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"During rename of topic [_1] to [_2] an error ([_3]) was found. Please notify your [_4] administrator." args="<nop>%WEB%.<nop>%TOPIC%,<nop>%PARAM2%,%PARAM1%,%WIKITOOLNAME%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"During rename of web [_1] to [_2] an error ([_3]) was found. Please notify your [_4] administrator." args="<nop>%WEB%,<nop>%PARAM2%,%PARAM1%,%WIKITOOLNAME%"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Incorrect Password"}%
%MAKETEXT{"The password you entered in the *old password* field is incorrect."}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Name of new web is missing"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}% %TMPL:END%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"[_1] is an invalid name for a new web" args="\"%PARAM1%\""}%
%MAKETEXT{"You are recommended to choose short names, preferably less than 10 characters, starting with an upper-case alphabetic character and using only alphanumeric characters. If you want to create a template web (a web just used as a base to create new webs) choose a name that starts with an underscore and has only alphanumeric characters."}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Cannot create web [_1] because it already exists" args="\"%PARAM1%\""}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Base web [_1] is missing or does not exist" args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Color [_1] has an invalid format" args="=%PARAM1%="}%
%MAKETEXT{"A color starts with a # sign, followed by 6 hexadecimal numbers, e.g. =#FFFF00=."}%
%MAKETEXT{"Pick one of the [_1]." args="%TWIKIWEB%.StandardColors"}%
%MAKETEXT{"You can also use the names of the standard HTML colors (black, silver, gray, white, maroon, red, purple, fuchsia, green, lime, olive, yellow, navy, blue, teal, or aqua)"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Could not create the new web [_1]" args="%PARAM1%"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Thank you for registering"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"You can review your changes in your personal TWiki topic [_1]" args="%TOPIC%"}% <br />
%MAKETEXT{"(__Suggestion:__ How about uploading your picture to your topic?)"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"You are also listed in the [_1] topic" args="%MAINWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Users with automatically generated passwords should proceed immediately to ~[~[[_1]~]~[change password~]~] to change their password to something memorable." args="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/%TWIKIWEB%/ChangePassword"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Password changed successfully!"}%
%MAKETEXT{"You may need to close your browser to make this change take effect."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Password could not be changed"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Your system may not support changing passwords through TWiki. Check with your TWiki administrator."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"E-mail changed successfully!"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Remember to update your user topic if you want your e-mail change to be reflected there as well."}%
%MAKETEXT{"Your registered e-mail address(es) are updated to: [_1]." args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Return to [_1]." args="%TWIKIWEB%.ChangeEmailAddress"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Thank you for registering"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Your activation code has been sent to [_1]. Either click on the link in your e-mail or enter the code in the box below to activate your membership. (This code is of the form \"YourName.xxxxxxxxxx\")" args="%PARAM1%"}%
<form action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"register"}%" method=get>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify" size="20" />
<input type="text" name="code" size="20" />
<input type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" value=' %MAKETEXT{"Submit"}% ' />
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Password reset failed"}%
%MAKETEXT{"No users to reset passwords for."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Password reset failed"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Missing Fields"}%
=<font color="red">**</font>= %PARAM1% %MAKETEXT{"fields are required."}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Passwords do not match"}%
%MAKETEXT{"The two passwords you entered do not match."}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Error registering user [_1]" args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"There has been a problem adding your user id to the Password system."}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please contact [_1]." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"You have *not* been registered."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Error registering new user"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Internal error when sending email to [_1]." args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please contact [_1]." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"You have *not* been registered."}%
---+++ Mail Error
%MAKETEXT{"An e-mail could not be delivered. Please notify your [_1] administrator, [_2]" args="%WIKITOOLNAME%,<a href='mailto:%WIKIWEBMASTER%?subject=%ENCODE{"%WIKITOOLNAME% Send Mail Error"}%'>%WIKIWEBMASTER%</a>"}%
*%MAKETEXT{"Mail to"}%*: %PARAM1%
*%MAKETEXT{"Errors"}%*: %PARAM2%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"You are already registered"}%
%MAKETEXT{"You cannot register twice, the name [_1] is already registered." args="'%PARAM1%'"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Did you want to ~[~[[_1]~]~[reset [_2]'s password~]~]?" args="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/TWiki.ResetPassword?username=%PARAM1%,%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Alternatively hit back to go back to TWiki.TWikiRegistration and choose a different username."}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please contact [_1] if you have any questions." args="<a href='mailto:%WIKIWEBMASTER%?subject=%ENCODE{"%WIKITOOLNAME% Registration Question"}%'>%WIKIWEBMASTER%</a>"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Incorrect [_1]" args="%TWIKIWEB%.LoginName"}%
%MAKETEXT{"'[_1]' is not a valid [_2] " args="%PARAM1%,%TWIKIWEB%.LoginName"}%
%MAKETEXT{"The [_1] field must match the {LoginNameFilterIn} filter for this site" args="%PARAM1%,%TWIKIWEB%.LoginName"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Incorrect [_1]" args="%TWIKIWEB%.WikiName"}%
%MAKETEXT{"The [_1] field must be your first and last name in [_2], e.g. your capitalized first and last name with spaces removed." args="%TWIKIWEB%.WikiName,%TWIKIWEB%.WikiNotation"}%
| *%MAKETEXT{"Good examples:"}%* | *%MAKETEXT{"Incorrect [_1].WikiNames:" args="%TWIKIWEB%"}%* |
| =JohnSmith= | =John M. Smith= |
| =RjMiller= | =RJ Miller= |
| =RickO= | =Rick O= %MAKETEXT{"(single character last name)"}% |
| =KellerF= | =FKeller= %MAKETEXT{"(single character first name)"}% |
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Bad password"}%
%MAKETEXT{"This site requires at least [_1] character passwords" args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Invalid e-mail address"}%
%MAKETEXT{"The e-mail address for this account is not valid."}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and try again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Invalid Activation Code"}%
%MAKETEXT{"The activation code [_1] is invalid." args="==%PARAM1%=="}% %PARAM2%
%MAKETEXT{"Either the code is not valid, or you have already confirmed your registration using it."}% %MAKETEXT{"Registration codes can only be used once."}%
%MAKETEXT{"Some mail tools have an error that causes them to send the same request twice when you click on a link. It you did this, it is possible that you actually *have* registered successfully."}%
<form action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"register"}%" method=get>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify" size="20" />
<input type="text" name="code" size="20" />
<input type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" value=' %MAKETEXT{"Submit"}% ' />
%MAKETEXT{"Please contact [_1] if you have any questions." args="<a href='mailto:%WIKIWEBMASTER%'>%WIKIWEBMASTER%</a>"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Topic Save Error"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Could not save [_1]." args="%WEB%.%TOPIC%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"The required field [_1] was not filled in." args="*%PARAM1%*"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Go back in your browser and insert information for all mandatory fields."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Form Definition [_1] missing" args="%PARAM1%.<nop>%PARAM2%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"See [_1] for information about Form Definitions." args="%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiForms"}%
%MAKETEXT{"This could be for several reasons:"}%
---++ 1. %MAKETEXT{"Form definition missing"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"The form should be defined in the topic [_1]" args="%PARAM1%.%PARAM2%"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"If this topic is missing create it, otherwise check it for errors."}%
---++ 2. %MAKETEXT{"The topic is in an old format"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"Click on ~[~[[_1]~]~[Debug topic text~]~]." args="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%?raw=debug"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"There should be a line that includes [_1], look for [_2] (or [_3])" args="=META:FORM=,name=\"%PARAM1%.%PARAM2%\",name=\"%PARAM2%\""}%
* %MAKETEXT{"If this line isn't present see _upgrade_ section below"}%
---++ 3.%MAKETEXT{"Topic can not be upgraded from old style category table"}%
%MAKETEXT{"This requires the form definition to be present."}%
%MAKETEXT{"This can be automatically upgraded by:"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"Creating a suitable Form Definition topic"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"Adding a [_1] variable in WebPreferences" args="=WEBFORMS="}%
%MAKETEXT{"You will probably have to ask your administrator, [_1], to do this." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"File has been uploaded with different name"}%
%MAKETEXT{"The file has been uploaded and attached properly to the [_1] topic." args="<nop>%TOPIC%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"However, the filename has been changed from [_1] to [_2]. Please make a note of it." args="<b><code>%PARAM1%</code></b>,<b><code>%PARAM2%</code></b>"}%
%MAKETEXT{"In some cases, TWiki changes the name of the uploaded file to make it safe and accessible across all platforms:"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"Spaces are replaced by underscores"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"A =.txt= extension is appended to some filenames for security reasons"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"Some characters such as =~=, =$=, =@=, =%= are removed"}%
* %MAKETEXT{"International (8-bit) characters are removed (replaced by US-ASCII equivalents for Latin-1)"}%
%MAKETEXT{"You may be able to get your TWiki administrator to change the settings if they are inappropriate for your environment."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Either you did not specify a file name, or the file you are trying to upload [_1] has no content. You may not upload an empty file." args="<code>%PARAM1%</code>"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Please go back in your browser and check again."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Uploaded file is too big"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Uploaded file [_1] exceeds limit of [_2] KB" args="<code>%PARAM1%</code>,%PARAM2%"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Error saving topic"}%
%MAKETEXT{"During save of [_1] an error was found by the version control system. Please notify your [_2] administrator." args="<nop>%WEB%.<nop>%TOPIC%,%WIKITOOLNAME%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Go back in your browser and save your changes locally."}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"There are problems with renaming this web:"}%
1.%MAKETEXT{"You are denied access to the following topics in the web:"}%
2. %MAKETEXT{"The following topics are locked for edit, and cannot be moved:"}%
3. %MAKETEXT{"The following topics refer to topics in this web, but you are denied access to them:"}%
4. %MAKETEXT{"The following topics refer to topics in this web, but are being edited:"}%
<div %PARAM5%>
<a href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"rename"}%/%WEB%/%HOMETOPIC%?action=renameweb;confirm=continue" />%MAKETEXT{"Continue and try to rename web?"}%</a>
%MAKETEXT{"Could not find template"}% =%PARAM1%=
%MAKETEXT{"Check your configuration setting for {TemplateDir}. If that's not the problem, it may be because you have a setting of [_1] that is pointing to a template that doesn't exist." args="=%PARAM2%="}%
%MAKETEXT{"[_1] is currently set to [_2]" args="=%PARAM2%=,<code><nop>%PARAM1%</code>"}%
(%MAKETEXT{"don't forget to check your Topic Settings"}%)
%MAKETEXT{"Incorrect parameters to the =[_1]= script" args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"If you received a link to this topic in an e-mail or just want to look at the topic, ~[~[[_1]~]~[cancel save~]~] to go to [_2]." args="%WEB%.%TOPIC%, <nop>%TOPIC%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"If you are developing a <nop>TWikiApplication, see [_1] for a description of the correct parameters." args="%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiScripts#%PARAM1%"}%
Messages for oopsleaseconflict
%MAKETEXT{"[_1] is editing [_2]." args="%PARAM1%, %WEB%.%TOPIC%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"[_1] has been editing the topic for [_2] and the lease is still active for another [_3]." args="%PARAM1%, %PARAM2%, %PARAM3%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"It is probably OK to go ahead and edit - unless you intend to change data in a form attached to the topic. If [_1] actually _does_ save the topic while you are editing, your changes will be merged, and nothing will be lost. Form data cannot easily be merged though, so in this case you are recommended to check with [_1] first." args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"[_1] may still be editing [_2]." args="%PARAM1%, %WEB%.%TOPIC%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"The lease on this topic expired [_1] ago." args="%PARAM2%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"The chances are good that [_1] has simply navigated away from the edit page without saving." args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"You are encouraged to go ahead and edit - unless you intend to change data in a form attached to the topic. If [_1] actually _does_ save while you are editing, your changes will be merged, and nothing will be lost. Form data cannot easily be merged though, so in this case you are recommended to check with [_1] first." args="%PARAM1%"}%
Messages for oopsalerts
%TMPL:DEF{"access_denied"}% %MAKETEXT{"No permission to view [_1]" args="%PARAM1%"}% %TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{"bad_attachment"}% %MAKETEXT{"Error: File attachment at [_1],[_2] does not exist" args="%PARAM1%, %PARAM2%"}% %TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{"bad_protocol"}% %MAKETEXT{"Error: Unsupported protocol. (Must be 'http://domain/...')"}% %TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{"bad_content"}% %MAKETEXT{"Error: Unsupported content type: [_1] (Must be =text/html=, =text/plain= or =text/css=)" args="%PARAM1%"}% %TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{"topic_not_found"}% %MAKETEXT{"Warning: Can't find topic [_1].[_2]" args="<nop>%PARAM1%, <nop>%PARAM2%"}% %TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{"already_included"}% %MAKETEXT{"Warning: Can't INCLUDE [_1] repeatedly, topic is already included. [_2]" args="<nop>%PARAM1%, %PARAM2%"}% %TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{"generic"}% %PARAM1% %PARAM2% %PARAM3% %PARAM4%<br /> %TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{"missing_user"}% %MAKETEXT{"The entry for user [_1] was missing in the password system." args="%PARAM1%"}%<br /> %TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{"bad_user"}% %MAKETEXT{"Can't find user [_1]" args="%PARAM1%"}%<br /> %TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{"no_email_for"}% %MAKETEXT{"Can't get an e-mail address for [_1] (required for password reset)" args="%PARAM1%"}%<br /> %TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{"new_sys_pass"}% %MAKETEXT{"A new *system-generated* password for your login name [_1] (<nop>WikiName [_2]) has been sent to your registered e-mail address. If your e-mail address is no longer valid, please contact [_3]" args="%PARAM1%, %MAINWEB%.%PARAM2%, <a href=\"mailto:%WIKIWEBMASTER%?subject=%ENCODE{"Reset password request for <nop>%PARAM1%/<nop>%PARAM2%\""}%>%WIKIWEBMASTER%</a>"}%<br /> %TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{"geturl_failed"}% %MAKETEXT{"Failed to include URL [_1]" args="%PARAM1%"}%%TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{"urls_not_allowed"}% %MAKETEXT{"Warning: This site does not allow %<nop>INCLUDE% of URLs"}% %TMPL:END%
Messages for oopsaccessdenied
%MAKETEXT{"Access check on [_1] failed" args="<nop>%WEB%.<nop>%TOPIC%"}%.
%MAKETEXT{"Action [_1]: [_2]." args="\"%PARAM1%\", %PARAM2%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Contact [_1] if you have any questions." args="<a href=\"mailto:%WIKIWEBMASTER%?subject=%ENCODE{"%PARAM1% access denied for '%WEB%.%TOPIC%'"}%\">%WIKIWEBMASTER%</a>"}%
__%MAKETEXT{"Related topics:"}%__ %MAINWEB%.TWikiGroups, %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiAccessControl %TMPL:END%
%MAKETEXT{"Only members of the [_1] are allowed to perform this action." args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Contact [_1] if you have any questions." args="<a href=\"mailto:%WIKIWEBMASTER%?subject=%ENCODE{"Access Denied for '%WEB%.%TOPIC%', needs '%PARAM1%'"}%\">%WIKIWEBMASTER%</a>"}%
__%MAKETEXT{"Related topics:"}%__ %MAINWEB%.TWikiGroups, %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiAccessControl
---++ %MAKETEXT{"The [_1] web does not exist" args="\"%WEB%\""}%
%MAKETEXT{"A [_1] is divided into webs; each one represents one subject, one area of collaboration. You are trying to [_2] in a web that does not exist." args="%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiSite, '%PARAM1%'"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"If you came here by clicking on a question mark link"}%
%MAKETEXT{"A link to a topic located in another web is written like [_1]. Make sure that the name of the web is not spelt wrongly on the previous page; fix the link if necessary." args="*Otherweb.<nop>TopicName*"}%
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"If you would like to create this web"}%
%MAKETEXT{"You can ~[~[[_1]~]~[create a new web~]~] if you have permission. Contact [_2] if you have any questions." args="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/%TWIKIWEB%/ManagingWebs?newweb=%WEB%;newtopic=%TOPIC%#CreateNewWeb, %WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
---++ %MAKETEXT{"[_1] topic does not exist" args="\"%WEB%.%TOPIC%\""}%
%MAKETEXT{"You are trying to [_1] a topic that does not exist." args="%PARAM1%"}%
---++ %MAKETEXT{"If you want to create the topic"}%
[[%SCRIPTURLPATH{"edit"}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%?t=%SERVERTIME{"$year$mo$day$min$sec"}%][%MAKETEXT{"Click here"}%]].
%MAKETEXT{"Contact [_1] if you have any questions." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
---++ %MAKETEXT{"Attachment '[_1]' does not exist" args="%PARAM2%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"You are trying to [_1] an attachment that does not exist." args="%PARAM1%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Contact [_1] if you have any questions." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%