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%META:TOPICINFO{author="ElizabethArnaud" date="1248795276" format="1.1" reprev="1.13" version="1.13"}%
---++TDWG 2009 Local Organizing Committee
This is a public workspace for the Montpellier Local Organizing Committee
* Elizabeth Arnaud
* Daniel Barthelemy
* Pierre Bonnet
* Brigitte Cabantous
* St<53>phanie Channeli<6C>re
* Michel Chauvet
* Jacques David
* Michel Deshayes
* Karen Lehrer
* Doyle McKey
* Jean-Fran<61>ois Molino
* Jean-Louis Pham
* Jean-Christophe Pintaud
* Max Ruas
* Manuel Ruiz
* Michel Salas
* Maxime Thibon
* Janis Thiriet
* Teisseire Maguelonne
---++ *Working groups*
Please add suggested topics for the Working Sessions here:
| *Owner* | *Title* | *Description* | *Time needed* | *Seats needed* |
For the last up to date version of this document see here:
Thanks Max
-- Main.MaxBioItl - 07 Jul 2009
---++ *Draft Programme*
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 06 May 2009
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="New_draft_TDWG_2009_Programme.doc" attachment="New_draft_TDWG_2009_Programme.doc" attr="" comment="Last draft Programme with a new plenary session" date="1243601804" path="D:\Mes donnees\Bonnet\Projets\PlantNet\Communication\200911_TDWG\New draft TDWG 2009 Programme.doc" size="253440" stream="D:\Mes donnees\Bonnet\Projets\PlantNet\Communication\200911_TDWG\New draft TDWG 2009 Programme.doc" user="Main.PierreBonnet" version="3"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="New_draft_TDWG_2009_Programme_comments_McKey.doc" attachment="New_draft_TDWG_2009_Programme_comments_McKey.doc" attr="" comment="corrections by Doyle McKey title and author of presentation %22Sud Expert Plantes%22" date="1243418804" path="New_draft_TDWG_2009_Programme comments McKey.doc" size="234496" stream="New_draft_TDWG_2009_Programme comments McKey.doc" user="Main.DoyleMcKey" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Comments_Doyle_McKey_new_programme.doc" attachment="Comments_Doyle_McKey_new_programme.doc" attr="" comment="a few comments on the new programme draft" date="1243418905" path="Comments Doyle McKey new programme.doc" size="26112" stream="Comments Doyle McKey new programme.doc" user="Main.DoyleMcKey" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Minutes_LPC_meeting_TDWG_130509.doc" attachment="Minutes_LPC_meeting_TDWG_130509.doc" attr="" comment="Draft minutes, LPC meeting, 13 May 2009" date="1244727585" path="G:\11_Personal temporary files\Thiriet_Janis\Minutes_LPC_meeting_TDWG_130509.doc" size="89088" stream="G:\11_Personal temporary files\Thiriet_Janis\Minutes_LPC_meeting_TDWG_130509.doc" user="Main.JanisThiriet" version="1"}%