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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1168894167" format="1.1" version="1.4"}%
---++Web Editors
Please add, modify or comment.
---+++Volunteers from St Louis
Lee Belbin, Mihail Carausu, Charles Copp, Dmitry Dmitriev, David Eades, Gail Kampmeier, Stein Alexander Olsen, Nelson
Rios, Rebecca Shapley, Tim Sutton, Rupert Wilson, Margaret Woo.
---+++Roles and Responsibilities
1. Responsible for the currency, consistency, relevance and quality of the TDWG Online Environment.
1. Works with the Annual Conference Manager to ensure the meeting website is current
1. Develops and maintains the online archive
1. Develops the web sites in response to requests from the Executive Committee, Interest Groups and Task Groups
1. Researches and applies appropriate technology to improve the functionality, usability and performance of the TDWG Online Environment
---+++Tasks for 2007
* Locate and correct errors on the TDWG web sites (Typo3, Twiki, Proceedings of TDWG, Blog...)
* Ensure that there is adequate quality documentation for TDWG processes
* Ensure that the web sites are functional
* Identify material for archival or updating
* ...?
---+++Requests to volunteers (January 5, 2007)
1. Who of you would take the role of the PRIMARY point of contact for the web site? I've asked Ricardo to setup some aliases and we need a person for 'web at dwg dot org'. It would your task to manage what needs to be done, not necessarily do it. Remember Ricardo and I are around until at least the end of 2007 to help. If we share the load, none of us will need to donate much time at all.
1. I'd appreciate it if all of you would help to identify any other tasks that should be addressed in 2007.
1. Who could chase up missing presentations from St Louis and get them loaded to Ricardo has very kindly spent quite a while renaming the files to fit 'author_abbreviatedTitle.ppt' so that they are easier to find. The schedule is on the conference web site with the names of presenters. I've asked Ricardo for a list of the email addresses of all attending St Louis. I'd like to have most of the presentations by the time I send out the notification of the final 'proceedings of TDWG' from St Louis.
1. Who would be willing to read and edit the content not associated with subgroups? The content is being added right now so it would be good to have at least one other person checking for quality and consistency.
1. News. Would someone be a point of contact for news? Maybe this role is both active and passive. A 'journalist' maybe. I think this person could email Conveners and the Secretary every few months and collect some news. There is always something interesting going on that quite a few would been keen to know about. Maybe a conference, a new project etc. I'd also like to see if we can allow anyone registered on the TDWG site to flag if they want notification of the posting of news items (i.e. push).
1. I was keen to get a blog implemented for TDWG (see There are always one or two issues going on in TDWG where it would be good to 'state a position'. I think the blog is ideal for this. BTW: This is a 'plug-in' for Typo3. So, who would consider looking into this? Another thing that I wanted to see is some 'aggregation' (not aggravation!) of blog content to make it more useful for TDWG people. For example, Rod Page has an excellent blog ( that I'd like to see reflected on the TDWG blog. Are their others that we should round up? I have no idea how this is done (and I know it can be done), but maybe you do. Ricardo probably does.
Further Information can be obtained from Ricardo Pereira (ricardo-at-tdwg-dot-org)
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 22 Nov 2006@
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-- Main.LeeBelbin - 22 Nov 2006