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%META:TOPICINFO{author="AlexChapman" date="1177740142" format="1.1" reprev="1.27" version="1.27"}%
---+!! Meeting Minutes -- An LSID Policy for the Australasian Biodiversity Federation
---++ Meeting Participants
* [[Main.BillBarker][Bill Barker]] (State Herbarium of South Australia; Department of Environment and Heritage; Adelaide)
* [[Main.LeeBelbin][Lee Belbin]] (TDWG Infrastructure Project)
* [[Main.PaulCoddington][Paul Coddington]] (South Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing; The University of Adelaide; Adelaide)
* [[Main.JimCroft][Jim Croft]] (Australian National Herbarium; Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research; Canberra)
* [[Main.AlexChapman][Alex Chapman]] (Western Australian Herbarium; Department of Environment and Conservation; Perth)
* [[Main.PaulFlemons][Paul Flemons]] (Australian Museum; Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts; Sydney)
* [[Main.PiersHiggs][Piers Higgs]] (Gaia Resources - representing Western Australian Museum; Department of Culture & the Arts; Perth)
* [[Main.RobynLawrence][Robyn Lawrence]] (Australian Biological Resources Study; Department of the Environment and Water Resources; Canberra)
* [[Main.RobertMorris][Robert Morris]] (South Australian Museum; Adelaide)
* [[Main.PeterNeish][Peter Neish]] (National Herbarium of Victoria; Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne; Melbourne)
* [[Main.LaurencePaine][Laurence Paine]] (Manager Information Technology; Department of Tourism, Arts and the Environment; Hobart)
* [[Main.RicardoPereira][Ricardo Pereira]] (TDWG Infrastructure Project; Campinas; Brazil)
* [[Main.RobertRaven][Robert Raven]] (Queensland Museum; Department of Education, Training and the Arts)
* [[Main.KevinRichards][Kevin Richards]] (Allan Herbarium; Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research; Christchurch)
* [[Main.BenRichardson][Ben Richardson]] (Western Australian Herbarium; Department of Environment and Conservation; Perth)
* [[Main.DanRosauer][Dan Rosauer]] (Department of the Environment and Water Resources; Canberra)
* [[Main.SteveShattuck][Steve Shattuck]] (Australian Biological Resources Study; Department of the Environment and Water Resources; Canberra)
* [[Main.CameronSlatyer][Cameron Slatyer]] (Australian Biological Resources Study; Department of the Environment and Water Resources; Canberra)
* [[Main.KevinThiele][Kevin Thiele]] (Western Australian Herbarium; Department of Environment and Conservation; Perth)
* [[Main.JeffTranter][Jeff Tranter]] (Environmental Resources Information Network; Department of the Environment and Water Resources; Canberra)
* [[Main.AaronWilton][Aaron Wilton]] (Allan Herbarium; Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research; Christchurch)
* [[Main.GregWhitbread][Greg Whitbread]] (Australian National Herbarium; Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research; Canberra)
---++ Introduction
This meeting was convened to write an [[AustralasianBiodiversityFederationLsidPolicy][LSID Policy for the Australasian Biodiversity Federation]] and to use that policy to inform future LSID implementation policies globally. Jim Croft welcomed the participants to the meeting.
---++ Monday 2 April 2007
---+++ Life Science Identifiers and the TDWG Architecture
Ricardo Pereira ([[%ATTACHURL%/TDWG_Architecture.ppt][TDWG_Architecture.ppt]]) introduced the Life Science Identifiers architecture as being developed by TDWG.
LSIDs should provide:
* Truly distributed environment
* Identification of duplicates
* Annotation
* Determination of source
All three parts of the architecture are required:
1. Core Ontology
1. Globally Unique Identifiers
1. Exchange Protocols
LSIDs can be made to play nice with HTTP-based Semantic Web applications.
---+++ Introduction to LSIDs
Kevin Richards ([[%ATTACHURL%/LSIDs.ppt][LSIDs.ppt]]) introduced LSIDs, including the presentation of a background on GUIDs in general, e.g. UUID, DOI, Handles, LSIDs and PURLs.
* IBM implementation team has found that the use of the Revision-ID part of the LSID URN would be better implemented by creating a new LSID for a new revision and pointing to an old LSID
* In the biodiversity world, most "data" is metadata in the LSID framework
The [[][Firefox LSID Browser]] can be used to resolve LSIDs directly in the Firefox toolbar using the =lsidres= protocol prefix. For example: (taken from (Download both [[][the XPI file]] and [[][JSLib]] to get this to work.)
---+++ Discussion of the First Two Presentations
Reading suggestion by Lee Belbin: [[][D.J. Patterson, D. Remsen, W.A. Marino & C. Norton (2006) Taxonomic Indexing--Extending the Role of Taxonomy. Syst. Biol. 55(3):367-373]].
---++++ What Do LSIDs Look Like?
See (and use) more examples at
---++++ What is the Difference between a URN and a URI (and a URL)?
URLs tend to be used in today's Internet usage, but URNs are more commonly used in the [[][Semantic Web]].
---++++ Other
* Data versus Metadata
* Duplicate specimen versus duplicate LSID (different meaning for the same term)
* [[TdwgLsidApplicabilityStatement][TDWG LSID Applicability Statement]]
---+++ What Are We Here For?
* The idea was to come up with policy recommendations in our domain
* Why do we need a policy? Couldn't we just start implementing LSIDs in our institutions?
* What can't we do at the moment, or what would be more efficient in the LSID approach?
* What should the policy contain?
* Are we the right group to create a policy? Perhaps a set of recommendations is better?
Document Audience:
* Australian Biodiversity Information Facility (ABIF)
* Atlas of Living Australia Committee (ALA)
* Council of Heads of Australian Entomological Collections (CHAEC)
* Council of Heads of Australian Faunal Collections (CHAFC)
* Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH)
* E-paedia of Life (EOL)
* New Zealand National Herbarium Network (NZNHN)
* Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG)
---+++ Map for Tuesday 3 April
The Crossbie Morrison Building is in the top right corner of the above map.
---++ Tuesday 3 April 2007
---+++ Recap of Monday
LSIDs as adopted by TDWG is considered the right way to go, and we're planning to adopt this technology in Australia. How we do this, and the timeline for doing this is the subject of today's meeting. There needs to be as little need for rewriting databases and applications as possible. TDWG has spent some time determining the right way forward for GUIDs, including evaluating the other technologies and have chosen LSIDs based on that. DOIs and Handles would still be used (that is LSIDs aren't considered replacements for these) in the biodiversity data community.
---+++ Tuesday's Outline
Greg Whitbread outlined the proposed business for today and requested feedback on the order and type of sessions. Some time was spent discussing how LSIDs might be applied in cases raised by individual participants.
* What objects would we apply LSIDs to?
* There are a number of places in which LSIDs might be useful, but in order to link to other disparate databases, we need to put LSIDs on the same things
* On another level, what's in the metadata?
* A core [[][ontology]] was developed (see [[TAG.LsidVocs][TDWG LSID Vocabulary]]) by the lead developers of the original TDWG standards to try and bring them closer together. This might be the basic set of objects to which LSIDs should be assigned.
---+++ What do we want?
What is the minimum set of core ontology objects that we all agree we should share? This might be the minimum set of things that need an LSID. Our domain contains the following:
* Lots (e.g. a jar of ants)
* Specimens
* Observations
* Names
* Taxa (Concepts)
* Places
* People
* Publications / Literature References
* Multimedia (Images, Audio, Video)
* Descriptions (of taxa)
* Keys
* Characters
* States
* Phylogenies
* Clades
* Vegetation Types
* Institutions (Herbaria, Museums)
* Collections (Assemblages)
* IP/Copyright
It shouldn't be assumed that these must all be implemented, just that they fall within our domain and we _may_ need to apply LSIDs to these at some point in future. The [[TAG.LsidVocs][TDWG LSID Vocabulary]] does not contain Descriptions, Multimedia, Places, Keys, Characters, States, Phylogenies, Clades or Vegetation Types which means we've defined a slightly wider core that the current core provides.
Names, Taxa (Concepts), Specimens, Multimedia (i.e. Images) and Descriptions were mentioned as a most likely initial set for participants to start implementing LSIDs for in their institutions.
---+++ Encyclopaedia of Life
David J. (Paddy) Patterson presented the [[][Encyclopaedia of Life]] project. E.O. Wilson is thought to have been the instigator of the idea. On 9 May, funding will be made available to build the EOL. The funding is thought to be around US$40 million. Five cornerstone institutions (Smithsonian Institution, Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago), Harvard University, Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, and the Biodiversity Heritage Library) are involved. It aims to be a communal project that serves any kind of audience.
Three page types:
* Front page
* For every species, a relatively static species page
* What's behind the front page for each species (dynamically created) -- a community environment.
EOL is using Names (9.5 million), Name Surrogates (labels attached to other objects) and Concepts. They will use the major nomenclator tools to get access to names. Misspellings, homonyms, and other duplication problems are addressed by taxonomic problem tools. Phylogenies, apomorphies and classifications are collected so they can be navigated. "Union" aims to put all these things into one classification hierarchy so problems with these can be resolved. The "Workbench" will have a need for LSIDs. Flickr, Google, and others will be getting involved. There is a duality in the "Workbench", there are web pages to deliver and there are also tools intended for public ownership.
---+++ Practice
* TAPIR.TapirLink contains an LSID resolver
---+++ Architecture
* LSID resolution should be done by the Data Provider
---++ Wednesday 4 April 2007
---+++ Review
Recommendations need to be less technical, fewer in number and targetting each level of an institution who might consider implementing LSIDs. The audience might comprise:
* Executive -- summary, costs, workload
* Technical -- revisit draft recommendations
* Implementation prerequisites -- technology needed from TDWG before LSIDs can be implemented fully
---+++ Draft Recommendations
1. LSIDs will be applied to the core (optimum set) of data objects
* Now
1. Specimens
1. Names
1. Taxa
1. Descriptions
1. Images
* Soon
* Later
1. [[TAG.LsidVocs][Core Ontology]]
* As funding becomes available
1. Data objects will "wear" their LSIDs (but for the interim, don't actually resolve them)
1. LSIDs will be resolvable
1. Data custodians will be responsible for LSID assignment
1. LSIDs will be treated as opaque (because this avoids problems where people start guessing at the significance of the components of your LSID URN)
1. Follow best practice in the creation of LSIDs to increase their longevity (aka LSID Guide for Dummies) -- this is being developed as part of the [[LSIDRoadmapOct2006][LSID Roadmap]]
1. Institution independent domain names should be used in the Authority. This should be a best-guess at a stable domain name
1. [[][LSID Best Practices]]
1. Relationships within or between data objects will be exposed using LSIDs
We need to make sure that in our databases, where we have locally unique IDs, that they must contain no semantic content, otherwise they cannot be used as LSIDs. (This is effectively the same as saying "LSIDs will be opaque".) Additionally, if it is important in your domain, you should be tracking the relationships between your objects. An example would be when a single specimen (such as an alga, or a bird) is found to contain another specimen or specimens, those related specimens (epiphytes or parasites) are separated into two (or more) specimens.
Further recommendation: Where institutions are maintaining the relationship between data objects, that these relationships should be exposed as LSIDs. Additionally, where institutions are atomising data, those atomised blocks should be exposed as LSIDs.
Five institutions are exposing taxon descriptions, these could be given LSIDs as a test case. The term "Description" should not be confused. A Description is a block of text describing a lifeform, versus a Taxon Profile, which contains a Description plus the associated photos, maps and other content.
---+++ Breakout Group: Executive
[[AbfLsidMeetingExecSummary][Beginnings of an executive backgrounder and summary]]
---+++ Breakout Group: Implementation
1. Establish indicative generic processes
* use TDWG guidelines; alternative paths for assigning LSID's
* plans
* costs
1. Obtain commitment and funding
* institutional
* external projects (eg. ALA)
1. Apply LSID's to databases
* according to one of the identified paths
1. Install and configure Resolvers
* makes LSID's visible for exploration, retrieval, harvesting
1. Educate consumers and potential implementers via:
* TDWG Technical web site
* TWDG general language explanation of LSID's
* domain or institution-specific 'dummies guides'
* an outreach program to identify and 'recruit' data sources to using LSID's
1. Support
* TDWG 'Help Desk'
* web-based community forums
* onsite 'SWAT' teams of local experts
1. Data Use Agreements
* develop - include 'wearability' of the LSID
* apply
1. Keep up to date
* maintain your feed
* participate in standards bodies
* provide feedback for refining/extending vocabularies and ontologies
---+++ Breakout Group: Technical
As data custodians in federated information systems:
* We need to use GUIDs when sharing data
* We need to move to true GUIDS and will use LSIDs
* LSIDs use TDWG standards which will guarantee uniqueness using the format =urn:lsid:Authority:Namespace:Identifier=
* We will reference a range of best practice documents to support LSID Implementation, including
* [[][TDWG LSID Applicability Statement]]
* [[][LSID Best Practices]]
* Proposed "LSID for Dummies" document will also refer to best practice (being written by Ricardo)
* The Authority component should be a domain name under control of the data provider
* We will actively participate in the development of TDWG Ontology, Protocols and GUIDs (the three legs of the stool in the TDWG documentation, see Ricardo's Powerpoint [[%ATTACHURL%/TDWG_Architecture.ppt][TDWG_Architecture.ppt]])
* We will use the available tools to implement TDWG standards, such as pywrapper and TAPIRlink
* We will treat LSIDs as opaque (because this avoids problems where people start guessing at the significance of the components of your LSID URN)
* We will ensure that data objects will always include their LSID (data objects need to have the LSIDs stored with them, and it should remain with them at all times)
* We will apply LSIDs to the "core set" of data objects using LSID vocabularies:
* Specimens - some organisations and projects are currently sharing these now, but moving to a GUID standard - LSIDs - is important for globally sharing the data objects (TDWG vocabulary exists - TAG.SpecimenLsidVoc)
* Names - some organisations are currently sharing these now, but LSIDs will enable linkages and meet the current demands of name resolution nationally and globally (TDWG vocabulary exists - TAG.TaxonNameLsidVoc)
* Concepts - because we can't share concepts now (locally or globally), LSIDs will help us to do this (although we have undertake both philosophical and technical upgrades of our own thinking/systems to enable this) - TDWG vocabulary exists - TAG.TaxonConceptLsidVoc
* Descriptions - projects such as ALA and ABIF would like us to deliver descriptions, and LSIDs will enable us to do this (globally) - no vocabulary developed yet by TDWG
* Images - again, projects will also require images, and again LSIDs will enable us to do this (globally) - no vocabulary developed yet by TDWG
* We will work towards applying LSIDs to the remaining objects identified (the "optimum set") and will assist in the development of LSID Vocabularies:
* Lots
* Observations
* Places
* People
* Publications / Literature References
* Keys
* Characters
* States
* Phylogenies
* Clades
* Vegetation Types
* Institutions (Herbaria, Museums)
* Collections (Assemblages)
* IP/Copyright
* We, as Data custodians, will be responsible for LSID assignment
* We will ensure that all LSIDs will be resolvable
* We recommend that data custodians/providers should also be LSID resolvers, but LSID resolvers may also be provided by other organisations/projects (eg. AVH, TDWG)
* We will expose relationships within or between data objects using LSIDs
* We recommend that TDWG generates some tools for managing and reporting upon the development of particular vocabularies and tools to the wider community
---+++ Proposed Roadmap
A draft set of goals and milestones was identified by the workshop participants.
| *Task* | *Description* | *Date* |
| |Policy recommendations completed and circulated to the management committees|May 2007|
| |Recommendation to CHAH/CHAFC to formalize high level collaboration|May 2007|
| |Setup TDWG Oceania Interest Group - OIG |May 2007|
| |Ratification by CHAH, CHAFC at next quarterly meetings|June 2007|
| |Report and covering letter from these two groups to ALA Steering Committee|July 2007|
| |Formalize collaboration between HISCOM and CHAFC equivalent - consider ad hoc issue specific meetings|July 2007|
| |OIG group meet (workshop or e-conference) to handle regional issues outside the remit of the current project-focussed groups|July 2007|
| |TAPIRLink Resolver release (some data services reliant upon this)|July 2007|
| |Project management tools adopted -- TDWG wiki, Issue tracking| August 2007|
| |Implementation Planning -- Approved recommendations implemented -- in time for TDWG meeting|August 2007|
| |NZ Landcare (names, concepts, references) data |available now|
| |CANB data available - will include names, taxa, specimens, images|June 2007|
| |ABRS data available|September 2007|
| |Progress reports to CHAH, CHAFC, TDWG|September 2007|
| |TDWG 2007 - demonstration of LSID's to include Australian data|September 2007|
| |ALA prototype project from partnership with 'early adopters'|October 2007|
| | |
---++ Meeting close
Ranks thinned after lunch and at 3pm participants thanked the hosts and organisers for their efforts and hospitality and looked forward to further collaboration in coming months.
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