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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="ArturoArino" date="1254262199" format="1.1" reprev="1.5" version="1.5"}%
---++Charles Copp
It is with very deep sadness that I report the death of Charles Copp on Thursday September 24th 2009 after a long and valiant struggle against a brain tumour.
Many people in our communities will have come across Charles in his varied career in geology, ecology, collections management and databasing, site recording, biodiversity informatics and countless other subjects. Those who spent any time with him will have discovered his extraordinary love of life and the world around him - and doubtless his equally extraordinary sense of humour!
There will be a celebration of Charles' life in his home town of Clevedon, Somerset (UK), on October 8th. I will be pleased to pass on any thoughts you may wish to express to Charles' wife, Judy, and to discuss arrangements with you should you wish to attend on that day. I will also be gathering for Judy and the family memories, anecdotes and photographs of Charles on his many activities so I would be grateful for anything you can send me in the next few days.
Please pass on this message to anyone who may have known Charles but is not likely to be a recipient of the TDWG or Taxacom mailing lists.
Adrian Rissone, Department of Palaeontology, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom, E-mail: A(dot)Rissone(at)nhm(dot)ac(dot)uk
---+++Please add any comments about Charles below here:
* To Lee Belbin (30th December 2006) - "On New Years day we do a fancy dress swim (we collect money for charity) - I am going as fairy!". Charles and I both have a love of swimming in cold waters. If anyone wants an insight into this strange pastime, read Roger's Deakin's book 'Waterlog'.
* Gail Kampmeier: I am so sorry to hear the news about Charles Copp. Although I know that his wife will be familiar with it, it was his laugh and joie de vivre that were infectious. I attach a photo I took of him at the TDWG banquet in Bratislava in 2007. Please convey my condolences to his wife and family, and thank you for sharing the news.
* Arturo H. Ari<72>o: We will miss his wit and joy, and of course his cheerful presentations so often coloring the stage at TDWG. I feel grateful for the gift of having met him.
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="dive.jpg" attachment="dive.jpg" attr="" comment="Charles taking the plunge on New Year 2007" date="1254087742" path="dive.jpg" size="85610" stream="dive.jpg" user="Main.LeeBelbin" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="CharlesCoppBratislava07.png" attachment="CharlesCoppBratislava07.png" attr="" comment="Charles Copp at TDWG banquet in Bratislava 2007" date="1254106050" path="CharlesCoppBratislava07.png" size="429018" stream="CharlesCoppBratislava07.png" user="Main.GailKampmeier" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="charles_copp_STL06.JPG" attachment="charles_copp_STL06.JPG" attr="" comment="To Charles--wherever you are. TDWG-St.Louis, 2006" date="1254261477" path="charles_copp_STL06.JPG" size="113409" stream="charles_copp_STL06.JPG" user="Main.ArturoArino" version="1"}%
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Many people in our communities will have come across Charles in his varied career in geology, ecology, collections management and databasing, site recording, biodiversity informatics and countless other subjects. Those who spend any time with him will have discovered his extraordinary love of life and the world around him - and doubtless his equally extraordinary sense of humour!
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---+++Please add any comments about Charles to this Wiki page
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-- Main.LeeBelbin - 27 Sep 2009
---++ Laughter in Bratislava
* I am so sorry to hear the news about Charles Copp. Although I know that his wife will be familiar with it, it was his laugh and joie de vivre that were infectious. I attach a photo I took of him at the TDWG banquet in Bratislava in 2007. Please convey my condolences to his wife and family, and thank you for sharing the news.
-- Main.GailKampmeier - 28 Sep 2009
* Charles Copp at TDWG banquet in Bratislava 2007: <br />
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/CharlesCoppBratislava07.png" alt="CharlesCoppBratislava07.png" width='576' height='527' />
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-- Main.LeeBelbin - 27 Sep 2009
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