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%META:TOPICINFO{author="StanleyBlum" date="1155072897" format="1.1" version="1.8"}%
---+Article 5: Executive Committee
TDWG is governed by an Executive Committee consisting of the officers elected by the membership with roles as defined by Article 6. Up to four additional members can be appointed by the officers.
The Executive Committee provides leadership to TDWG and promotes TDWG's role to the broader community.
The Executive Committee organizes the day to day affairs of TDWG, proposes the amount of dues subject to ratification at the annual meeting, administers the assets, acts to fulfil the goals of TDWG, has power to apply for legal status for TDWG and such other power as stated elsewhere in this constitution and any by-laws.
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once each calendar year and report to the membership.
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 03 Jun 2006
Do we need to define how decisions are made within the EC, e.g. where necessary by one vote per EC member, chairperson to have casting vote?
Could you give some hints as to when and why it might be appropriate to co-opt the additional EC members? Article 6 explains the Associate Secretary role, so maybe it could be moved here or a cross-reference included. This might help everyone understand the intention behind this. Should there be a time limit on these appointments?
Where should the wider leadership role of the EC appear, e.g. communicating with and reporting to the membership; overseeing standards development, adoption and maintenance; promoting the aims and products of TDWG to biodiversity organisations and in the wider community?
-- Main.MarkJackson - 06 Jun 2006
Wow, last time I looked up to two additional EC members could be elected, now I see that up to 4 may be appointed by the EC! Have the reasons for this been discussed somewhere? Without knowing what lies behind this, I'm 'agin it'. The impression given is of a loss of influence by the membership. John W's questions in the next section are very pertinent and need answering.
-- Main.MarkJackson - 11 Jul 2006