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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1164113843" format="1.1" version="1.5"}%
---+!! Encouraging Student Involvement with TDWG
This *page has moved* to Executive.StudentsAndTDWG (under the TDWG Executive Wiki)
-- Main.RicardoPereira - 21 Nov 2006
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These notes have been put together from a few brief interactions with Bryan Heidorn at TDWG 2006. These seed ideas should be refined via the TDWG Wiki (under Process?) with the assistance of Bryan Heidorn and Neil Thomson. When members and students have had an opportunity to refine these ideas, a document will be submitted to the TDWG Executive Committee that could form the basis of a policy or action plan.
TDWG relies heavily on the skills of a limited number of members. Expanding the skill base of TDWG is therefore a priority. Students are the next generation of TDWG and bring a fresh approach to tasks. My emphasis for 2007 will be to target the recruitment of institutional members but it would be good to see some activities that will foster student involvement with TDWG.
Please add/delete/modify and discuss. I would like to submit the outcome to the TDWG Executive Committee by the end of 2006.
* TDWG Annual Conference
* Public lecture, parallel sessions and training sessions. Training sessions could be short video clips 5-10 minutes in duration.
* Student Best Poster/Software award. Requires a review committee, evaluation criteria, and a piece of paper with a fancy border to give the winner. Mostly it is a placeholder for an entry on the student's resume. Depending on cash we could provide free X for the following year's meeting.
* PowerPoint presentations are useful but we might include audio archives of presentations where speakers approve synched with the slides. At the next level we could broadcast live so students could (re)view from anywhere any time. Maybe we need better integration with Journal of Biodiversity Informatics to encourage publication of material in a more formal peer review format.
* Standard Documentation.
* All standards should have documentation of dependencies (what you need to know to understand the standard and where to get that information), online tutorials or primers, sample implementation exercises.
* An acromym glossary is under development
* What is in it for students?
* Participation in the international standards process can help biology and biodiversity students and practicing professionals with job hunting and promotion.
* The meetings provide great networking opportunities for job hunting
* Could we add "certificate of training" in technologies. This could be difficult but perhaps someone can figure out how to do this.
* Participation leads to improved information dissemination about biodiversity and hopefully through that better stewardship of the planet.
* What is in it for TDWG?
* Students and new members provide a fresh critical eye to the process
* How do we encourage academic staff to consider student projects that would advance the work of TDWG and enhance student knowledge and positioning?
* Easy to integrate classroom materials. A list of sample project applications. For example, students could put DiGIR middle-ware on small museum collections. Have grad students make sharable keys that are registrable in (e.g. Identify Life) etc. Perhaps we could add a "Learning Projects". This needs expanding.
* Add a link here for a list of small projects suitable to the biodiveristy informatics beginner
* Educate Educators: Educate Conservation Biology Faculty, Information Science Faculty, Ornithology/Entomology/X-ology faculty, Museum Curators...Mailings through biology listservers to faculty and students
* How could we get financial support for student involvement? TDWG could afford (a donation from the hosting institution from annual conferences?) for a student prize.
P. Bryan Heidorn: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lee Belbin: Manager, TDWG Infrastructure Project
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-- Main.LeeBelbin - 21 Oct 2006@
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* Easy to integrate classroom materials. A list of sample project applications. For example, students could put DigIR middle-ware on small museum collections. Have grad students make sharable keys that are registrable in (e.g. Identify Life) etc. Perhaps we could add a "Learning Projects". This needs expanding.
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-- Main.LeeBelbin - 21 Oct 2006
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---+!! Encouraging Student Involevement with TDWG
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* Public lecture, parallel sessions and training sessions
* Student Best Poster/Software award. Requires a review committee, evaluation criteria, and a piece of paper with a fancy border to give the winner. Depending on cash we could provide free X for the following year's meeting.
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* Standard Documentation. All standards should have documentation of dependencies (what you need to know to understand the standard and where to get that information), online tutorials or primers, sample implementation exercises.
* What is in it for students? Jobs? This is the difficult part. Biology and biodiversity students might view informatics knowledge as leverage for job hunting. Could we add "certificate of training" in technologies. This could be difficult but perhaps someone can figure out how to do this.
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-- Main.LeeBelbin - 21 Oct 2006@
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-- Main.LeeBelbin - 21 Oct 2006