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-- Main.JoelSachs - 20 Jul 2009
---+!!TDWG 2009 Programme
This is the *MASTER* programme for TDWG2009. Anyone on the Programme Committee can edit this programme. When a new version is ready for the main conference web site, please email lee@tdwg.org.
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|*Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2009 Conference<br/><br/>*|||||||||||||||
|*Sunday<br>8th November*|** |||*Chair* |*Venue* ||||||||||
|0900-1700|Group meetings as required (external funding needed) ||| |||||||||||
|^ |1000-1700|Executive Committee (closed)||Donald Hobern|TBA||||||||||
|*Monday<br>9th November*|*WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS* |||*Chair* |*Venue*||||||||||
|09:00-09:45|Welcome by the Chairman and introductions to TDWG |||Donald Hobern |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |0900-0910|Opening and Welcome |Donald Hobern |^ |^||||||||||
|^ |0910-0920|Housekeeping and Logistics |Adrian Rissone |^ |^||||||||||
|^ |0920-0935|Welcome by Bioversity International |Emile Frison|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |0935-0945|Keynote –The Foundation for Biodiversity , France|Jean-Francois Sylvain |^ |^||||||||||
|0945-1045|Session 2 - Session 2 - e-Biosphere 09 |||Walter Berendsohn |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |0945-1005|The Roadmap Process|Walter Berendsohn|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1005-1045|Roundtable Discussion|Walter Berendsohn, Donald Hobern|^ |^||||||||||
|1045-1115|Coffee ||||Joffre 1 ||||||||||
|1115-1230|Session 3 - Sharing e-knowledge on agricultural diversity worldwide - Which standards?|||Theo van Hintum|Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1115-1130|Beyond taxonomic standards: Which contribution from Plant development and agricultural standards to TDWG |Philippe Feldman|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1130-1145|Agropolis global presentation of Pl@ntNet |Daniel Barthelemy |^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1145-1200|KEYNOTE SPEAKER|Andy Jarvis|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1200-1215|Standards and data integration for genetic resources information systems for Food and Agriculture|Author TBA|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1215-1230|Landscape of the information standards for plant genebanks|Theo van Hintum |^ |^||||||||||
|1230-1430|Lunch & Registration ||||Restaurants in Montpellier Centre||||||||||
|1430-1515|Session 4a - Global Networks |||<7C>amonn <20> Tuama |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1430-1445|The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF ): The decentralized architecture |Samy Gaiji|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1445-1500|"Invasive Species"|Annie Simpson |^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1500-1515|[The European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT)]|Simon Tillier |^ |^||||||||||
|1515-1545|Coffee ||||Joffre 1||||||||||
|1545-1730|Session 4b - Ontology and Life Science Identifiers: The state of the play |||<7C>amonn <20> Tuama |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1545-1600|TDWG Ontology|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1600-1615|Linked data/semantic web|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1615-1645|Life Science Identifiers: Key issues and likely directions|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1645-1700|The GBIF Global Names Architecture |David Remsen / Markus D<>ring |^| ^||||||||||
|^ |1700-1730|Discussion and roadmap for Workgroup Sessions|Adrian Rissone|^|^||||||||||
|1800-2000|*Welcome Reception* ||| Hosted by the Montpellier Authority |Joffre 1||||||||||
|*Tuesday<br>10th November*|*Sessions 5-8 - Themed Working Groups (up to 6 in parallel)* |||*Chair* |*Venue*||||||||||
|0900-1030|Session 5 - Parallel sessions |||Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|1030-1100|Coffee ||||Joffre 1||||||||||
|1100-1230|Session 6 - Parallel Sessions |||Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|1230-1400|Lunch ||||Restaurants in Montpellier Centre||||||||||
|1400-1530|Session 7 - Parallel Sessions ||| Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|1530-1600|Coffee |||| Joffre 1||||||||||
|1600-1730|Session 8 - Parallel Sessions |||Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|1630-2200 | *Local touristic visits TBA* ||||TBA||||||||||
|*Wednesday<br>11th November*|*Sessions 9-12 - Presentation Sessions (in parallel with Working Sessions 13-16)*||||||||||||||
|0900-1030|Session 9 - EDIT Cyberplatform ||Convener|Theatre Einstein|||||||||||
|1030-1100|Coffee ||||Joffre 1||||||||||
|1100-1230|Session 10 - Miscellaneous (including Biocuration, Disease) ||Convener|Theatre Einstein|||||||||||
|1230-1400|Lunch ||||Restaurants in Montpellier Centre||||||||||
|1400-1530|Session 11 - Identifying Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture ||Convener|Theatre Einstein |||||||||||
|^ |1400-1415|Standards in Genomic databases and the Generation Challenge Programme|Manuel Ruiz|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1415-1430|Plant diversity, functional traits and ecoinformatics|Eric Garnier |^ |||||||||||
|^ |1430-1445|Impact of Citizen Science projects on biodiversity policies :Tela Botanica conference results|Elise Mouysset|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1445-1500|Recent advances in digital image recognition|Raffi Enficiaud |^ |||||||||||
|^ |1500-1515|Local Knowledge and eco-informatics|Doyle Mckey |^ |||||||||||
|^ |1515-1530|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|1530-1600|Coffee |||| Joffre 1||||||||||
|1600-1730|Session 12 - Accessing information on Agricultural genetic resources and crop wild relatives ||Convener|Theatre Einstein |||||||||||
|^ |1600-1615|A Global germplasm information system to unlock genebank information for use|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1615-1630|Online international genebanks' catalogues: SINGER and EURISCO|Author TBA|^ |1||||||||||
|^ |1630-1645|The Crop Wild relative Portal : conservation and utilization of crop wild relatives - project with Armenia, Bolivia, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan|Imke Thorman |^ |||||||||||
|^ |1645-1700|Fishbase and Sealife base, standards to go beyond the species level|Nicolas Bailly |^ |||||||||||
|^ |1700-1715|GBIF: Agricultural biodiversity informatics: Research infrastructure|Andy Jarvis|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1715-1730|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|1900-late!| *Banquet (tickets in advance)* ||||TBA||||||||||
|*Thursday<br>12th November*|*Sessions 17-20 - Themed Working Groups (up to 6 in parallel)* |||*Chair* |*Venue*||||||||||
|0900-1030|Session 17 - Parallel Sessions |||Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|1030-1100|Coffee ||||Joffre 1||||||||||
|1100-1230|Session 18 - Parallel Sessions |||Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|1235-1400|Lunch ||||Restaurants in Montpellier Centre||||||||||
|1400-1530|Session 19 - Parallel Sessions ||| Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|1530-1600|Coffee |||| Joffre 1||||||||||
|1600-1730|Session 20 - Themes |||Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|1800-1900|*Lecture for students* ||||TBA||||||||||
|*Friday<br>13th November*|*Sessions 17-20* |||*Chair* |*Venue*||||||||||
|0900-1045|Session 21 - Report from Working Groups |||Adrian Rissone |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |0900-0925|Theme #2 - Agriculture|Theo van Hintum|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |0925-0950|Theme #1 - e-Biosphere 09|Walter Berendsohn|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |0950-1015|Theme #3 - Data Integration|Roger Hyam|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1015-1045|Discussion|Donald Hobern |^ |^||||||||||
|1045-1115|Coffee ||||Joffre 1||||||||||
|1115-1300|Session 22 - Agriculture Information for development |||Elizabeth Arnaud / Philippe Feldman |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1115-1145|ARCAD project: Agropolis Resource Center for Crop Conservation, Adaptation and Diversity|Jean-Louis Pham |^|^||||||||||
|^ |1145-1200|Sud Plant Experts|Eric Chenin |^|^||||||||||
|^ |1200-1215|Title TBA|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1215-1230|Title TBA|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1230-1245|Title TBA|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1245-1300|Title TBA|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|1300-1430|Lunch & Business Session - Proposals for events in 2010- Year of Biodiversity ||||Business Session in Theatre Einstein - Box lunch ordered in advance||||||||||
|1430-1515|Session 23 - Wild Ideas ||| Convener |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1430-1445|Title TBA|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1445-1500|Title TBA|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1500-1515|Title TBA|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|1515-1545|Session 24 - Ideas for Collaboration and Fund Raising ||| Lee Belbin |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1515-1530|Title TBA|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1530-1545|Title TBA|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|1545-1615|Coffee |||| Joffre 1||||||||||
|1615-1700|Session 25 - Taking Data Integration forward & Wrap-up |||Donald Hobern |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1615-1630|Title TBA|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1630-1645|Title TBA|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1645-1700|Title TBA|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|1700 || *Close* |Donald Hobern||Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|*Saturday<br>14th November*|* EXCURSIONS and POST-CONFERENCE MEETINGS* ||||*Meeting Location*||||||||||
|Saturday 14|0915-1715|In the heart of Camargue |Leader TBA||Leaving from the Corum||||||||||
|Saturday 14|1000-1700|Inner countryside and wine tasting |Leader TBA||Leaving from the Corum||||||||||
|Saturday 14|TBA|Montpellier Botanic Garden & Herbarium|Leader TBA||Departure TBA||||||||||
|*Monday - Friday<br>*|*POSTERS*|||*Chair* |*Venue*||||||||||
|0900-1730|Authors |Title||Conveners|Location||||||||||
|^ |TBA |TBA ||^ |Joffre 1||||||||||
|*Monday-Wednesday<br>*|*COMPUTER DEMONSTRATIONS*|||*Chair* |*Venue*||||||||||
|0900-1730|Authors|Title|Time |Conveners|Location||||||||||
|^ |AMAP |IKONA: a content-based image retrieval system which performs "retrieval by visual similarity" |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
|^ |AMAP |IDAO: an interactive plant identification system based on graphical identikits |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
|^ |AMAP |Pl@ntNote: a flexible, modular software for the management and share of invidual-based data on plants |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
|^ |Tela Botanica: a Montpellier-based NGO, the largest international French-speaking network of amateur and professional plant taxonomists and ecologists |Web-based tools for collaborative research and training |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
|^ |TBA |DIVA-GIS: a free mapping program useful for mapping and analyzing biodiversity data, such as the distribution of species, or other 'point-distributions' |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
|^ |Bioversity-GCP |The online Crop ontology look up tool |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
|^ |Bioversity |A Banana Germplasm Information system |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
-- Main.AdrianRissone - 16 July 2009
---+ Working Sessions
---++ Scheduling for the working sessions of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday is under way. Here are the topics, by theme, that will be on the program for these three days.
---+++ Theme #1: e-Biosphere Follow-up
| *Item* | *Owner* |
|E-Biosphere09: Roadmap |TBA |
|Harnessing the long tail: small biodiversity data publishers |Vishwas Chavan |
|Roundtable: events in 2010- Year of Biodiversity |TBA |
---+++ Theme #2: Agricultural Biodiversity
| *Item* | *Owner* |
|Crop Ontology: knowledge modelling for traits description and ontology application |Rosemary Shrestha |
|Interoperability of databases on cultivated and useful plants |Michel Chauvet |
|DarwinCore? Germplasm Extension and deployment in the GBIF integrated Publishing toolkit |Dag Terje Filip Endresen & Samy Gaiji |
|Visual and textual standards for taxonomic identification |Pierre Grard / Pierre Bonnet |
|Standards for plant traits (cultivated and Wild) - expanding standards to include charcterization and evaluation data,phenotypic descriptors- exemple fo SINGER, EURISCO |Elizabeth Arnaud |
|Data integration enabling an eco system approach for for the management of Genetic resources - integrating multilayers databases - Management of Animal, Aquatic, microorganisms and plant genetic resources |Elizabeth Arnaud|
|Plant Ontology and descriptors - knowledge modelling in partnership with ENVO, Plant Ontology, Trait Ontology (Cornell University, Crop Wild relative ontology, FAO agriculture ontology and applications for Biocuration - management tools |Elizabeth Arnaud |
|Biocuration in Agricultural related databases - Standards and tools for Data quality process |Elizabeth Arnaud |
|Agricultural biodiversity informatics: Research infrastructure - Development of a research infrastructure for agricultural biodiversity informatics |<7C>amonn <20> Tuama |
---+++ Theme #3: Data Integration
| *Item* | *Owner* |
|The TDWG ontology (Open Session: Introduction) |Donald Hobern |
|Development of TDWG ontology (Closed Session: by invitation) |Donald Hobern |
|The TDWG ontology (Open Session: Roadmap) |Donald Hobern |
|Outcomes of the GBIF LSID-GUID task Group |<7C>amonn <20> Tuama / Tim Robertson |
|Species Profile Model |Cyndy Parr |
|Invasive Species Interest Group - Inserting/testing GISIN models in GBIF IPT |Annie Simpson |
|Wiki publishing workshop |Gregor Hagedorn |
|Phylogenetic Nomenclature: Regnum development (name registration database) |Nico Cellinese |
|Name Matching workshop - Discuss ways to achieve name matching, look at possible integration of these services |Kevin Richards |
|Geospatial Interest Group |TBA |
|Biological Descriptions Interest Group |Gregor Hagedorn |
---+++ EDIT
| *Item* | *Owner* |
|EDIT workshop for programmers - CDM Library |Agnes Kirchhoff|
|EDIT workshop for users (e.g. Taxonomic Editor, specimen search, Geo-tools) |Agnes Kirchhoff|
|EDIT Scratchpads tutorial |Dave Roberts |
---+++ Other topics
| *Item* | *Owner* |
|Data Analysis Framework: General discussion around a framework for work flow or business process for data analyses such as ecological niche modelling and other data analyses |Paul Flemons |
|Literature Group: continue working on standard development |Anna Weitzman |
|Intellectual property rights on databases - Issues and solutions (creativecommon, scienceincommon, etc) |Maxime Thibon |