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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="GarryJolleyRogers" date="1259118881" format="1.1" version="1.7"}%
---+!! Publish Web Plugin
Utility to publish a TWiki web to static HTML pages. Useful to maintain a static website collaboratively in an access restricted TWiki.
---++ Description and Syntax Rules
One web (defined in the PUBLISHWEBNAME setting) serves as the master for the static HTML pages. The Plugin generates an HTML pages every time a user saves a topic in the Publish web. The static HTML files are based on a TWiki skin of choice. All referred attachments (images etc) are copied to a publish directory.
---+++ Topics and Links
* The home topic is assumed to be =Index=
* Topic names: For clarity, use capitalized words and underscores (%TWIKIWEB%.WikiWord names are possible too)
* All links should be defined as double square bracket links, e.g. =[<nop>[Topic]]= or =[<nop>[Topic][label]]= (do not use %TWIKIWEB%.WikiWord links)
---+++ Publish process
<form action="%SCRIPTURL%/view%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%#PublishProcess">
* A static HTML page is generated for exery topic saved in the %PUBLISHWEBNAME% web (unless listed in the EXCLUDETOPIC setting)
* Topic names get converted to a lowercase filename, e.g. =Index= to =index.html=, =AboutUs= to =aboutus.html=, and =Customer_Support= to =customer_support.html=
* Only text between =%<nop>STARTPUBLISH%= and =%<nop>STOPPUBLISH%= is used (the whole text if missing)
* !WikiWord links are ignored, also across webs
* Page layout is based on the skin defined in the PUBLISHSKIN setting
* Topics can be re-published without an edit/save cycle.%BR%
<select name="tname">
<option value="">select...</option>
%TOPICLIST{ web="%PUBLISHWEBNAME%" format="<option>$name</option>" separator=" " }% </select>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="publish" />
<input type="submit" value="Publish" />
%PUBLISHWEB{ "%URLPARAM{ "action" }%" topic="%URLPARAM{ "tname" }%" }%
---+++ Variables
* =%<nop>STARTPUBLISH%= - place in topic text where to start publishing
* Optional, start from top if missing
* =%<nop>STOPPUBLISH%= - place in topic text where to stop publishing
* Optional, publish to end of topic if missing
* =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"nicetopic"}%= - nice topic name
* Shows a "nice" topic name of the current topic: Underscores in topic names are rendered as space; the Index topic is rendered with the HOMELABEL Plugin setting
* Example: Topic =Customer_Support= turns into =Customer Support=
* =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"breadcrumb"}%= - nice breadcrumb
* The breadcrumb is based on the parent child relationship of topics, starting at the Index topic
* The breadcrumb does _not_ include the current topic, append =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"nicetopic"}%= to get the complete breadcrumb
* The skin may contain a =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"breadcrumb"}%= variable to show the breadcrumb
* Underscores in topic names are rendered as space
* Example: =You are here: <u>Home</u> &gt; <u>Customer Support</u> &gt;=
* =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"publish" topic="Name"}%= - re-publish topic(s) without edit/save cycle
* Useful to refresh all HTML pages if the skin has been modified
* A =topic="all"= publishes all topics in the Publish web except for the excluded ones
* A =topic="Any_Topic"= publishes a specific topics
---++ Plugin Settings
Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write ==%<nop>&lt;plugin&gt;_&lt;setting&gt;%==, i.e. ==%<nop>PUBLISHWEBPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%==
* One line description, is shown in the %TWIKIWEB%.TextFormattingRules topic:
* Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Maintain a static website collaboratively in a TWiki web
* Debug plugin: (See output in =data/debug.txt=)
* Set DEBUG = 0
* Web to publish:
* Skin to use to publish:
* Set PUBLISHSKIN = static
* Exclude topics from publishing:
* Set EXCLUDETOPIC = WebPublish, WebChanges, WebHome, WebIndex, WebLeftBar, WebNotify, WebPreferences, WebAtom, WebRss, WebSearchAdvanced, WebSearch, WebStatistics, WebTopicList
* Home label, used in =%<nop>PUBLISHBREADCRUMB%=:
* Set HOMELABEL = Home
---++ Plugin Installation Instructions
__Note:__ You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the TWiki server.
* Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
* Unzip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
| *File:* | *Description:* |
| ==data/TWiki/%TOPIC%.txt== | Plugin topic |
| ==data/TWiki/%TOPIC%.txt,v== | Plugin topic repository |
| ==data/Publish/WebPublish.txt== | Plugin topic |
| ==data/Publish/WebPublish.txt,v== | Plugin topic repository |
| ==lib/TWiki/Plugins/ | Plugin Perl module |
* Configure and test the installated Plugin:
* TWiki 4.0 and up: Run the [[%SCRIPTURL%/configure%SCRIPTSUFFIX%][configure]] script to enable the Plugin
* Change the Plugin settings as needed (for now leave =PUBLISHSKIN = print= setting)
* Configuration on shell level:
* Settings in =lib/TWiki/Plugins/ For security, the output directories are defined in the library. Change the hardcoded settings if needed:
* =$publishPath= defines the output directory of the static HTML files, __relative to__ the =twiki/pub= directory; defaults to the parent directory of the =twiki/pub= directory; should point to the htdocs root directory
* =$attachPath= defaults =_publish=; is __relative to__ =$publishPath=
* Create the directory indicated in the =$attachPath= setting
* Change the permission of directories indicated by =$publishPath= and =$attachPath= to be writable by the cgi user (typically user =nobody=)
* Create new TWiki web for website publishing:
* Create a new =Publish= web (name indicated by the =PUBLISHWEBNAME= Plugin setting)
* In !WebPreferences of that web, set the =NOAUTOLINK= setting to =on=
* For convenience, add these links to the WebLeftBar:
* =*Publishing*=
* =[<nop>[Index][Home page topic]]=
* =[<nop>[http://%<nop>HTTP_HOST%/index.html][/index.html]]=
* =[<nop>[http://%<nop>HTTP_HOST%%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{topicurl}%][%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{topicurl}%]]=
* =[<nop>[%<nop>SCRIPTURL%/view%<nop>SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%<nop>WEB%/WebPublish?\%BR%action=publish;ptopic=%<nop>BASETOPIC%][Re-publish this topic]]=
* =[<nop>[%<nop>TWIKIWEB%.PublishWebPlugin][PublishWebPlugin]]=
* Create an =Test= topic in that web
* This should generate an =test.html= page on topic save
* Create =Index= topic and other topics
* Publish skin:
* Create a new publish skin based on your branding. The [[%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiSkins][TWiki skin]] can be derived from any =twiki/templates/view.*.tmpl= skin file
* Omit any links to TWiki, such as edit and attach links
* The skin can use Plugin specific settings =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"breadcrumb"}%= and =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"nicetopic"}%=
* The skin can introduce skin specific [[Publish.WebPreferences]] settings, such as =%<nop>PUBLISH_SITE%=, =%<nop>PUBLISH_LOGO%=, etc.
* Activate the new skin in the Plugin's =PUBLISHSKIN= setting
---++ Limitations
* All attachments are copied into the same directory, e.g. make sure you use unique filenames across all topics in your publish web and in your skin
---++ Plugin Info
| Plugin Author: | TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny |
| Copyright: | &copy; 2006, |
| License: | GPL ([[][GNU General Public License]]) |
| Plugin Version: | 15 Feb 2006 (V1.022) |
| Change History: | <!-- versions below in reverse order -->&nbsp; |
| 15 Feb 2006: | Added =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"publish" topic="Name"}%= |
| 13 Feb 2006: | Initial version |
| TWiki Dependency: | $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.024 |
| CPAN Dependencies: | none |
| Other Dependencies: | none |
| Perl Version: | 5.005 |
| [[TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark][Benchmarks]]: | %TWIKIWEB%.GoodStyle 100%, %TWIKIWEB%.FormattedSearch 100%, %TOPIC% 99% |
| Plugin Home: | |
| Feedback: | |
| Appraisal: | |
__Related Topics:__ %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPlugins, %TWIKIWEB%.DeveloperDocumentationCategory, %TWIKIWEB%.AdminDocumentationCategory, %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 15 Feb 2006
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1258684536" format="1.1" reprev="1.6" version="1.6"}%
d67 1
a67 1
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1172494445" format="1.1" reprev="1.5" version="1.5"}%
d67 1
a67 1
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1159867454" format="1.1" version="1.4"}%
d70 1
a70 1
* Set PUBLISHSKIN = print
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="PeterThoeny" date="1139995147" format="1.0" version="1.3"}%
d13 3
a15 3
* The home topic is assumed to be =Index=
* Topic names: For clarity, use capitalized words and underscores (%TWIKIWEB%.WikiWord names are possible too)
* All links should be defined as double square bracket links, e.g. =[<nop>[Topic]]= or =[<nop>[Topic][label]]= (do not use %TWIKIWEB%.WikiWord links)
d20 15
a34 15
* A static HTML page is generated for exery topic saved in the %PUBLISHWEBNAME% web (unless listed in the EXCLUDETOPIC setting)
* Topic names get converted to a lowercase filename, e.g. =Index= to =index.html=, =AboutUs= to =aboutus.html=, and =Customer_Support= to =customer_support.html=
* Only text between =%<nop>STARTPUBLISH%= and =%<nop>STOPPUBLISH%= is used (the whole text if missing)
* !WikiWord links are ignored, also across webs
* Page layout is based on the skin defined in the PUBLISHSKIN setting
* Topics can be re-published without an edit/save cycle.%BR%
<select name="tname">
<option value="">select...</option>
%TOPICLIST{ web="%PUBLISHWEBNAME%" format="<option>$name</option>" separator=" " }% </select>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="publish" />
<input type="submit" value="Publish" />
%PUBLISHWEB{ "%URLPARAM{ "action" }%" topic="%URLPARAM{ "tname" }%" }%
d38 17
a54 17
* =%<nop>STARTPUBLISH%= - place in topic text where to start publishing
* Optional, start from top if missing
* =%<nop>STOPPUBLISH%= - place in topic text where to stop publishing
* Optional, publish to end of topic if missing
* =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"nicetopic"}%= - nice topic name
* Shows a "nice" topic name of the current topic: Underscores in topic names are rendered as space; the Index topic is rendered with the HOMELABEL Plugin setting
* Example: Topic =Customer_Support= turns into =Customer Support=
* =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"breadcrumb"}%= - nice breadcrumb
* The breadcrumb is based on the parent child relationship of topics, starting at the Index topic
* The breadcrumb does _not_ include the current topic, append =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"nicetopic"}%= to get the complete breadcrumb
* The skin may contain a =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"breadcrumb"}%= variable to show the breadcrumb
* Underscores in topic names are rendered as space
* Example: =You are here: <u>Home</u> &gt; <u>Customer Support</u> &gt;=
* =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"publish" topic="Name"}%= - re-publish topic(s) without edit/save cycle
* Useful to refresh all HTML pages if the skin has been modified
* A =topic="all"= publishes all topics in the Publish web except for the excluded ones
* A =topic="Any_Topic"= publishes a specific topics
d60 2
a61 2
* One line description, is shown in the %TWIKIWEB%.TextFormattingRules topic:
* Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Maintain a static website collaboratively in a TWiki web
d63 2
a64 2
* Debug plugin: (See output in =data/debug.txt=)
* Set DEBUG = 0
d66 2
a67 2
* Web to publish:
d69 2
a70 2
* Skin to use to publish:
* Set PUBLISHSKIN = print
d72 2
a73 2
* Exclude topics from publishing:
* Set EXCLUDETOPIC = WebPublish, WebChanges, WebHome, WebIndex, WebLeftBar, WebNotify, WebPreferences, WebRss, WebSearchAdvanced, WebSearch, WebStatistics, WebTopicList
d75 2
a76 2
* Home label, used in =%<nop>PUBLISHBREADCRUMB%=:
* Set HOMELABEL = Home
d82 36
a117 36
* Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
* Unzip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
| *File:* | *Description:* |
| ==data/TWiki/%TOPIC%.txt== | Plugin topic |
| ==data/TWiki/%TOPIC%.txt,v== | Plugin topic repository |
| ==data/Publish/WebPublish.txt== | Plugin topic |
| ==data/Publish/WebPublish.txt,v== | Plugin topic repository |
| ==lib/TWiki/Plugins/ | Plugin Perl module |
* Configure and test the installated Plugin:
* TWiki 4.0 and up: Run the [[%SCRIPTURL%/configure%SCRIPTSUFFIX%][configure]] script to enable the Plugin
* Change the Plugin settings as needed (for now leave =PUBLISHSKIN = print= setting)
* Configuration on shell level:
* Settings in =lib/TWiki/Plugins/ For security, the output directories are defined in the library. Change the hardcoded settings if needed:
* =$publishPath= defines the output directory of the static HTML files, __relative to__ the =twiki/pub= directory; defaults to the parent directory of the =twiki/pub= directory; should point to the htdocs root directory
* =$attachPath= defaults =_publish=; is __relative to__ =$publishPath=
* Create the directory indicated in the =$attachPath= setting
* Change the permission of directories indicated by =$publishPath= and =$attachPath= to be writable by the cgi user (typically user =nobody=)
* Create new TWiki web for website publishing:
* Create a new =Publish= web (name indicated by the =PUBLISHWEBNAME= Plugin setting)
* In !WebPreferences of that web, set the =NOAUTOLINK= setting to =on=
* For convenience, add these links to the WebLeftBar:
* =*Publishing*=
* =[<nop>[Index][Home page topic]]=
* =[<nop>[http://%<nop>HTTP_HOST%/index.html][/index.html]]=
* =[<nop>[http://%<nop>HTTP_HOST%%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{topicurl}%][%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{topicurl}%]]=
* =[<nop>[%<nop>SCRIPTURL%/view%<nop>SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%<nop>WEB%/WebPublish?\%BR%action=publish;ptopic=%<nop>BASETOPIC%][Re-publish this topic]]=
* =[<nop>[%<nop>TWIKIWEB%.PublishWebPlugin][PublishWebPlugin]]=
* Create an =Test= topic in that web
* This should generate an =test.html= page on topic save
* Create =Index= topic and other topics
* Publish skin:
* Create a new publish skin based on your branding. The [[%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiSkins][TWiki skin]] can be derived from any =twiki/templates/view.*.tmpl= skin file
* Omit any links to TWiki, such as edit and attach links
* The skin can use Plugin specific settings =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"breadcrumb"}%= and =%<nop>PUBLISHWEB{"nicetopic"}%=
* The skin can introduce skin specific [[Publish.WebPreferences]] settings, such as =%<nop>PUBLISH_SITE%=, =%<nop>PUBLISH_LOGO%=, etc.
* Activate the new skin in the Plugin's =PUBLISHSKIN= setting
d121 1
a121 1
* All attachments are copied into the same directory, e.g. make sure you use unique filenames across all topics in your publish web and in your skin
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="PeterThoeny" date="1139882447" format="1.0" version="1.2"}%
d10 1
a10 1
One web (defined in the PUBLISHWEB setting) serves as the master for the static HTML pages. The Plugin generates an HTML pages every time a user saves a topic in the Publish web. The static HTML files are based on a TWiki skin of choice. All referred attachments (images etc) are copied to a publish directory.
d17 1
d19 2
a20 1
* A static HTML page is generated for exery topic saved in the Publish web (unless listed in the EXCLUDETOPIC setting)
d24 12
a35 1
* Page layout is based on the skin defined the PUBLISHSKIN setting
d51 4
d67 1
a67 1
* Set PUBLISHWEB = Publish
d73 1
a73 1
* Set EXCLUDETOPIC = WebChanges, WebHome, WebIndex, WebLeftBar, WebNotify, WebPreferences, WebRss, WebSearchAdvanced, WebSearch, WebStatistics, WebTopicList
d87 2
d95 2
a96 2
* =$publishPath= defines the output directory of the static HTML files; defaults to the parent directory of the =twiki/pub= directory; should point to the htdocs root directory
* =$attachPath= defaults =_publish=; is relative to =$publishPath=
d100 1
a100 1
* Create a new =Publish= web (name indicated by the =PUBLISHWEB= Plugin setting)
d107 1
d113 1
a113 1
* Create a new publish skin based on your branding. This [[%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiSkins][TWiki skin]] can be derived from any =twiki/templates/view.*.tmpl= skin file
a121 1
* This Plugin version does not yet have a "refresh all" feature to regenerate topics after a skin change
d128 1
a128 1
| Plugin Version: | 13 Feb 2006 (V1.000) |
d130 1
d143 1
a143 1
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 13 Feb 2006
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="PeterThoeny" date="1139874741" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
d72 1
d80 2
a81 2
* New =Publish= web:
* Create a new =Publish= web