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%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1168737391" format="1.1" version="19"}%
---# TWiki Meta Data
_Additional topic data, program-generated or from TWikiForms, is stored in =META= variable name/value pairs_
---++ Overview
TWikiMetaData uses =META= variables to store topic data that's separate from the main free-form content. This includes program-generated info like FileAttachment and topic movement data, and user-defined TWikiForms info. Use =META= variables to format and display Meta Data.
---++ Meta Data Syntax
* Format is the same as in TWikiVariables, except all fields have a key.
* =%<nop>META:&lt;type&gt;{key1="value1" key2="value2" ...}%=
* Order of fields within the meta variables is not defined, except that if there is a field with key =name=, this appears first for easier searching (note the order of the variables themselves is defined).
* Each meta variable is on one line.
* =\n= (new line) is represented in values by =%<nop>_<nop>N_<nop>= and ="= (double-quotes) by =%<nop>_Q_%=.
*Example of Format*
%<nop>META:TOPICINFO{version="1.6" date="976762663" author="LastEditorWikiName" format="1.0"}%
text of the topic
%<nop>META:TOPICMOVED{from="Codev.OldName" to="Codev.NewName"
by="TopicMoverWikiName" date="976762680"}%
%<nop>META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Sample.txt" version="1.3" ... }%
%<nop>META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Smile.gif" version="1.1" ... }%
%<nop>META:FIELD{name="OperatingSystem" value="OsWin"}%
%<nop>META:FIELD{name="TopicClassification" value="PublicFAQ"}%
---++ Meta Data Specifications
The current version of Meta Data is 1.0, with support for the following variables.
| *Key* | *Comment* |
| version | Same as RCS version |
| date | integer, unix time, seconds since start 1970 |
| author | last to change topic, is the REMOTE_USER |
| format | Format of this topic, will be used for automatic format conversion |
This is optional, exists if topic has ever been moved. If a topic is moved more than once, only the most recent META:TOPICMOVED meta variable exists in the topic, older ones are to be found in the rcs history.
=%<nop>META:TOPICMOVED{from="Codev.OldName" to="Codev.NewName" by="talintj" date="976762680"}%=
| *Key* | *Comment* |
| from | Full name, i.e., web.topic |
| to | Full name, i.e., web.topic |
| by | Who did it, is the REMOTE_USER, not <nop>WikiName |
| date | integer, unix time, seconds since start 1970 |
* at present version number is not supported directly, it can be inferred from the RCS history.
* there is only one META:TOPICMOVED in a topic, older move information can be found in the RCS history.
| *Key* | *Comment* |
| name | The topic from which this was created, typically when clicking on a =?= questionmark link, or by filling out a form. Normally just =TopicName=, but it can be a full =Web.TopicName= format if the parent is in a different Web. |
| *Key* | *Comment* |
| name | Name of file, no path. Must be unique within topic |
| version | Same as RCS revision |
| path | Full path file was loaded from |
| size | In bytes |
| date | integer, unix time, seconds since start 1970 |
| user | the REMOTE_USER, not <nop>WikiName |
| comment | As supplied when file uploaded |
| attr | =h= if hidden, optional |
Extra fields that are added if an attachment is moved:
| *Key* | *Comment* |
| movedfrom | full topic name - web.topic |
| movedby | the REMOTE_USER, not <nop>WikiName |
| movedto | full topic name - web.topic |
| moveddate | integer, unix time, seconds since start 1970 |
---+++ META:FORM
| *Key* | *Comment* |
| name | A topic name - the topic represents one of the TWikiForms. Can optionally include the web name (i.e., web.topic), but doesn't normally |
Should only be present if there is a META:FORM entry. Note that this data is used when viewing a topic, the form template definition is not read.
| *Key* | *Name* |
| name | Ties to entry in TWikiForms template, is title with all bar alphanumerics and . removed |
| title | Full text from TWikiForms template |
| value | Value user has supplied via form |
---+++ Recommended Sequence
There is no absolute need for Meta Data variables to be listed in a specific order within a topic, but it makes sense to do so a couple of good reasons:
* form fields remain in the order they are defined
* the =diff= function output appears in a logical order
The recommended sequence is:
* =META:TOPICPARENT= (optional)
* text of topic
* =META:TOPICMOVED= (optional)
* =META:FILEATTACHMENT= (0 or more entries)
* =META:FORM= (optional)
* =META:FIELD= (0 or more entries; FORM required)
---++ Viewing Meta Data in Page Source
When viewing a topic the ==Raw Text== link can be clicked to show the text of a topic (i.e., as seen when editing). This is done by adding <code>raw=on</code> to URL. <code>raw=debug</code> shows the meta data as well as the topic data, ex: <a href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%?raw=debug">debug view for this topic</a>
---++ Rendering Meta Data
Meta Data is rendered with the %<nop>META% variable. This is mostly used in the =view=, =preview= and =edit= scripts.
You can render form fields in topic text by using the FORMFIELD variable. Example:%BR%
=%<nop>FORMFIELD{"TopicClassification"}%= %BR%
For details, see VarFORMFIELD.
Current support covers:
| *Variable usage:* | *Comment:* |
| =%<nop>META{"form"}%= | Show form data, see TWikiForms. |
| =%<nop>META{"formfield"}%= | Show form field value. Parameter: ==name="field_name"==. Example:%BR% =%<nop>META{ "formfield" name="TopicClassification" }%= |
| =%<nop>META{"attachments"}%= | Show attachments, except for hidden ones. Options: <br /> \
==all="on"==: Show all attachments, including hidden ones. |
| =%<nop>META{"moved"}%= | Details of any topic moves. |
| =%<nop>META{"parent"}%= | Show topic parent. Options: <br /> \
==dontrecurse="on"==: By default recurses up tree, at some cost. <br /> \
==nowebhome="on"==: Suppress <nop>%HOMETOPIC%. <br /> \
==prefix="..."==: Prefix for parents, only if there are parents, default =""=. <br /> \
==suffix="..."==: Suffix, only appears if there are parents, default =""=. <br /> \
==separator="..."==: Separator between parents, default is =" &gt; "=. |
__Note:__ SEARCH can also be used to render meta data, see examples in FormattedSearch and SearchPatternCookbook.
---++ Known Issues
At present, there is no Meta Data support for Plugins. However, the format is readily extendable and the code that supports the format needs only minor alteration.
__Related Topics:__ DeveloperDocumentationCategory, UserDocumentationCategory
-- __Contributors:__ TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre, TWiki:Main.MikeMannix, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie