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Raw Normal View History

%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1158898025" format="1.2" version="2"}%
---+++ REVINFO{"format"} -- formatted revision information of topic
* Syntax: =%<nop>REVINFO{"format"}%=
* Supported parameters:
| *Parameter:* | *Description:* | *Default:* |
| ="format"= | Format of revision information, see supported variables below | ="r1.$rev - $date - $wikiusername"= |
| =web="..."= | Name of web | Current web |
| =topic="..."= | Topic name | Current topic |
| =rev="1.5"= | Specific revison number | Latest revision |
* Supported variables in format:
| *Variable:* | *Unit:* | *Example* |
| =$web= | Name of web | Current web |
| =$topic= | Topic name | Current topic |
| =$rev= | Revison number. Prefix =r1.= to get the usual =r1.5= format | =5= |
| =$username= | Login username of revision | =jsmith= |
| =$wikiname= | WikiName of revision | =JohnSmith= |
| =$wikiusername= | <nop>WikiName with %MAINWEB% web prefix | =%MAINWEB%.JohnSmith= |
| =$date= | Revision date | =21 Sep 2006= |
| =$time= | Revision time | =23:24:25= |
| =$iso= | Revision date in ISO date format | =2006-09-22T06:24:25Z= |
| =$min=, =$sec=, etc. | Same date format qualifiers as [[#VarGMTIME2][GMTIME{"format"}]] | |
* Example: =%<nop>REVINFO{"$date - $wikiusername" rev="1.1"}%= returns revision info of first revision
* Related: [[#VarGMTIME2][GMTIME{"format"}]], [[#VarREVINFO][REVINFO]]