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Raw Normal View History

# Module of TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform,
# Copyright (C) 2004 Florian Weimer, Crawford Currie
# Copyright (C) 2004-2007 TWiki Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# TWiki Contributors
# are listed in the AUTHORS file in the root of this distribution.
# NOTE: Please extend that file, not this notice.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For
# more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited.
---+ package TWiki::Sandbox
This object provides an interface to the outside world. All calls to
system functions, or handling of file names, should be brokered by
this object.
package TWiki::Sandbox;
use strict;
use Assert;
use Error qw( :try );
use File::Spec;
# TODO: Sandbox module should probably use custom 'die' handler so that
# output goes only to web server error log - otherwise it might give
# useful debugging information to someone developing an exploit.
---++ ClassMethod new( $os, $realOS )
Construct a new sandbox suitable for $os, setting
flags for platform features that help. $realOS distinguishes
Perl variants on platforms such as Windows.
sub new {
my ( $class, $os, $realOS ) = @_;
my $this = bless( {}, $class );
ASSERT( defined $os ) if DEBUG;
ASSERT( defined $realOS ) if DEBUG;
$this->{REAL_SAFE_PIPE_OPEN} = 1; # supports open(FH, '-|")
$this->{EMULATED_SAFE_PIPE_OPEN} = 1; # supports pipe() and fork()
# filter the support based on what platforms are proven
# not to work.
#from the Activestate Docco this is _only_ defined on ActiveState Perl
if( defined( &Win32::BuildNumber )) {
# if ( $isActivePerl and $] < 5.008 ) {
# # Sven has not found either to work (yet?)
$this->{REAL_SAFE_PIPE_OPEN} = 0;
# }
# 'Safe' means no need to filter in on this platform - check
# sandbox status at time of filtering
$this->{SAFE} = ($this->{REAL_SAFE_PIPE_OPEN} ||
# Shell quoting - shell used only on non-safe platforms
if ($os eq 'UNIX' or ($os eq 'WINDOWS' and $realOS eq 'cygwin' ) ) {
$this->{CMDQUOTE} = '\'';
} else {
$this->{CMDQUOTE} = '"';
# Set to 1 to trace all command executions to STDERR
$this->{TRACE} = 0;
#$this->{TRACE} = 1; # DEBUG
return $this;
---++ StaticMethod untaintUnchecked ( $string ) -> $untainted
Untaints $string without any checks (dangerous). If $string is
undefined, return undef.
The intent is to use this routine to be able to find all untainting
places using grep.
sub untaintUnchecked {
my ( $string ) = @_;
if ( defined( $string) && $string =~ /^(.*)$/ ) {
return $1;
return $string; # Can't happen.
---++ StaticMethod normalizeFileName( $string ) -> $filename
Errors out if $string contains filtered characters.
The returned string is not tainted, but it may contain shell
metacharacters and even control characters.
sub normalizeFileName {
my ($string) = @_;
return '' unless $string;
my ($volume, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($string);
my @result;
my $first = 1;
foreach my $component (File::Spec->splitdir($dirs)) {
next unless (defined($component) && $component ne '' || $first);
$first = 0;
$component ||= '';
next if $component eq '.';
if ($component eq '..') {
throw Error::Simple( 'relative path in filename '.$string );
} elsif ($component =~ /$TWiki::cfg{NameFilter}/) {
throw Error::Simple( 'illegal characters in file name component '.
$component.' of filename '.$string );
push(@result, $component);
if (scalar(@result)) {
$dirs = File::Spec->catdir(@result);
} else {
$dirs = '';
$string = File::Spec->catpath($volume, $dirs, $file);
# We need to untaint the string explicitly.
# FIXME: This might be a Perl bug.
return untaintUnchecked($string);
---++ StaticMethod sanitizeAttachmentName($fname) -> ($fileName, $origName)
Given a file name received in a query parameter, sanitise it. Returns
the sanitised name together with the basename before sanitisation.
Sanitisation includes filtering illegal characters and mapping client
file names to legal server names.
sub sanitizeAttachmentName {
my $fileName = shift;
# homegrown split because File::Spec functions will assume that directory path
# is using / in UNIX and \ in Windows as defined in the HOST environment.
# And we don't know the client OS. Problem is specific to IE which sends the full
# original client path when you upload files. See Item2859 and Item2225 before
# trying again to use File::Spec functions and remember to test with IE.
# Cut path from filepath name (Windows '\' and Unix "/" format)
my @pathz = ( split( /\\/, $fileName ) );
my $filetemp = $pathz[$#pathz];
my @pathza = ( split( '/', $filetemp ) );
$filetemp = $pathza[$#pathza];
# untaint
$fileName = untaintUnchecked($filetemp);
my $origName = $fileName;
# Change spaces to underscore
$fileName =~ s/ /_/go;
# If in iso8859 surroundings and Unicode::Normalize is available, let's get rid of 8-bit chars in filenames
if ( $TWiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet} =~ /^iso-?8859-?15?$/i ) {
if( $] >= 5.008 && eval { require Unicode::Normalize } ) {
require Encode;
eval { use Unicode::Normalize };
# Some normalizations need to be intercepted early
$fileName =~ s/\xc4/AE/g;
$fileName =~ s/\xc5/AA/g;
$fileName =~ s/\xd6/OE/g;
$fileName =~ s/\xdc/UE/g;
$fileName =~ s/\xe4/ae/g;
$fileName =~ s/\xe5/aa/g;
$fileName =~ s/\xf6/oe/g;
$fileName =~ s/\xfc/ue/g;
# convert to Unicode
$fileName = NFD( $fileName ); # decompose (Unicode Normalization Form D)
$fileName =~ s/\pM//g; # strip combining characters
# normalizations, Latin-1
$fileName =~ s/\x{00c6}/AE/g;
$fileName =~ s/\x{00d8}/OE/g;
$fileName =~ s/\x{00df}/ss/g;
$fileName =~ s/\x{00e6}/ae/g;
$fileName =~ s/\x{00f8}/oe/g;
$fileName =~ s/\x{0152}/OE/g;
$fileName =~ s/\x{0153}/ae/g;
# clear everything left that is 8-bit
$fileName =~ s/[^\0-\x80]//g;
# Remove problematic chars
$fileName =~ s/$TWiki::cfg{NameFilter}//goi;
# Append .txt to some files
$fileName =~ s/$TWiki::cfg{UploadFilter}/$1\.txt/goi;
return ($fileName, $origName);
# $template is split at whitespace, and '%VAR%' strings contained in it
# are replaced with $params{VAR}. %params may consist of scalars and
# array references as values. Array references are dereferenced and the
# array elements are inserted into the command line at the indicated
# point.
# '%VAR%' can optionally take the form '%VAR|FLAG%', where FLAG is a
# single character flag. Permitted flags are
# * U untaint without further checks -- dangerous,
# * F normalize as file name,
# * N generalized number,
# * S simple, short string,
# * D rcs format date
sub _buildCommandLine {
my ($this, $template, %params) = @_;
ASSERT($this->isa( 'TWiki::Sandbox' )) if DEBUG;
my @arguments;
$template ||= '';
for my $tmplarg (split /\s+/, $template) {
next if $tmplarg eq ''; # ignore leading/trailing whitespace
# Split single argument into its parts. It may contain
# multiple substitutions.
my @tmplarg = $tmplarg =~ /([^%]+|%[^%]+%)/g;
my @targs;
for my $t (@tmplarg) {
if ($t =~ /%(.*?)(|\|[A-Z])%/) {
my ($p, $flag) = ($1, $2);
if (! exists $params{$p}) {
throw Error::Simple( 'unknown parameter name '.$p );
my $type = ref $params{$p};
my @params;
if ($type eq '') {
@params = ($params{$p});
} elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
@params = @{$params{$p}};
} else {
throw Error::Simple( $type.' reference passed in '.$p );
for my $param (@params) {
unless ($flag) {
push @targs, $param;
if ($flag =~ /U/) {
push @targs, untaintUnchecked($param);
} elsif ($flag =~ /F/) {
$param = normalizeFileName($param);
$param = "./$param" if $param =~ /^-/;
push @targs, $param;
} elsif ($flag =~ /N/) {
# Generalized number.
if ( $param =~ /^([0-9A-Fa-f.x+\-]{0,30})$/ ) {
push @targs, $1;
} else {
throw Error::Simple( "invalid number argument '$param' $t" );
} elsif ($flag =~ /S/) {
# "Harmless" string. Aggressively filter-in on unsafe
# platforms.
if( $this->{SAFE} || $param =~ /^[-0-9A-Za-z.+_]+$/ ) {
push @targs, untaintUnchecked( $param );
} else {
throw Error::Simple( "invalid string argument '$param' $t" );
} elsif ($flag =~ /D/) {
# RCS date.
if ( $param =~ m|^(\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)$| ) {
push @targs, $1;
} else {
throw Error::Simple( "invalid date argument '$param' $t" );
} else {
throw Error::Simple( 'illegal flag in '.$t );
} else {
push @targs, $t;
# Recombine the argument if the template argument contained
# multiple parts.
if (@tmplarg == 1) {
push @arguments, @targs;
} else {
push @arguments, join ('', @targs);
return @arguments;
# Catch and redirect error reports from programs and argument processing,
# to avert the risk of exposing server paths to a hacker.
sub _safeDie {
print STDERR $_[0];
die "TWiki experienced a fatal error. Please check your webserver error logs for details."
---++ ObjectMethod sysCommand( $template, @params ) -> ( $data, $exit )
Invokes the program described by $template
and @params, and returns the output of the program and an exit code.
The caller has to ensure that the invoked program does not react in a
harmful way to the passed arguments. sysCommand merely
ensures that the shell does not interpret any of the passed arguments.
# TODO: get emulated pipes or even backticks working on ActivePerl...
sub sysCommand {
ASSERT(scalar(@_) % 2 == 0) if DEBUG;
my ($this, $template, %params) = @_;
ASSERT($this->isa( 'TWiki::Sandbox')) if DEBUG;
#local $SIG{__DIE__} = &_safeDie;
my $data = ''; # Output
my $handle; # Holds filehandle to read from process
my $exit = 0; # Exit status of child process
return '' unless $template;
$template =~ /(^.*?)\s+(.*)$/;
my $path = $1;
my $pTmpl = $2;
# Build argument list from template
my @args = $this->_buildCommandLine( $pTmpl, %params );
if ( $this->{REAL_SAFE_PIPE_OPEN} ) {
# Real safe pipes, open from process directly - works
# for most Unix/Linux Perl platforms and on Cygwin. Based on
# perlipc(1).
# Note that there doesn't seem to be any way to redirect
# STDERR when using safe pipes.
my $pid = open($handle, '-|');
throw Error::Simple( 'open of pipe failed: '.$! ) unless defined $pid;
if ( $pid ) {
# Parent - read data from process filehandle
local $/ = undef; # set to read to EOF
$data = <$handle>;
close $handle;
$exit = ( $? >> 8 );
} else {
# Child - run the command
open (STDERR, '>'.File::Spec->devnull()) || die "Can't kill STDERR: '$!'";
exec( $path, @args ) ||
throw Error::Simple( 'exec failed: '.$! );
# can never get here
} elsif ( $this->{EMULATED_SAFE_PIPE_OPEN} ) {
# Safe pipe emulation mostly on Windows platforms
# Create pipe
my $readHandle;
my $writeHandle;
pipe( $readHandle, $writeHandle ) ||
throw Error::Simple( 'could not create pipe: '.$! );
my $pid = fork();
throw Error::Simple( 'fork() failed: '.$! ) unless defined( $pid );
if ( $pid ) {
# Parent - read data from process filehandle and remove newlines
close( $writeHandle ) or die;
local $/ = undef; # set to read to EOF
$data = <$readHandle>;
close( $readHandle );
$pid = wait; # wait for child process so we can get exit status
$exit = ( $? >> 8 );
} else {
# Child - run the command, stdout to pipe
# close the read side of the pipe and streams inherited from parent
close( $readHandle ) || die;
# Despite documentation apparently to the contrary, closing
# STDOUT first makes the subsequent open useless. So don't.
open(STDOUT, ">&=".fileno( $writeHandle )) or die;
open (STDERR, '>'.File::Spec->devnull());
exec( $path, @args ) ||
throw Error::Simple( 'exec failed: '.$! );
# can never get here
} else {
# No safe pipes available, use the shell as last resort (with
# earlier filtering in unless administrator forced filtering out)
# This really is last ditch. It would be amazing if a platform
# had to rely on this. In fact, I question why we have it at all.
# Sven: as of 11-July-2005 this is the only way to get ActiveStatePerl
# & IIS working (no cygwin)
my $cq = $this->{CMDQUOTE};
my $cmd = $path.' '.$cq.join($cq.' '.$cq, @args).$cq;
open( OLDERR, '>&STDERR' ) || die "Can't steal STDERR: $!";
open( STDERR, '>'.File::Spec->devnull());
$data = `$cmd`;
# restore STDERR
close( STDERR );
open( STDERR, '>&OLDERR' ) || die "Can't restore STDERR: $!";
$exit = ( $? >> 8 );
# Do *not* return the error message; it contains sensitive path info.
print STDERR "$cmd failed: $!" if $exit;
if( $this->{TRACE} ) {
my $cq = $this->{CMDQUOTE};
my $cmd = $path.' '.$cq.join($cq.' '.$cq, @args).$cq;
print STDERR $cmd.' -> '.$data."\n";
return ( $data, $exit );