
480 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-08-17 20:34+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI +ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
"Language-Code: en\n"
"Language-Name: English\n"
"Preferred-Encodings: latin1 utf-8\n"
"Domain: kupuconfig\n"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" type="submit" value="Add"/>
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_add_resource_type:method" type="submit" value="Add"/>
msgid "Add"
msgstr ""
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_delete_libraries:method" type="submit" value="Delete"/>
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_delete_resource_types:method" type="submit" value="Delete"/>
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_move_down:method" type="submit" value="Move Down"/>
msgid "Move Down"
msgstr ""
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_move_up:method" type="submit" value="Move Up"/>
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr ""
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="configure_kupu:method" tabindex="" tal:attributes="tabindex tabindex|nothing;" type="submit" value="Save"/>
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_update_libraries:method" type="submit" value="Save"/>
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_update_resource_types:method" type="submit" value="Save"/>
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" type="submit" value="Set"/>
msgid "Set"
msgstr ""
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <em i18n:translate="any_tag" tal:condition="not:tags">
#. Any tag
#. </em>
msgid "any_tag"
msgstr "Any tag"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <td i18n:translate="authenticated_member">
#. Authenticated member
#. </td>
msgid "authenticated_member"
msgstr "Authenticated member"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <p i18n:translate="available_tales">
#. The following variables are available in the TALES expressions:
#. </p>
msgid "available_tales"
msgstr "The following variables are available in the TALES expressions:"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <td i18n:translate="context_folder">
#. The folder the context object is located in
#. </td>
msgid "context_folder"
msgstr "The folder the context object is located in"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <td i18n:translate="context_folder_uri">
#. The URL of the folder the context object is located in
#. </td>
msgid "context_folder_uri"
msgstr "The URL of the folder the context object is located in"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <td i18n:translate="current_context">
#. The current context object
#. </td>
msgid "current_context"
msgstr "The current context object"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <td i18n:translate="current_context_url">
#. The URL of the current context object
#. </td>
msgid "current_context_url"
msgstr "The URL of the current context object"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <th i18n:translate="default">
#. Default
#. </th>
msgid "default"
msgstr "Default"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <h3 i18n:translate="heading_configuration">
#. Kupu Configuration
#. </h3>
msgid "heading_configuration"
msgstr "Kupu Configuration"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <h3 i18n:translate="heading_kupu_configuration">
#. Kupu Configuration
#. </h3>
## 1 more: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
msgid "heading_kupu_configuration"
msgstr "Kupu Configuration"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_class_blacklist">
#. Enter a list of classnames to be excluded (one per line)
#. </div>
msgid "help_class_blacklist"
msgstr "Enter a list of classnames to be excluded (one per line)"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_link_uid">
#. Links to objects on this site created by Kupu can use unique
#. object ids so that the links remain valid even if the target object is
#. renamed or moved elsewhere on the site.
#. </div>
msgid "help_link_uid"
msgstr "Links to objects on this site created by Kupu can use unique object ids so that the links remain valid even if the target object is renamed or moved elsewhere on the site."
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_navigate_away">
#. Kupu can install a handler to warn before navigating
#. away from a page where a form (even the non-Kupu fields) has been edited.
#. Turn this off to prevent Kupu loading its own handler.
#. </div>
msgid "help_navigate_away"
msgstr "Kupu can install a handler to warn before navigating away from a page where a form (even the non-Kupu fields) has been edited. Turn this off to prevent Kupu loading its own handler."
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_paragraph_styles">
#. Enter a list of paragraph styles to appear in the style pulldown. Format is title|tag or title|tag|className, one per line.
#. </div>
msgid "help_paragraph_styles"
msgstr "Enter a list of paragraph styles to appear in the style pulldown. Format is title|tag or title|tag|className, one per line."
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_remove_entities">
#. Enter HTML tags and attributes to be removed when saving documents. (Uncheck to remove entries)
#. </div>
msgid "help_remove_entities"
msgstr "Enter HTML tags and attributes to be removed when saving documents. (Uncheck to remove entries)"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_style_whitelist">
#. Enter a list of style elements to be permitted (one per line)
#. </div>
msgid "help_style_whitelist"
msgstr "Enter a list of style elements to be permitted (one per line)"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_table_classes">
#. Enter a list of class names to be made available in the table drawer
#. </div>
msgid "help_table_classes"
msgstr "Enter a list of class names to be made available in the table drawer"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <th i18n:translate="icon_uri">
#. Icon URI
#. </th>
msgid "icon_uri"
msgstr "Icon URI"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <th i18n:translate="label_attributes">
#. Attributes
#. </th>
msgid "label_attributes"
msgstr "Attributes"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <th colspan="2" i18n:translate="label_class_blacklist">
#. Class Blacklist
#. </th>
msgid "label_class_blacklist"
msgstr "Class Blacklist"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <th i18n:translate="label_icon_uri">
#. Icon URI
#. </th>
msgid "label_icon_uri"
msgstr "Icon URI"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <label for="kupu_installBeforeUnload" i18n:translate="label_install_kupu">
#. Install Kupu code to detect form changes
#. </label>
msgid "label_install_kupu"
msgstr "Install Kupu code to detect form changes"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <label for="kupu_linkbyuid" i18n:translate="label_link_uid">
#. Link using UIDs
#. </label>
msgid "label_link_uid"
msgstr "Link using UIDs"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <h4 i18n:translate="label_manage_libraries">
#. Manage libraries
#. </h4>
msgid "label_manage_libraries"
msgstr "Manage libraries"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <label for="parastyles" i18n:translate="label_paragraph_styles">
#. Paragraph Styles
#. </label>
msgid "label_paragraph_styles"
msgstr "Paragraph Styles"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <th i18n:translate="label_source_uri">
#. Source URI
#. </th>
msgid "label_source_uri"
msgstr "Source URI"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <th colspan="2" i18n:translate="label_style_whitelist">
#. Style Whitelist
#. </th>
msgid "label_style_whitelist"
msgstr "Style Whitelist"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <label for="table_classnames" i18n:translate="label_tables">
#. Tables
#. </label>
msgid "label_tables"
msgstr "Tables"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <th i18n:translate="label_tags">
#. Tags
#. </th>
msgid "label_tags"
msgstr "Tags"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <th i18n:translate="label_title">
#. Title
#. </th>
msgid "label_title"
msgstr "Title"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <legend i18n:translate="legend_add_resource_type">
#. Add new resource type
#. </legend>
msgid "legend_add_resource_type"
msgstr "Add new resource type"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <legend i18n:translate="legend_html_filter">
#. HTML Filter
#. </legend>
msgid "legend_html_filter"
msgstr "HTML Filter"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <legend i18n:translate="legend_link_options">
#. Link options
#. </legend>
msgid "legend_link_options"
msgstr "Link options"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <legend i18n:translate="legend_map_resource_types">
#. Map resource types
#. </legend>
msgid "legend_map_resource_types"
msgstr "Map resource types"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <legend i18n:translate="legend_styles">
#. Styles
#. </legend>
msgid "legend_styles"
msgstr "Styles"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <legend i18n:translate="legend_warning">
#. Warn before losing changes
#. </legend>
msgid "legend_warning"
msgstr "Warn before losing changes"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <td i18n:translate="portal_object">
#. The portal object
#. </td>
msgid "portal_object"
msgstr "The portal object"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <td i18n:translate="portal_object_url">
#. URL of the portal
#. </td>
msgid "portal_object_url"
msgstr "URL of the portal"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <th i18n:translate="portal_types">
#. Portal types
#. </th>
## 1 more: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
msgid "portal_types"
msgstr "Portal types"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <td i18n:translate="request">
#. Request
#. </td>
msgid "request"
msgstr "Request"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <th i18n:translate="resource_type">
#. Resource type
#. </th>
## 1 more: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
msgid "resource_type"
msgstr "Resource type"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <th i18n:translate="source_uri">
#. Source URI
#. </th>
msgid "source_uri"
msgstr "Source URI"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <p i18n:translate="text_kupu_drawers">
#. In the below form, you may manage the list of drawer libraries for
#. the kupu editor. Each property of a library is dynamically expanded at
#. execution time using TALES expressions. That way it is possible, to
#. support libraries like
#. <em>
#. Current folder
#. </em>
#. or
#. <em>
#. My folder
#. </em>
#. very easily.
#. </p>
msgid "text_kupu_drawers"
msgstr "In the below form, you may manage the list of drawer libraries for the kupu editor. Each property of a library is dynamically expanded at execution time using TALES expressions. That way it is possible, to support libraries like <em>Current folder</em> or <em>My folder</em> very easily."
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <p i18n:translate="text_resource_types">
#. While libraries provide abstract locations for objects of any type,
#. Kupu distinguishes objects by resource type. For example, a user might
#. request a library showing objects to link to or a library showing
#. objects to be inserted into a document. The abstract location
#. (library) might be the same, but the former library would contain
#. documents, the latter images.
#. </p>
msgid "text_resource_types"
msgstr "While libraries provide abstract locations for objects of any type, Kupu distinguishes objects by resource type. For example, a user might request a library showing objects to link to or a library showing objects to be inserted into a document. The abstract location (library) might be the same, but the former library would contain documents, the latter images."
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <p i18n:translate="text_resource_types2">
#. This management screen allows you to define resource types using a
#. list of portal types. A special resource type,
#. <code>
#. collection
#. </code>
#. ,
#. identifies portal types that are to be treated as collections.
#. </p>
msgid "text_resource_types2"
msgstr "This management screen allows you to define resource types using a list of portal types. A special resource type, <code>collection</code> , identifies portal types that are to be treated as collections."
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <th i18n:translate="uri">
#. URI
#. </th>
msgid "uri"
msgstr "URI"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\
#. <em i18n:translate="whole_tag_removed" tal:condition="not:attributes">
#. Whole tag removed
#. </em>
msgid "whole_tag_removed"
msgstr "Whole tag removed"
msgid "Config"
msgstr ""
msgid "Libraries"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resource Types"
msgstr ""
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""