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%META:TOPICINFO{author="WalterBerendsohn" date="1181393386" format="1.1" reprev="1.9" version="1.9"}%
The following changes will only be implemented if a new major version of ABCD under a new namespace will be published. Ideally this will involve a far more modular approach towards TDWG standards (XML or otherwise), so the changes proposed below should be understood as notes rather than concrete steps to be taken. In any case, a major version change for ABCD is not expected before 2009.
---++ General issues
Elements containing personal contact information such as e-mail addresses or phone-numbers should have a flag indicating whether the provider allows display of these elements in human readable interfaces such as web pages.
---++ Dataset level
Move to <verbatim>/Datasets/Dataset/Metadata</verbatim>
Remove (Is not needed in future under TAPIR (part of service metadata section in protocol schema)
Make optional. (problematic because experience shows that providers don't update this field).
Rename <verbatim>/DataSets/DataSet/Metadata/Scope/GeoecologicalTerms/GeoecologicalTerm</verbatim> (for consistency)
---++ Unit level
Change type to <verbatim>decimalLongitude</verbatim> (new type, restricted to +180 to -180)
Change type to <verbatim>decimalLatitude</verbatim> (new type, restricted to +90 to -90)
---++ Changes in types
<verbatim>IPRStatements [type]</verbatim> <verbatim>TermsOfUseStatements/TermsOfUse</verbatim>
Rename to <verbatim>TermsOfUseStatements/TermsOfUseStatement</verbatim> for consistency.
<verbatim>LookupL [type]</verbatim> attribute <verbatim>Language</verbatim>
<verbatim>Contact [type]</verbatim> <verbatim>URIs/URL</verbatim>
Delete (superfluous duplicate of <verbatim>/Datasets/Dataset/Unit/SpecimenUnit/DuplicatesDistributedTo</verbatim>)
Delete type (container element should be untyped).
<verbatim>/DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/CultureCollectionUnit/ FurtherStepsGrowthConditionAtomised/Temperature@TemperatureTypes</verbatim>
<verbatim>/Datasets/Dataset/Unit/SpecimenUnit/Accessions/Accession/ </verbatim>
Insert as container element for repeatable triple. Move the respective three elements.