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---+!! Historical <noautolink>%WEB%</noautolink> wiki site. Deprecated.
*Note*: These Wiki pages are for historical purposes, they *do not* reflect the content of the current standard, which can be found at
* http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/index.htm
---++ Darwin Core Background and History
Darwin Core was originally a product of [[http://speciesanalyst.net/][The Species Analyst]] Project at the University of Kansas. During 2001-2003, under the [[http://manisnet.org][MaNIS]] Project at UC Berkeley, in collaboration with the University of Kansas Biodiveristy Research Center, and funding from the California Academy of Sciences, the first version of the Darwin Core 2 was developed in tandem with the [[http://digir.net][DiGIR]] protocol and its publicly released provider and portal software. !MaNIS was the first deployment of a distributed database network based on !DiGIR (16 Jun 2002), using version 1.21 (sometimes called the !MaNIS version) of the Darwin Core (see [[DarwinCoreVersions][Darwin Core Versions]]).
The !Darwin Core currently under review was first proposed in 2004 as a DRAFT standard of the Taxonomic Databases Working Group. At the 2005 TDWG Meeting a sixty-day period of review and comment ended with the retraction of the Darwin Core 2 from consideration as a standard (see [[http://listserv.nhm.ku.edu/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A2=ind0509&L=tdwg&F=&S=&P=962][the announcement]] on the TDWG mailing list). The Darwin Core has entered a new period of development, during which concerns about schema architecture for all TDWG standards are under discussion and development by the [[http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/TAG/WebHome][TDWG Architecture Group]].
---++ Comments
Use the space below to make comments about this page. -- Main.JohnWieczorek - 24 Aug 2006