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%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1238466758" format="1.1" reprev="1.34" version="1.34"}%
---++What's in a NAME (for TDWG)?
This is a potted history of attempts to come up with a better name for 'TDWG'. The status is now that we have deferred to Donald Hobern, our esteemed Chairman who suggests that TDWG is historic, memory and quirky.
---+++TDWG Motto
We need to come up with a cute TdwgMotto so please make your suggestions and vote on the current list.
---++TDWG Name
| *Name* | *Acronym* | *URL* | *Votes* |
| Biodiversity Information Standards | | we have taken bistandards.org and .net| |
| Biodiversity Information Standards Organisation | BIS/BISO/BioInf/BiodivInfo | BiodivInfo.org/net BiologyInf.org/net| |
| International Biodiversity Information Standards| InBIS | inbis.org and inbis.net | |
| Biodiversity Information Standards International | BISI/BISIn/ *BISInt* /InBIS | BiodivInfo.org, bisin.org, bisin.net, *bisint.org* | 2 |
---+++Domain Status
* "-" = Taken
* "A" = Available
| *Domain* | *com* | *net* | *org* | *info* |
| biodivinfo | A | A | A | A |
| biologyinf | A | A | A | A |
| biodio | - | A | A | A |
| biodiso | A | A | A | A |
| biodivis | A | A | A | A |
| bisint | - | A | 5/9/2008 | A |
| bistandards | A | got | got | A |
| iabis | A | - | A | A |
| ibi | - | - | - | - |
| ibio | - | - | - | - |
| ibis | - | - | - | - |
| inbis | - | A | 5/9/2008 | A |
| inobis | - | - | - | - |
| bisi | - | - | - | - |
| bisin | - | A | A | A |
| bisint | - | - | A | A |
---+++Comments (abstracts: Blame Lee)
| Paul | 24 June 2008| having to make promotional videos that include the terms TDWG, Biodiversity Information Standards and BIS is a nightmare In audience tests communicating what TDWG is is very difficult. If we want TDWG to move beyond the "club" we need to broaden its appeal and make the name reflect what it does. Anything with the words biodiversity, information and standards in it has to be a hell of a lot better than TDWG.|
| Stan | 4th Aug | "international" would be good. |
| Walter | 4th Aug| I would like to see "Biodiversity" (information / data) and "Standards". "Biodiversity Informatics" is excluding a core part of TDWG's community |
| Arthur | 06 Aug | 'Biodiversity Information Standards' sums up exactly what we are and do and is short and pithy. Add Group, WG or Organization|
| Patricia | 7th Aug | Not "group" but "Framework", "infrastructure", "network", "body", "Society", "Association". "Organi(s/z)ation is a problem (and Arthur agrees) |
| Lee | 15 Aug | "BIS network"? www.bisn.net is available |
| Walter | 15 Aug | BISO would be nice, but has 3/4 of a million hits on google and biso.net and biso.org are gone|
| Arthur | 16th Aug | "Biodiversity Information Standards" is good , and www.bisn.com is available|
| Walter | 16th August| TWDG is an organisation not just a network, but could use a subtitle and like a pronounceable abbreviation|
| Stan | 16th August | Sorry, Lee, but BISN doesn't grab me. The abbreviation/acronym for the name and the URL don't have to match. How about !BiodivInfo.org as a domain name? |
| Pat | 16th August| BIS is good so consider Society, body, Union...|
| Walter | 17th Aug | !BiodivInfo?|
| Reed | 17th Aug | I like !BiodivInfo with maybe BIO as an acronym |
| Arthur | 17th Aug | I like !BiodivInfo domain on the name Biodiversity Information Standards |
| Lee | 17th Aug | International Biodiversity Information Standards (InBIS) ?|
| Walter | 17th Aug | BISNet - Biodiversity Information Standards Organisation with www.BiodivInfo.org (www.tdwg.org) or I would support (following Lee's suggestion): InBIS - International Organisation for Biodiversity Information Standards - www.inbis.org/net |
| Reed | 18th Aug | "Standards" is good but the organis/zation issue remains |
| Pat | 18th Aug | "Organis/zation" remains an issue, and different acronym/name/URL may be confusing |
| Walter | 18th Aug | "Organis/zation" correctly describes what we are but can be left out |
| Arthur | 18th Aug | "I like Organization - as far as I am aware only one major international agency uses 's' - the OECD. All others use 'z'. Common usage, even in the UK is moving towards the use of 'z'. I am happy with any of the above, using the BiodivInfo.org domain for any of them. |
| Stan | 18th Aug | We should grab !BiodivInfo.org whatever name/acronym we choose. |
| Pat | 18th Aug | Solution n<> 3, InBIS seems appropriate (easy to remember, consistency for Name/acronym and url) and .org is still free |
| Reed | 18th Aug | Added a re-arranged hybrid, BIS International - BiodivInfo.org still works for this (and yes, someone should grab it) - .org is still free for bisint and bisin |
| Wouter | 25th Aug | It seems that there are no people in favour of keeping "TDWG" as part of the name, something like "TDWG Biodiversity Information Standards"?. If there needs to be a choice between "International" or "Organisation" in the name, I would choose "Organisation", because it is pretty obvious that it is international but less obvious that it is an organisation. Therefore I like "Biodiversity Information Standards Organisation". Acronym suggestion: "B=O" (pronounced as B-IS-O). web domain could be biso.org or b-is-o.org. biso.org is not in use but claimed, so it has to be bought. |
| Wouter | 25th Aug | Playing with acronymes: Biodiversity International Information Standards Organisation: "B2ISO" (might give problems with ISO standards?)|
|Exec meeting| May 2008| Need to decide finally on a name. Donald and Stan would like to stick with TDWG|
---+++Key Points
* Clear preference for "information" over "informatics"
* Clear preference for " ... biodiversity information standards ..."
* The name and the abbreviation/namespace don't have to match (but neat if they do)
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 03 Aug 2006