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%META:TOPICINFO{author="RogerHyam" date="1204200542" format="1.1" reprev="1.21" version="1.21"}%
---+ Biodiversity Collections Index Kick-Off Meeting
28th - 29th January 2008 - NMNH Washington
---++ Pages About This Meeting
* BiodiversityCollectionsIndexKickOffMeeting - this page with participants, logistics and agenda. All uploaded documents are also on this page.
* BiodiversityCollectionsIndexKickOffMeetingMinutes - Minutes taken during the first day - morning.
* BiodiversityCollectionsIndexKickOffMeetingFunctionality - Lists functionality (use cases) from discussions on first afternoon.
* BiodiversityCollectionsIndexKickOffMeetingImplementation - Issues about prioritizing and implementation from morning of second day.
The meeting ended and lunchtime on the Tuesday 29th January
---++ Aims
* Establish relationships between those interested in tracking collections information.
* Identify key requirements of the Biodiversity Collections Index.
* Prioritize/coordinate development efforts
---++ Attendees
|Roger Hyam (Chair)|roger{-at-}tdwg.org|BCI|
|Carol Butler (Host)|<nop>ButlerCR{-at-}si.edu|Smithsonian/RAVNS|
|Vishwas Chavan|vchavan{-at-}gbif.org|GBIF|
|Neil Thomson|N.Thomson{-at-}NHM.AC.UK|NCD Interest Group / SYNTHESYS / NHM, London|
|David Schindel|schindeld{-at-}si.edu|CBOL/Smithsonian|
|Scott Federhen|federhen{-at-}ncbi.nlm.nih.gov|NCBI|
|Bob Hanner|rhanner{-at-}uoguelph.ca|CBOL|
|Mike Trizna|triznam{-at-}si.edu|New CBOL Data manager for collects DB|
|Kristin Jett|krisjett{-at-}gmail.com|CBOL Program Assistant|
|Barbara Theirs|bthiers{-at-}nybg.org|Index Herbariorum|
|Anna Weitzman|WEITZMAN{-at-}si.edu|TDWG Literature group. Also experience taxonomist|
|Tom Orrell|Orrellt{-at-}si.edu|ITIS|
|Ilene Mizrachi|mizrachi{-at-}ncbi.nlm.nih.gov|GenBank|
|Larry Chlumsky|chlumsky{-at-}ncbi.nlm.nih.gov|GenBank Collections|
|Jim Edwards|EDWARDSJL{-at-}si.edu|Encyclopedia of Life|
|David (Paddy) Patterson|dpatterson{-at-}mbl.edu|Encyclopedia of Life|
|Tom Garnett|garnettt{-at-}si.edu|Biodiversity Heritage Library|
|Marianna Bledsoe|bledsoem{-a}od.nih.gov|ISBER|
|Annette Olson|alolson{-a-}usgs.gov|NBII|
|Dan Phillips|dphillips{-a-}usgs.gov|USGS Center for Biological Informatics|
|Wouter Addink|waddink{-a-}eti.uva.nl|ETI BioInformatics|
|Edward Vanden Berghe|evberghe{-a-}iobis.org|OBIS|
---++ Remote Participants
Remote participants will monitor the minutes as they are written on the this wiki and will be available for consultation by email during the meeting.
|Neal Evenhuis|neale{-at-}bishopmuseum.org |Insect and Spider Collections of the World|
|Rich Pyle|deepreef{-at-}bishopmuseum.org|<nop>ZooBank/ICZN|
|Greg Whitbred|ghw{-at-}anbg.gov.au|Australian National Botanic Garden|
|Donald Hobern|Donald.Hobern{-at-}csiro.au|Atlas of Living Australia|
|Larry Speers|SpeersL{-a-}AGR.GC.CA|Agriculture Canada|
|Guy Baillargeon|BAILLARG{-a-}AGR.GC.CA|Agriculture Canada|
|Hank Bart|hank{-a-}museum.tulane.edu|CollectionsWeb.org|
|Markus Döring|m.doering{-a-}BGBM.org|Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem|
---++ Agenda (provisional)
---+++ Monday 28th January
*Morning Session*
The first session is focussed on sharing the different perspective of collections metadata. There will be a coffee break around 10:30.
|09:00|Welcome| Hans-Dieter Sues |Welcome|
|09:50|GBIF| Vishwas Chavan| GBIFs requirements for collections metadata. |
|09:10|NCD/RAVNS|Neil Thomson /Carol Butler |Summary of the NCD and RAVNS activities|
|09:20|Motivation for BCI | Roger Hyam |A summary of why the project has been instigated.|
|09:50|NCBI/GenBank|Scott Federhen/Larry Chlumsky/Ilene Mizrachi| |
|10:10|Index Herbariorum | Barbara Theirs | Curating the standard list of herbaria |
|10:50|CBOL|David Schindel/Bob Hanner| |
|11:10|ISBER| Marianna Bledsoe ||
|11:30|EoL|Paddy Patterson|Role of Collections metadata in Encyclopedia of Life|
|11:50|NBII|Annette Olson|NBII Perspective|
|12:10|OBIS|Edward Vanden Berghe|OBIS Perspective|
|12:25|Remote submissions | Roger Hyam | ISCW, !ZooBank, !CollectionsWeb, Atlas of Living Australia|
|12:30|Break for Lunch| Visit local restaurant ||
The second session will explore how BCI could integrate different collections indexes/registers. A loosely structured requirements gathering process will begin after a tea break at about 15:30. This will be based on the Exploration Phase of the [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_Programming_Practices#Planning_game][Planning Game]] used in [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_Programming_Practices][Extreme Programming]].
|13:30|A High Level Architecture for BCI|Roger Hyam|The initial plan for integration and extension of data sources|
|14:00|Open Discussion|Roger Hyam|Contributions to the plan. Unresolved issues.|
|15:00|Requirements Gathering| Roger Hyam| An exercise based on [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_story][User Stories]]. Possibly split into groups.|
|17:30|End of Day|| Possible visit to bar or restaurant in evening|
---+++ Tuesday 29th January
Session three is consolidating the meetings views on requirements and turning them into a list of functionality. In the [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_Programming_Practices#Planning_game][Planning Game]] this is moving from the Exploration Phase to the Commitment Phase.
|09:00|User Story Recap| Not Roger Hyam |A summary of the user stories produced yesterday. Addition of any ideas that came up overnight.|
|10:00|Prioritization of User Stories | Not Roger Hyam | Put the User Story cards in order of importance.|
|11:30|Functionality| Roger Hyam |Group the cards into functional units - a rough system model.|
|12:00|Finalize Afternoon's Agenda| Roger Hyam |Plan for the plan.|
|12:30|Break for Lunch| Visit local restaurant |
The fourth session is concerned with planning - initial steps to implementing the prioritized list of functionality.
|13:30|Agenda to be developed.||
|16:30|End of Day| Participants depart.||
---++ Minutes
See BiodiversityCollectionsIndexKickOffMeetingMinutes and BiodiversityCollectionsIndexKickOffMeetingFunctionality
---++ Logistics
---+++ Meeting Location and Access
The meeting will be held at the NMNH, located at 10th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington DC. The closest metro stations are Smithsonian (orange and blue lines), Federal Triangle (orange and blue lines), and Archives/Navy Memorial/Penn Quarter (yellow and green lines).
Please enter via Constitution Avenue on Tuesday and Wednesday (there is an entry off the National Mall, but visitors are directed to the Constitution entry prior to public hours for security purposes). Please be aware that visitors entering the building pass through a magnetometer and their bags may be searched. There is a large carved stone figure from Easter Island in the Constitution Avenue Lobby. We will meet at this figure both mornings at 8:45 so that I can ensure you have a visitor's badge and can escort you to the meeting rooms. If your arrival at the museum is delayed, please call me on my cell phone so I can make arrangements for you to be escorted to the meeting room. My number is 703 217-5411.
January 28 - - morning session to be held in the Rose Room, Department of Anthropology; afternoon session to be held in the Kerby Room, 3rd Floor East Court
January 29 - - morning and afternoon sessions to be held in the Rose Room, Department of Anthropology
- - Carol Butler, Chief of Collections, NMNH
---+++ Hotels
Carol says NMNH frequently directs folks towards
* The State Plaza, 2117 E St NW, Tel 202 861-8200
* The Hotel Monaco, 700 F St, Tel 202 628-7177
* Hotel Lombardy, 2019 Pennsylvania Avenue, tel 202 828-2600
* Courtyard by Marriott, 900 F St., tel 202 638-4600
* Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, 400 New Jersey Avenue, tel 202 737-1234
Not that others aren’t good, but these are familiar.
Barbara says:
* In November I stayed for an EOL meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn that was only about a 10 minute walk from NMNH. I think it was close to $200 per night, but breakfast was included, and I didn't need to buy metro passes.
---++ Resources
* http://www.biodiversitycollectionsindex.org/
* [[%ATTACHURL%/Biodiversity_Collections_Index_20071125.pdf][Biodiversity_Collections_Index_20071125.pdf]]: Proposal for Biodiversity Collections Index
-- Main.RogerHyam - 10 Jan 2008
* [[%ATTACHURL%/architecture_01.pdf][architecture_01.pdf]]: Suggested Architecture
* [[%ATTACHURL%/motivation_01.pdf][motivation_01.pdf]]: Motivation for BCI
* [[%ATTACHURL%/vishwas_BCI.ppt][vishwas_BCI.ppt]]: GBIF Perspective from Vishwas
* [[%ATTACHURL%/scott_collections.ppt][scott_collections.ppt]]: Scott Federhen - !GenBank Perspective
* [[%ATTACHURL%/Index_Herbariorum.ppt][Index_Herbariorum.ppt]]: Index Herbariorum Perspective from Barbara Thiers
* [[%ATTACHURL%/NBII-BCI_Olson_presentation_1.08.ppt][NBII-BCI_Olson_presentation_1.08.ppt]]: NBII perspective from Olson
* [[%ATTACHURL%/NCD-Yale-2008.ppt][NCD-Yale-2008.ppt]]: Neil Thomson's presentation given at Yale
* [[%ATTACHURL%/Schindel-Hanner_BCI_-_28_Jan_08.ppt][Schindel-Hanner_BCI_-_28_Jan_08.ppt]]: CBOL Perspective from David Schindel and Bob Hanner
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Biodiversity_Collections_Index_20071125.pdf" attachment="Biodiversity_Collections_Index_20071125.pdf" attr="" comment="Proposal for Biodiversity Collections Index" date="1200063411" path="Biodiversity_Collections_Index_20071125.pdf" size="140815" stream="Biodiversity_Collections_Index_20071125.pdf" user="Main.RogerHyam" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="architecture_01.pdf" attachment="architecture_01.pdf" attr="" comment="Suggested Architecture" date="1201706677" path="architecture_01.pdf" size="535149" stream="architecture_01.pdf" user="Main.RogerHyam" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="motivation_01.pdf" attachment="motivation_01.pdf" attr="" comment="Motivation for BCI" date="1201706793" path="motivation_01.pdf" size="551838" stream="motivation_01.pdf" user="Main.RogerHyam" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="vishwas_BCI.ppt" attachment="vishwas_BCI.ppt" attr="" comment="GBIF Perspective from Vishwas" date="1201707723" path="vishwas_BCI.ppt" size="175104" stream="vishwas_BCI.ppt" user="Main.RogerHyam" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="scott_collections.ppt" attachment="scott_collections.ppt" attr="" comment="Scott Federhen - !GenBank Perspective" date="1201709177" path="scott_collections.ppt" size="485888" stream="scott_collections.ppt" user="Main.RogerHyam" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Index_Herbariorum.ppt" attachment="Index_Herbariorum.ppt" attr="" comment="Index Herbariorum Perspective from Barbara Thiers" date="1201885510" path="Index Herbariorum.ppt" size="316416" stream="Index Herbariorum.ppt" user="Main.RogerHyam" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="NBII-BCI_Olson_presentation_1.08.ppt" attachment="NBII-BCI_Olson_presentation_1.08.ppt" attr="" comment="NBII perspective from Olson" date="1201890090" path="H:\NBII-BCI Olson presentation 1.08.ppt" size="1027584" stream="H:\NBII-BCI Olson presentation 1.08.ppt" user="Main.AnnetteOlson" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="NCD_Toolkit.pdf" attachment="NCD_Toolkit.pdf" attr="" comment="info about NCD toolkit" date="1202133429" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Wouter Addink\My Documents\NCD Toolkit.pdf" size="29452" stream="C:\Documents and Settings\Wouter Addink\My Documents\NCD Toolkit.pdf" user="Main.WouterAddink" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="NCD-Yale-2008.ppt" attachment="NCD-Yale-2008.ppt" attr="" comment="Neil Thomson's presentation given at Yale" date="1202204118" path="NCD-Yale-2008.ppt" size="781312" stream="NCD-Yale-2008.ppt" user="Main.RogerHyam" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Schindel-Hanner_BCI_-_28_Jan_08.ppt" attachment="Schindel-Hanner_BCI_-_28_Jan_08.ppt" attr="" comment="CBOL Perspective from David Schindel and Bob Hanner" date="1204200540" path="Schindel-Hanner BCI - 28 Jan 08.ppt" size="7478272" stream="Schindel-Hanner BCI - 28 Jan 08.ppt" user="Main.RogerHyam" version="1"}%