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%META:TOPICINFO{author="JimCroft" date="1222326458" format="1.1" reprev="1.4" version="1.4"}%
---+ Use Cases and Scenarios for the Species Profile Model
1. A human agent wishes to aggregate content from several pages dealing with the same species to develop a synthesised view;
2. Integrating "portals" like Encyclopedia of Life need a uniform species model to allow them to process in a scalable way the millions of species pages available on the web;
3. Automated/semi-automated retrieval and aggregation of content;
4. Facilitate more intelligent searching;
5. Expression of species model as RDF for Semantic Web applications;
6. Facilitate generation of RSS/Atom feeds for alerting and update services
7. A modeller wants to dentify freshwater species in eastern Australia that will be impacted by severe drought predicted in a climate change scenario
8. A resource manager wants to contact experts who will help him identify pollinators of Ulex europeaus
9. A zoo wants images of species related to the giant panda for educational purposes
10. A conservationist wants information about dispersal of wolves in Europe
11. An scientist wants information about hosts, vectors, enemies and potential impacts of a proposed biocontrol agent
12. An educational outreach person wants information about human uses of a species protected under the CITES convention
13. A visitor to a region wishes to create and use a subset of the national flora using a subset of the available elements from a range of sources
14. A conservation agency wishes to produce a comprehensive and 'definitive' online resource of descriptions and profiles of rare and threatened plants
15. An agricultural or biosecurity agency wishes to produce a comprehensive online resource of description and management prescriptions for weed species and to produce pamphlets and booklets from this resource.
---++ Cross Thematic Network Mashup
There are three thematic networks; one for lowland plant conservation, one for crop plants and their allies and one for insect pollination biology. All three networks have species pages and their own information requirements but there is much overlap. Researchers want to build a portal around the case studies for introduction of a genetically engineered crop into an region that is covered by all three thematic networks. How do they ingest and combine information from the different networks? -- Main.EamonnOTuama - 09 May 2007
There is a web accessible data set of butterflies which lists coarse geographic distributions and the nectar plants of species. There is a thematic network of flowering plants with flowering times in various geographic regions. Build a service which tells what butterfly species might possibly be flying at a given time in a given area. -- Main.BobMorris - 12 May 2007
A person preparing a Flora treatment wishes to see, compare and evaluate taxon treatments from other Floras, revisions, monographs, regional treatments and handbooks; they wish to do this taxon by taxon, using different combinations of taxon profile attributes. As part of this work they will compiling their own treatments based on a synthesis regional and taxonomic works. At the end of their work they wish to make their taxon treatments available to the pool for future comparison and evaluation. -- Main.JimCroft - 25 Sep 2008
A collaborative project on the biodiversity of mangrove communities requires comparative taxon profile information from plant, animal, fungal and microbial disciplines. This information will be harvest to produce another cross discipline synthetic treatment covering all groups of organisms. As part of the project, web services will be established to enable creation of a dynamic application harvesting comparable information from diverse sources. -- Main.JimCroft - 25 Sep 2008
More Scenarios Please
-- Main.EamonnOTuama - 09 May 2007
%META:TOPICMOVED{by="RicardoPereira" date="1181677720" from="SPM.TaxonModelUseCases" to="SPM.SpeciesProfileModelUseCases"}%