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%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1168433855" format="1.1" version="1.19"}%
---+++ Glossary
* *ABCD* - Data standard for collection or observational data, see AccessToBiologicalCollectionData
* *[[:ProtocolFeatures/AccessPoint:][AccessPoint]]* - UDDI term for a URL used to access a (web)service
* *BusinessEntity* - UDDI term for an organisation hosting a (web)service
* *ConceptualSchema* - A standard like ABCD or DarwinCore defining the data structure and concepts. It is referenced by the protocol for data exchange and query, but not for communication itself.
* *ConceptualBinding*
* *Datasource* - BioCASE term for a single wrapped database. Maps to an UDDI (web)service
* *FederationSchema* - See ConceptualSchema above
* *LockedTables* - a list of tables used to loop over a RepNode for a ResponseStructure
* *NamesStandard* - Data standard under development dealing with biological names and taxa. see TaxonomicConceptTransferSchema
* *NapierStandard* - see NamesStandard
* *Provider* - BioCASE/DiGIR term for the organisation hosting a DiGIR/BioCASE service serving data. May consist of several resources accessible through a single access point (DiGIR) or seperate services with their own access point (BioCASE). See discussion about [[:ProtocolFeatures/AccessPoint:]["What is an access point"]] for more
* *ProviderSoftware* - Software running on a providers webserver that includes a wrapper (see below) and some additional tools for configuration or a query portal.
* *RepNode* - a repeatable node in a ConceptualSchema
* *Resource* - DiGIR term for a single wrapped database sharing a single access point (URL) with other resources.
* *SDD* - Standard for descriptive data, see StructureOfDescriptiveData
* *ServiceEntity* - UDDI term for a (web)service being provided. Binding templates define the Access Point to it.
* *Wrapper* - Software allowing to access an arbitrary structure database in a standard way. In DiGIR/BioCASe this is the AccessPoint to a providers resource(s)
* *XCQL* - XCQL is the CQL ('Common Query Language') expressed in an XML form. http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/zing/cql/xcql.html