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date 2010.; author PiersHiggs; state Exp;
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date 2010.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp;
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date 2010.; author PiersHiggs; state Exp;
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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="PiersHiggs" date="1268640785" format="1.1" version="1.3"}%
This is a collaboration space for the Systems group to use for planning.
Lee was here...:)...
1. The systems have done a good job and continue to do so with a few caveats
1. Applications include TYPO3, OJS, Twiki and Mailman.
1. Increasing vulnerability due to problems due to outdated applications
1. We can't update without breaking code written by Ricardo Pereira that either links OJS and TYPO3 or TYPO3 plug-ins (standard or Ricardo written). Ricardo's code includes single sign-on (except Mailman).
1. Mailman is stand-alone so could be updated anytime.
1. The most vulnerable application is Twiki. We have ahad one security breach which could have compromised GBIF and a catastrophic failure due to a lack of LDAP restart. We could probably update to FosWiki without doing damage.
1. Given TDWG's budget, we probably need a simpler system. Possibly an integrated app that may have fewer options.
1. We could get by for up to 2 years while we setup anything new. Migration would be a key issue. We can't afford to loose data.
1. TYPO3 add-ons include registration system, membership management incuding payment gateways and (if they work) links to RegOnline (membership payment with registration). This is the most complex of the applications.
1. OJS is used to manage the Proceedings of TDWG, group Charter review process and Standards review. There are key links from the last two through to TDWG group pages and TDWG standards pages.
1. Other than single sign-on (which we could loose without dire problems) Twiki could probably be updated. Garry Jolley-Rogers has already fixed a serious LDAP problem (where we lost single sign-on) and is a FosWiki guru. Garry suggests that he could probably update Twiki to FosWiki - and this could be wise while the fork is recent.
1. The most vulnerable application is Twiki. We have ahad one security breach which could have compromised GBIF and a catastrophic failure due to a lack of LDAP restart. We could probably update to FosWiki without doing damage.
1. Other than single sign-on (which we could loose without dire problems) Twiki could probably be updated. Garry Jolley-Rogers has already fixed a serious LDAP problem (where we lost single sign-on) and is a FosWiki guru. Garry suggests that he could probably update Twiki to FosWiki - and this could be wise while the fork is recent.
-- Main.PiersHiggs - 09 Mar 2010@
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-- Main.PiersHiggs - 09 Mar 2010
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This is a collaboration space for the Systems group to use for planning.
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-- Main.PiersHiggs - 09 Mar 2010@