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---+!! %TOPIC%
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GregorHagedorn" date="1147083758" format="1.1" version="1.2"}%
At the SDD meeting in Christchurch we discussed possible names for the section containing proxy objects (with minimal Label/Link or with extended interface data). The previous name <nop>ExternalDataInterface was repeatedly critized, esp. in that "External" is misleading!
The element containing these data is part of the TopLevelStructure of GBIF, ie. an element name immediately within Dataset. The section serves as a container for replacement proxy objects where no external data exist, and for caching / interface proxies where linking information is available. It is limited to general, non-descriptive domains like Agents, Publications, Geographical Locations, Class names, Class hierarchy, Specimen lists, etc.
We should consider, that other purposes may want to have descriptive objects as proxies.
Proposals were:
* <nop>BaseData
* <nop>ProxyData
* <nop>ReferenceData
* <nop>SurrogateData (but negative connotation)
* <nop>AlternateData
* <nop>Resources
* <nop>AbstractedObjects
My current preference is to use either <nop>ProxyData or Resources. Please comment or simple vote on your preference!
-- Main.GregorHagedorn - 01 Nov 2004