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# Module of TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform,
# Copyright (C) 1999-2007 TWiki Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved. TWiki Contributors
# are listed in the AUTHORS file in the root of this distribution.
# NOTE: Please extend that file, not this notice.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For
# more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited.
package TWiki::Compatibility;
---+ package TWiki::Compatibility
Support for compatibility with old TWiki versions. Packaged
separately because 99.999999% of the time this won't be needed.
sub _upgradeCategoryItem {
my ( $catitems, $ctext ) = @_;
my $catname = '';
my $scatname = '';
my $catmodifier = '';
my $catvalue = '';
my @cmd = split( /\|/, $catitems );
my $src = '';
my $len = @cmd;
if( $len < '2' ) {
return ( $catname, $catmodifier, $catvalue )
my $svalue = '';
my $i;
my $itemsPerLine;
# check for CategoryName=CategoryValue parameter
my $paramCmd = '';
my $cvalue = ''; # was$query->param( $cmd[1] );
if( $cvalue ) {
$src = "<!---->$cvalue<!---->";
} elsif( $ctext ) {
foreach( split( /\r?\n/, $ctext ) ) {
if( /$cmd[1]/ ) {
$src = $_;
if( $cmd[0] eq 'select' || $cmd[0] eq 'radio') {
$catname = $cmd[1];
$scatname = $catname;
#$scatname =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g;
my $size = $cmd[2];
for( $i = 3; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
my $value = $cmd[$i];
$svalue = $value;
if( $src =~ /$value/ ) {
$catvalue = $svalue;
} elsif( $cmd[0] eq 'checkbox' ) {
$catname = $cmd[1];
$scatname = $catname;
#$scatname =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g;
if( $cmd[2] eq 'true' || $cmd[2] eq '1' ) {
$i = $len - 4;
$catmodifier = 1;
$itemsPerLine = $cmd[3];
for( $i = 4; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
my $value = $cmd[$i];
$svalue = $value;
# I18N: FIXME - need to look at this, but since it's upgrading
# old forms that probably didn't use I18N, it's not a high
# priority.
if( $src =~ /$value[^a-zA-Z0-9\.]/ ) {
$catvalue .= ", " if( $catvalue );
$catvalue .= $svalue;
} elsif( $cmd[0] eq 'text' ) {
$catname = $cmd[1];
$scatname = $catname;
#$scatname =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g;
$src =~ /<!---->(.*)<!---->/;
if( $1 ) {
$src = $1;
} else {
$src = '';
$catvalue = $src;
return ( $catname, $catmodifier, $catvalue )
---++ StaticMethod upgradeCategoryTable( $session, $web, $topic, $meta, $text ) -> $text
Upgrade old style category table
May throw TWiki::OopsException
sub upgradeCategoryTable {
my( $session, $web, $topic, $meta, $text ) = @_;
my $icat = $session->{templates}->readTemplate( 'twikicatitems' );
if( $icat ) {
my @items = ();
# extract category section and build category form elements
my( $before, $ctext, $after) = split( /<!--TWikiCat-->/, $text );
# cut TWikiCat part
$text = $before || '';
$text .= $after if( $after );
$ctext = '' if( ! $ctext );
my $ttext = '';
foreach( split( /\r?\n/, $icat ) ) {
my( $catname, $catmod, $catvalue ) = _upgradeCategoryItem( $_, $ctext );
if( $catname ) {
push @items, ( [$catname, $catmod, $catvalue] );
my $prefs = $session->{prefs};
my $listForms = $prefs->getWebPreferencesValue( 'WEBFORMS', $web );
$listForms =~ s/^\s*//go;
$listForms =~ s/\s*$//go;
my @formTemplates = split( /\s*,\s*/, $listForms );
my $defaultFormTemplate = '';
$defaultFormTemplate = $formTemplates[0] if ( @formTemplates );
if( ! $defaultFormTemplate ) {
$session->writeWarning( "Form: can't get form definition to convert category table " .
" for topic $web.$topic" );
foreach my $oldCat ( @items ) {
my $name = $oldCat->[0];
my $value = $oldCat->[2];
$meta->put( 'FORM', { name => '' } );
$meta->putKeyed( 'FIELD',
{ name => $name,
title => $name,
value => $value
} );
my $def = new TWiki::Form($session, $web, $defaultFormTemplate );
$meta->put( 'FORM', { name => $defaultFormTemplate } );
foreach my $fieldDef ( @{$def->{fields}} ) {
my $value = '';
foreach my $oldCatP ( @items ) {
my @oldCat = @$oldCatP;
my $name = $oldCat[0] || '';
$name =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_\.]//go;
if( $name eq $fieldDef->{name} ) {
$value = $oldCat[2];
$meta->putKeyed( 'FIELD',
name => $fieldDef->{name},
title => $fieldDef->{title},
value => $value,
} );
} else {
$session->writeWarning( "Form: get find category template twikicatitems for Web $web" );
return $text;