
981 lines
32 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Plugin for TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform,
# Copyright (C) 2001-2003 John Talintyre,
# Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Peter Thoeny,
# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 TWiki Contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For
# more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details, published at
# As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited.
use strict;
package TWiki::Plugins::TablePlugin::Core;
use Time::Local;
use vars qw( $translationToken
$insideTABLE $tableCount @curTable $sortCol $maxSortCols $requestedTable $up
$sortTablesInText $sortAttachments $currTablePre $sortColFromUrl
$tableWidth @columnWidths
$tableBorder $tableFrame $tableRules $cellPadding $cellSpacing $cellBorder
@headerAlign @dataAlign $vAlign $headerVAlign $dataVAlign
$headerBg $headerBgSorted $headerColor $sortAllTables $twoCol @dataBg @dataBgSorted @dataColor
$headerRows $footerRows
$upchar $downchar $diamondchar $url
@isoMonth %mon2num $initSort $initDirection $currentSortDirection
@rowspan $pluginAttrs $prefsAttrs $tableId $tableSummary $tableCaption
$iconUrl $unsortEnabled
%sortDirection %columnType );
$translationToken = "\0";
$currTablePre = '';
$upchar = '';
$downchar = '';
$diamondchar = '';
@isoMonth = (
'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'
my $count = 0;
%mon2num = map { $_ => $count++ } @isoMonth;
%sortDirection = ( 'ASCENDING', 0, 'DESCENDING', 1, 'NONE', 2 );
%columnType = (
'TEXT', 'text', 'DATE', 'date',
'NUMBER', 'number', 'UNDEFINED', 'undefined'
# the maximum number of columns we will handle
$maxSortCols = 10000;
$iconUrl =
TWiki::Func::getPubUrlPath() . '/'
. $TWiki::Plugins::TablePlugin::installWeb
. '/TablePlugin/';
$unsortEnabled = 1; # if true, table columns can be unsorted
sub _setDefaults {
$sortAllTables = $sortTablesInText;
$tableBorder = 1;
$tableFrame = '';
$tableRules = '';
$cellSpacing = 0;
$cellPadding = 0;
$cellBorder = '';
$tableWidth = '';
@columnWidths = ();
$headerRows = 1;
$footerRows = 0;
@headerAlign = ();
@dataAlign = ();
$vAlign = '';
$headerVAlign = '';
$dataVAlign = '';
$headerBg = '#6b7f93';
$headerBgSorted = '';
$headerColor = '#ffffff';
@dataBg = ( '#ecf2f8', '#ffffff' );
@dataBgSorted = ();
@dataColor = ();
$tableId = '';
$tableSummary = '';
$tableCaption = '';
undef $initSort;
_parseParameters($prefsAttrs); # Preferences setting
# Table attributes defined as a Plugin setting, a preferences setting
# e.g. in WebPreferences or as a %TABLE{...}% setting
sub _parseParameters {
my ($args) = @_;
return '' unless ( defined($args) );
return '' unless ( $args =~ /\S/ );
my %params = TWiki::Func::extractParameters($args);
# Defines which column to initially sort : ShawnBradford 20020221
my $tmp = $params{initsort};
$initSort = $tmp if ($tmp);
# Defines which direction to sort the column set by initsort :
# ShawnBradford 20020221
$tmp = $params{initdirection};
$initDirection = $sortDirection{'ASCENDING'}
if ( defined $tmp && $tmp =~ /^down$/i );
$initDirection = $sortDirection{'DESCENDING'}
if ( defined $tmp && $tmp =~ /^up$/i );
$tmp = $params{sort};
$tmp = '0' if ( defined $tmp && $tmp =~ /^off$/oi );
$sortAllTables = $tmp if ( defined $tmp && $tmp ne '' );
$tmp = $params{tableborder};
$tableBorder = $tmp if ( defined $tmp && $tmp ne '' );
$tmp = $params{tableframe};
$tableFrame = $tmp if ( defined $tmp && $tmp ne '' );
$tmp = $params{tablerules};
$tableRules = $tmp if ( defined $tmp && $tmp ne '' );
$tmp = $params{cellpadding};
$cellPadding = $tmp if ( defined $tmp && $tmp ne '' );
$tmp = $params{cellspacing};
$cellSpacing = $tmp if ( defined $tmp && $tmp ne '' );
$tmp = $params{cellborder};
$cellBorder = $tmp if ( defined $tmp && $tmp ne '' );
$tmp = $params{headeralign};
@headerAlign = split( /,\s*/, $tmp ) if ( defined $tmp );
$tmp = $params{dataalign};
@dataAlign = split( /,\s*/, $tmp ) if ( defined $tmp );
$tmp = $params{tablewidth};
$tableWidth = $tmp if ( defined $tmp );
$tmp = $params{columnwidths};
@columnWidths = split( /, */, $tmp ) if ( defined $tmp );
$tmp = $params{headerrows};
$headerRows = $tmp if ( defined $tmp && $tmp ne '' );
$headerRows = 1 if ( $headerRows < 1 );
$tmp = $params{footerrows};
$footerRows = $tmp if ( defined $tmp && $tmp ne '' );
$tmp = $params{valign};
$vAlign = $tmp if ( defined $tmp );
$tmp = $params{datavalign};
$dataVAlign = $tmp if ( defined $tmp );
$tmp = $params{headervalign};
$headerVAlign = $tmp if ( defined $tmp );
my $tmpheaderbg = $params{headerbg};
$headerBg = $tmpheaderbg if ( defined $tmpheaderbg );
# only set headerbgsorted color if it is defined in %TABLE{}% attributes
# otherwise use headerbg
$tmp = $params{headerbgsorted};
if ( defined $tmp ) {
$headerBgSorted = $tmp;
elsif ( defined $tmpheaderbg ) {
$headerBgSorted = $tmpheaderbg;
$tmp = $params{headercolor};
$headerColor = $tmp if ( defined $tmp );
my $tmpdatabg = $params{databg};
@dataBg = split( /,\s*/, $tmpdatabg ) if ( defined $tmpdatabg );
# only set databgsorted color if it is defined in %TABLE{}% attributes
# otherwise use databg
$tmp = $params{databgsorted};
if ( defined $tmp ) {
@dataBgSorted = split( /,\s*/, $tmp );
elsif ( defined $tmpdatabg ) {
@dataBgSorted = split( /,\s*/, $tmpdatabg );
$tmp = $params{datacolor};
@dataColor = split( /,\s*/, $tmp ) if ( defined $tmp );
$tmp = $params{id};
$tableId = $tmp if ( defined $tmp );
$tmp = $params{summary};
$tableSummary = $tmp if ( defined $tmp );
$tmp = $params{caption};
$tableCaption = $tmp if ( defined $tmp );
return $currTablePre . '<nop>';
# Convert text to number and date if syntactically possible
sub _convertToNumberAndDate {
my ($text) = @_;
$text =~ s/&nbsp;/ /go;
$text =~ s/<\/?nobr>/ /go;
my $num = undef;
my $date = undef;
if ( $text =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
$num = 0;
$date = 0;
if ( $text =~
# "31 Dec 2003 - 23:59", "31-Dec-2003 - 23:59",
# "31 Dec 2003 - 23:59 - any suffix"
$date = timegm( 0, $5, $4, $1, $mon2num{$2}, $3 - 1900 );
elsif ( $text =~
m|^\s*([0-9]{1,2})[-\s/]([A-Z][a-z][a-z])[-\s/]([0-9]{2,4})\s*$| )
# "31 Dec 2003", "31 Dec 03", "31-Dec-2003", "31/Dec/2003"
my $year = $3;
$year += 1900 if ( length($year) == 2 && $year > 80 );
$year += 2000 if ( length($year) == 2 );
$date = timegm( 0, 0, 0, $1, $mon2num{$2}, $year - 1900 );
elsif ( $text =~ /^\s*[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?\s*$/ ) {
$num = $text;
return ( $num, $date );
sub _processTableRow {
my ( $thePre, $theRow ) = @_;
$currTablePre = $thePre || '';
my $span = 0;
my $l1 = 0;
my $l2 = 0;
if ( !$insideTABLE ) {
@curTable = ();
@rowspan = ();
$currentSortDirection = $sortDirection{'NONE'};
if ( defined $requestedTable && $requestedTable == $tableCount
&& defined $sortColFromUrl )
$sortCol = $sortColFromUrl;
$sortCol = $maxSortCols if ( $sortCol > $maxSortCols );
$currentSortDirection = _getCurrentSortDirection($up);
} elsif ( defined $initSort ) {
$sortCol = $initSort - 1;
$sortCol = $maxSortCols if ( $sortCol > $maxSortCols );
$currentSortDirection = _getCurrentSortDirection($initDirection);
$theRow =~ s/\t/ /go; # change tabs to space
$theRow =~ s/\s*$//o; # remove trailing spaces
$theRow =~ s/(\|\|+)/$translationToken.length($1)."\|"/geo; # calc COLSPAN
my $colCount = 0;
my @row = ();
$span = 0;
my $value = '';
foreach ( split( /\|/, $theRow ) ) {
my $attr = {};
$attr->{style} = '';
$span = 1;
#AS 25-5-01 Fix to avoid matching also single columns
if (s/$translationToken([0-9]+)//) {
$span = $1;
$attr->{colspan} = $span;
s/^\s+$/ &nbsp; /o;
( $l1, $l2 ) = ( 0, 0 );
if (/^(\s*).*?(\s*)$/) {
$l1 = length($1);
$l2 = length($2);
if ( $l1 >= 2 ) {
if ( $l2 <= 1 ) {
$attr->{align} = 'right';
else {
$attr->{align} = 'center';
if ( defined $columnWidths[$colCount]
&& $columnWidths[$colCount]
&& $span <= 2 )
$attr->{width} = $columnWidths[$colCount];
# CSS style
$attr->{style} .= 'width:' . $columnWidths[$colCount] . ';';
if (/^\s*\^\s*$/) { # row span above
push @row, { text => $value, type => 'Y' };
else {
for ( my $col = $colCount ; $col < ( $colCount + $span ) ; $col++ )
if ( defined( $rowspan[$col] ) && $rowspan[$col] ) {
my $nRows = scalar(@curTable);
my $rspan = $rowspan[$col] + 1;
if ( $rspan > 1 ) {
$curTable[ $nRows - $rspan ][$col]->{attrs}->{rowspan} =
undef( $rowspan[$col] );
if ( ( (defined $requestedTable && $requestedTable == $tableCount )
|| defined $initSort )
&& defined $sortCol && $colCount == $sortCol )
# CSS class name
if ( $currentSortDirection == $sortDirection{'ASCENDING'} ) {
$attr->{class} =
_appendSortedAscendingCssClass( $attr->{class} );
if ( $currentSortDirection == $sortDirection{'DESCENDING'} ) {
$attr->{class} =
_appendSortedDescendingCssClass( $attr->{class} );
my $type = '';
if (/^\s*\*(.*)\*\s*$/) {
$value = $1;
if (@headerAlign) {
my $align =
@headerAlign[ $colCount % ( $#headerAlign + 1 ) ];
$attr->{align} = $align;
$attr->{style} .= 'text-align:' . $align . ';';
if ($headerVAlign) {
$attr->{valign} = $headerVAlign if $headerVAlign;
$attr->{style} .= 'vertical-align:' . $headerVAlign . ';';
elsif ($vAlign) {
$attr->{valign} = $vAlign;
$attr->{style} .= 'vertical-align:' . $vAlign . ';';
$type = 'th';
else {
if (/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/) { # strip white spaces
$_ = $1;
$value = $_;
if (@dataAlign) {
my $align = @dataAlign[ $colCount % ( $#dataAlign + 1 ) ];
$attr->{align} = $align;
$attr->{style} .= 'text-align:' . $align . ';';
if ($dataVAlign) {
$attr->{valign} = $dataVAlign if $dataVAlign;
$attr->{style} .= 'vertical-align:' . $dataVAlign . ';';
elsif ($vAlign) {
$attr->{valign} = $vAlign;
$attr->{style} .= 'vertical-align:' . $vAlign . ';';
$type = 'td';
if ( $cellBorder ne '' ) {
my $theCellBorder = $cellBorder;
if ( $tableRules eq 'none' ) {
# if tablerules are set to none we don't want cell borders anywhere
$theCellBorder = 0;
if ( $tableRules eq 'cols' ) {
$theCellBorder = 0;
if ( $tableRules eq 'groups' && $type eq 'th' ) {
$attr->{style} .= 'border-bottom-style:solid;';
$attr->{style} .= 'border-top-style:solid;';
$attr->{style} .= 'border-left-style:none;';
if ( $tableRules eq 'groups' && $type eq 'td' ) {
$theCellBorder = 0;
$attr->{style} .= 'border-width:' . $theCellBorder . 'px;';
push @row, { text => $value, attrs => $attr, type => $type };
while ( $span > 1 ) {
push @row, { text => $value, type => 'X' };
push @curTable, \@row;
return $currTablePre
. '<nop>'; # Avoid TWiki converting empty lines to new paras
# Determine whether to generate sorting headers for this table. The header
# indicates the context of the table (body or file attachment)
sub _shouldISortThisTable {
my ($header) = @_;
return 0 unless $sortAllTables;
# All cells in header are headings?
foreach my $cell (@$header) {
return 0 if ( $cell->{type} ne 'th' );
return 1;
# Guess if column is a date, number or plain text
sub _guessColumnType {
my ($col) = @_;
my $isDate = 1;
my $isNum = 1;
my $num = '';
my $date = '';
my $columnIsValid = 0;
foreach my $row (@curTable) {
next if ( !$row->[$col]->{text} );
# else
$columnIsValid = 1;
( $num, $date ) = _convertToNumberAndDate( $row->[$col]->{text} );
$isDate = 0 if ( !defined($date) );
$isNum = 0 if ( !defined($num) );
last if ( !$isDate && !$isNum );
$row->[$col]->{date} = $date;
$row->[$col]->{number} = $num;
return $columnType{'UNDEFINED'} if ( !$columnIsValid );
my $type = $columnType{'TEXT'};
if ($isDate) {
$type = $columnType{'DATE'};
elsif ($isNum) {
$type = $columnType{'NUMBER'};
return $type;
# Remove HTML from text so it can be sorted
sub _stripHtml {
my ($text) = @_;
$text ||= '';
$text =~ s/\&nbsp;/ /go; # convert space
$text =~
s/\[\[[^\]]+\]\[([^\]]+)\]\]/$1/go; # extract label from [[...][...]] link
$text =~ s/<[^>]+>//go; # strip HTML
$text =~ s/^ *//go; # strip leading space space
$text = lc($text); # convert to lower case
return $text;
# Append space if class names already exist
# 'firstClass' becomes 'firstClass ' so 'secondClass' can be appended safely
sub _makeCssClassListSafeToAppend {
my ($classList) = @_;
$classList ||= '';
$classList .= ' ' if length($classList) > 0;
return $classList;
# Append CSS class name for "first column" to (possibly) already defined class names
sub _appendFirstColumnCssClass {
my $classList = _makeCssClassListSafeToAppend(@_);
return $classList . 'twikiFirstCol';
# Append CSS class name for "last row" to (possibly) already defined class names
sub _appendLastRowCssClass {
my $classList = _makeCssClassListSafeToAppend(@_);
return $classList . 'twikiLast';
# Append CSS class name for "sorted ascending" to (possibly) already defined
# class names.
sub _appendSortedAscendingCssClass {
my $classList = _makeCssClassListSafeToAppend(@_);
return $classList . 'twikiSortedAscendingCol';
# Append CSS class name for "sorted descending" to (possibly) already defined
# class names.
sub _appendSortedDescendingCssClass {
my $classList = _makeCssClassListSafeToAppend(@_);
return $classList . 'twikiSortedDescendingCol';
# The default sort direction.
sub _getDefaultSortDirection {
return $sortDirection{'ASCENDING'};
# Gets the current sort direction.
sub _getCurrentSortDirection {
my ($currentDirection) = @_;
$currentDirection ||= _getDefaultSortDirection();
return $currentDirection;
# Gets the new sort direction (needed for sort button) based on the current sort
# direction.
sub _getNewSortDirection {
my ($currentDirection) = @_;
if ( !defined $currentDirection ) {
return _getDefaultSortDirection();
my $newDirection;
if ( $currentDirection == $sortDirection{'ASCENDING'} ) {
$newDirection = $sortDirection{'DESCENDING'};
if ( $currentDirection == $sortDirection{'DESCENDING'} ) {
if ($unsortEnabled) {
$newDirection = $sortDirection{'NONE'};
else {
$newDirection = $sortDirection{'ASCENDING'};
if ( $currentDirection == $sortDirection{'NONE'} ) {
$newDirection = $sortDirection{'ASCENDING'};
return $newDirection;
sub emitTable {
#Validate headerrows/footerrows and modify if out of range
if ( $headerRows > @curTable ) {
$headerRows = @curTable; # limit header to size of table!
if ( $headerRows + $footerRows > @curTable ) {
$footerRows = @curTable - $headerRows; # and footer to whatever is left
my $sortThisTable = _shouldISortThisTable( $curTable[ $headerRows - 1 ] );
my $tattrs = {
class => 'twikiTable',
border => $tableBorder,
cellspacing => $cellSpacing,
cellpadding => $cellPadding,
style => 'border-width:' . $tableBorder . 'px;'
$tattrs->{id} = $tableId if ($tableId);
$tattrs->{summary} = $tableSummary if ($tableSummary);
$tattrs->{frame} = $tableFrame if ($tableFrame);
$tattrs->{rules} = $tableRules if ($tableRules);
$tattrs->{width} = $tableWidth if ($tableWidth);
my $text = $currTablePre . CGI::start_table($tattrs);
$text .= $currTablePre . CGI::caption($tableCaption) if ($tableCaption);
my $stype = '';
# count the number of cols to prevent looping over non-existing columns
my $maxCols = 0;
#Flush out any remaining rowspans
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @rowspan ; $i++ ) {
if ( defined( $rowspan[$i] ) && $rowspan[$i] ) {
my $nRows = scalar(@curTable);
my $rspan = $rowspan[$i] + 1;
my $r = $nRows - $rspan;
$curTable[$r][$i]->{attrs} ||= {};
if ( $rspan > 1 ) {
$curTable[$r][$i]->{attrs}->{rowspan} = $rspan;
if (
( defined $sortCol
&& defined $requestedTable
&& $requestedTable == $tableCount
|| defined $initSort
# DG 08 Aug 2002: Allow multi-line headers
my @header = splice( @curTable, 0, $headerRows );
# DG 08 Aug 2002: Skip sorting any trailers as well
my @trailer = ();
if ( $footerRows && scalar(@curTable) > $footerRows ) {
@trailer = splice( @curTable, -$footerRows );
# Count the maximum number of columns of this table
for my $row ( 0 .. $#curTable ) {
my $thisRowMaxColCount = 0;
for my $col ( 0 .. $#{ $curTable[$row] } ) {
$maxCols = $thisRowMaxColCount
if ( $thisRowMaxColCount > $maxCols );
# Handle multi-row labels by killing rowspans in sorted tables
for my $row ( 0 .. $#curTable ) {
for my $col ( 0 .. $#{ $curTable[$row] } ) {
$curTable[$row][$col]->{attrs}->{rowspan} = 1;
if ( $curTable[$row][$col]->{type} eq 'Y' ) {
$curTable[$row][$col]->{text} =
$curTable[ $row - 1 ][$col]->{text};
$curTable[$row][$col]->{type} = 'td';
$stype = $columnType{'UNDEFINED'};
# only get the column type if within bounds
if ( $sortCol < $maxCols ) {
$stype = _guessColumnType($sortCol);
# invalidate sorting if no valid column
if ( $stype eq $columnType{'UNDEFINED'} ) {
undef $initSort;
undef $sortCol;
elsif ( $stype eq $columnType{'TEXT'} ) {
if ( $currentSortDirection == $sortDirection{'DESCENDING'} ) {
# efficient way of sorting stripped HTML text
# SMELL: efficient? That's not efficient!
@curTable = map { $_->[0] }
sort { $b->[1] cmp $a->[1] }
map { [ $_, _stripHtml( $_->[$sortCol]->{text} ) ] }
if ( $currentSortDirection == $sortDirection{'ASCENDING'} ) {
@curTable = map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
map { [ $_, _stripHtml( $_->[$sortCol]->{text} ) ] }
else {
if ( $currentSortDirection == $sortDirection{'DESCENDING'} ) {
@curTable =
sort { $b->[$sortCol]->{$stype} <=> $a->[$sortCol]->{$stype} }
if ( $currentSortDirection == $sortDirection{'ASCENDING'} ) {
@curTable =
sort { $a->[$sortCol]->{$stype} <=> $b->[$sortCol]->{$stype} }
# DG 08 Aug 2002: Cleanup after the header/trailer splicing
# this is probably awfully inefficient - but how big is a table?
@curTable = ( @header, @curTable, @trailer );
} # if defined $sortCol ...
my $rowCount = 0;
my $numberOfRows = scalar(@curTable);
my $dataColorCount = 0;
foreach my $row (@curTable) {
my $rowtext = '';
my $colCount = 0;
# keep track of header cells: if all cells are header cells, do not
# update the data color count
my $headerCellCount = 0;
my $isHeaderRow = 0;
foreach my $fcell (@$row) {
# check if cell exists
next if ( !$fcell || !$fcell->{type} );
my $tableAnchor = '';
if ( $fcell->{type} eq 'X' )
; # data was there so sort could work with col spanning
my $type = $fcell->{type};
my $cell = $fcell->{text};
my $attr = $fcell->{attrs} || {};
my $newDirection;
my $isSorted = 0;
if ( $currentSortDirection != $sortDirection{'NONE'}
&& defined $sortCol && $colCount == $sortCol
# Removing the line below hides the marking of sorted columns
# until the user clicks on a header (KJL)
# && defined $requestedTable && $requestedTable == $tableCount
&& $stype ne '' )
$isSorted = 1;
$newDirection = _getNewSortDirection($currentSortDirection);
else {
$newDirection = _getDefaultSortDirection();
if ( $type eq 'th' ) {
unless ($upchar) {
$upchar = CGI::span(
{ class => 'tableSortIcon tableSortUp' },
CGI::img( { src => $iconUrl . 'up.gif', alt => 'up' } )
$downchar = CGI::span(
{ class => 'tableSortIcon tableSortDown' },
{ src => $iconUrl . 'down.gif', alt => 'down' }
$diamondchar = CGI::span(
{ class => 'tableSortIcon tableSortUp' },
src => $iconUrl . 'diamond.gif',
border => 0,
alt => 'sort'
# DG: allow headers without b.g too (consistent and yes,
# I use this)
$attr->{bgcolor} = $headerBg unless ( $headerBg =~ /none/i );
$attr->{maxCols} = $maxCols;
if ( $isSorted ) {
if ( $currentSortDirection == $sortDirection{'ASCENDING'} ) {
$tableAnchor =
CGI::span( { title => 'Sorted ascending' }, $upchar );
if ( $currentSortDirection == $sortDirection{'DESCENDING'} ) {
$tableAnchor =
CGI::span( { title => 'Sorted descending' }, $downchar );
if ( defined $sortCol && $colCount == $sortCol &&
defined $requestedTable && $requestedTable == $tableCount ) {
$tableAnchor = CGI::a( { name => 'sorted_table' }, '<!-- -->' )
. $tableAnchor;
my $linkColorStyle = '';
if ($headerColor) {
#$cell = CGI::span( { style => 'color:'.$headerColor }, $cell );
$linkColorStyle = 'color:' . $headerColor;
if ( $sortThisTable && $rowCount == $headerRows - 1 ) {
if ($isSorted) {
$attr->{bgcolor} = $headerBgSorted
unless ( $headerBgSorted =~ /none/i );
#my $debugText = CGI::span( { class => 'twikiSmall' }, 'requestedTable='.$requestedTable.'; sortCol='.$sortCol.'; colCount='.$colCount.'; initSort='.$initSort.'; sorted='.$isSorted.'; currDir='.$currentDirection.'; newdir='.$newDirection.' ');
my $debugText = '';
my $linkAttributes = {
href => $url
. 'sortcol='
. $colCount
. ';table='
. $tableCount . ';up='
. $newDirection
. '#sorted_table',
style => $linkColorStyle,
rel => 'nofollow',
title => 'Sort by this column'
if ( $cell =~ /\[\[|href/o ) {
$cell .=
$debugText . ' '
. CGI::a( $linkAttributes, $diamondchar )
. $tableAnchor;
else {
$cell = $debugText
. CGI::a( $linkAttributes, $cell )
. $tableAnchor;
else {
my $linkAttributes = { style => $linkColorStyle };
$cell =
CGI::span( $linkAttributes,
' <strong> ' . $cell . ' </strong> ' );
else {
# $type is not 'th'
if (@dataBg) {
my $bgcolor;
if ($isSorted) {
$bgcolor =
$dataBgSorted[ $dataColorCount %
( $#dataBgSorted + 1 ) ];
else {
$bgcolor =
$dataBg[ $dataColorCount % ( $#dataBg + 1 ) ];
$attr->{bgcolor} = $bgcolor unless ( $bgcolor =~ /none/i );
if (@dataColor) {
my $color =
$dataColor[ $dataColorCount % ( $#dataColor + 1 ) ];
$cell = CGI::span( { style => 'color:' . $color },
' ' . $cell . ' ' )
unless $color =~ /^(|none)$/i;
$type = 'td' unless $type eq 'Y';
} ###if( $type eq 'th' )
my $isLastRow = ( $rowCount == $numberOfRows - 1 );
if ( $attr->{rowspan} ) {
$isLastRow =
( ( $rowCount + ( $attr->{rowspan} - 1 ) ) ==
$numberOfRows - 1 );
# CSS class name
$attr->{class} = _appendFirstColumnCssClass( $attr->{class} )
if $colCount == 0;
$attr->{class} = _appendLastRowCssClass( $attr->{class} )
if $isLastRow;
next if ( $type eq 'Y' );
my $fn = 'CGI::' . $type;
no strict 'refs';
$rowtext .= &$fn( $attr, " $cell " );
use strict 'refs';
} # foreach my $fcell ( @$row )
$text .= $currTablePre
. CGI::Tr(
{ class => ( $rowCount % 2 ) ? 'twikiTableOdd' : 'twikiTableEven' },
) . "\n";
$isHeaderRow = 1 if ( $headerCellCount == $colCount );
if ($isHeaderRow) {
# reset data color count to start with first color after
# each table heading
$dataColorCount = 0;
else {
} # foreach my $row ( @curTable )
$text .= $currTablePre . CGI::end_table() . "\n";
return $text;
sub handler {
### my ( $text, $removed ) = @_;
unless ($TWiki::Plugins::TablePlugin::initialised) {
$insideTABLE = 0;
$tableCount = 0;
$twoCol = 1;
my $cgi = TWiki::Func::getCgiQuery();
return unless $cgi;
# Extract and attach existing parameters
my $plist = $cgi->query_string();
$plist =~ s/\;/\&/go;
$plist =~ s/\&?sortcol.*up=[0-9]+\&?//go;
$plist .= '&' if $plist;
$url = $cgi->url . $cgi->path_info() . '?' . $plist;
$url =~ s/\&/\&amp;/go;
$sortColFromUrl = $cgi->param('sortcol'); # zero based: 0 is first column
$requestedTable = $cgi->param('table');
$up = $cgi->param('up');
$sortTablesInText = 0;
$sortAttachments = 0;
my $tmp = TWiki::Func::getPreferencesValue('TABLEPLUGIN_SORT');
if ( !$tmp || $tmp =~ /^all$/oi ) {
$sortTablesInText = 1;
$sortAttachments = 1;
elsif ( $tmp =~ /^attachments$/oi ) {
$sortAttachments = 1;
$pluginAttrs =
$prefsAttrs = TWiki::Func::getPreferencesValue('TABLEATTRIBUTES');
$TWiki::Plugins::TablePlugin::initialised = 1;
undef $initSort;
$insideTABLE = 0;
my $defaultSort = $sortAllTables;
my $acceptable = $sortAllTables;
my @lines = split( /\r?\n/, $_[0] );
for (@lines) {
if (s/%TABLE(?:{(.*?)})?%/_parseParameters($1)/se) {
$acceptable = 1;
elsif ( $acceptable
&& s/^(\s*)\|(.*\|\s*)$/_processTableRow($1,$2)/eo )
$insideTABLE = 1;
elsif ($insideTABLE) {
$_ = emitTable() . $_;
$insideTABLE = 0;
undef $initSort;
$sortAllTables = $defaultSort;
$acceptable = $defaultSort;
$_[0] = join( "\n", @lines );
if ($insideTABLE) {
$_[0] .= emitTable();