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%META:TOPICINFO{author="GarryJolleyRogers" date="1259118874" format="1.1" version="1.7"}%
---+!! %TOPIC%
In SDD1.1RC2 the uniqueness constraint(<nop>CharacterStateKey) on <nop>StateDefinition's ensure's that global states cannot be referenced more than once within Characters in a Terminology. This is because of
<xs:field xpath="@id|@ref"/>
in the identity constraint declaration.
This issue is illustrated with the example below. Attempting to reference 'efg301' more than once results in a validation error.
<StateDefinition id="efg301">
<Label xml:lang="en" audience="efg2">brown</Label>
<CategoricalCharacter id="efg458">
<Label xml:lang="en" audience="efg2">Flower Color</Label>
<StateReference ref="efg301"/>
<CategoricalCharacter id="efg459">
<Label xml:lang="en" audience="efg2">Leaf Color</Label>
<StateReference ref="efg301"/>
A solution will be to declare both !ConceptStateKey and !CharacterStateKey as follows
<xs:unique name="SomeUniqueName">
<xs:selector xpath=".//u:StateDefinition"/>
<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
This ensures that id's on <nop>StateDefinition's are unique throughout a document.
I have implemented this in BDI.SDD_.xsd at rev 39 of the Subversion trunk
-- Main.JacobAsiedu - 05 Oct 2006
The issue seems indeed to be a bug. I believe that the result should make sure that:
* concept state id-values are unique within the entire document (not only within a single concept).
* concept state references are unique within the scope of a single character. If the latter is truly difficult, we could drop the constraint.
Did we have any other intentions? I cannot remember.
At the moment I cannot follow your proposed solution - please check for me whether the constraint above are stated correctly, and whether your solution fullfills them.
-- Main.GregorHagedorn - 20 Oct 2006