---+++ AbcdConcept0333 ---+++++ Identifier DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/Identifications/Identification/Result/TaxonIdentified/ScientificName/IdentificationQualifier [@insertionpoint] ---+++++ Group IResult ---+++++ Subgroup Taxon ---+++++ Full Name Insertion Point ---+++++ Documentation An indicator of the insertion point for the identification qualifier. ---+++++ Content The attribute @Insertion-Point defines the name element in the scientific name identified for the unit before which the identification qualifier should be inserted (1 = before entire name, 2= before first epithet, 3 = before second epithet) . ---++++ Recommended or Prescribed Values 1, 2, or 3 ---+++++ Example Value 1 ---+++++ Example Explanation If the attribute @Insertion-Point is set to 1 the qualifer is to be inserted before the entire name. ---+++++ Reviewer Berendsohn 9 Apr 2005 ---++++ Editorial Notes