---+++ AbcdConcept0742 ---+++++ Identifier DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/PlantGeneticResourcesUnit/OtherIdentification ---+++++ Group Domain ---+++++ Subgroup PGR ---+++++ Full Name Other Unit IDs ---+++++ Documentation Any other identification (numbers) known to exist in other collections for this accession. ---+++++ Content Any other identification (numbers) known to exist in other collections for this accession. Use the following system: INSTCODE:ACCENUMB;INSTCODE:ACCENUMB; INSTCODE and ACCENUMB follow the standard described above and are separated by a colon. Pairs of INSTCODE and ACCENUMB are separated by a semicolon without space. When the institute is not known, the number should be preceded by a colon. A FAO/IPGRI multi-crop passport descriptor (MCPD), description and examples taken from EURISCO descriptor list dated July 3, 2002. ---++++ Recommended or Prescribed Values ---+++++ Example Value NLD037:CGN00254 SWE002:NGB1912;:Bra2343 ---+++++ Example Explanation ---+++++ Reviewer ---++++ Editorial Notes