---+++ AbcdConcept1441 ---+++++ Identifier DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/PlantGeneticResourcesUnit/AccessionNames/AccessionName ---+++++ Group Domain ---+++++ Subgroup PGR ---+++++ Full Name Accession Name ---+++++ Documentation A name for the unit that is not covered by the Cultivated Plants Code. ---+++++ Content A name given to the accession that cannot be covered by the name structure given for botanical names under identification (i.e. not a formal cultivar or trade designation name). ---++++ Recommended or Prescribed Values ---+++++ Example Value ---+++++ Example Explanation ---+++++ Reviewer Berendsohn 3 Jun 2005 ---++++ Editorial Notes The following email was received from Dag Terje Endresen of the Nordic Genebank on June 3, 2005: "I have looked a little bit into what is the definition of the MCPD concept of ACCENAME (Accession name). I found most central crop databases using the exact same definition as published by the MCPD list from IPGRI: "Either a registered or other formal designation given to the accession. First letter uppercase. Multiple names separated with semicolon without space." Interestingly the concept seems to have been called "cultivar name" in the first versions. In the majority of cases in the NGB database the accession name is identical to the commercial cultivar name. The concept has however sometimes also another content than only repeating the cultivar name. Often for genetic resources the genebank makes selections in the original accession and the resulting sub-sets are often classified as still belonging to the cultivar but given a new accession name. I inlude an example from NGB of this in a Finnish cultivar of Barley. NGB30 TAIPALE ME0201; OTRA MIX NGB31 SAVIKYLÄ ME0201; OTRA MIX; NGB36 LAPJÄRVI ME0402; OTRA MIX NGB291 OTRA NGB777 YLITORNIO JP0101; OTRA MIX NGB781 SASSALI ME0801; OTRA MIX NGB782 MURTOMAA ME0901; OTRA/HANKKIJA-673 NGB783 UIMANIEMI ME1001; OTRA NGB784 KUUSELA 1101; OTRA MIX NGB787 KELUJÄRVI EH0601; OTRA MIX NGB1162 KASURILA 0401; OTRA NGB1163 LUIKONLAHTI ME0302; OTRA NGB1164 SUOTTALA ME0402; OTRA NGB2804 PERÄNNE AP0103; OTRA NGB2820 KÖNNI 0401; OTRA I hope this is helpful for finding the content of the ACCENAME concept. I include also below some online information on the MCPD concept _Accession Name_ ---+++++ Definition from MCPD http://www.ipgri.cgiar.org/publications/pubfile+.asp?ID_PUB=124 11 Accession name (ACCENAME) Either a registered or other formal designation given to the accession. First letter uppercase. Multiple names separated with semicolon without space. Example: Rheinische Vorgebirgstrauben;Emma;Avlon ---+++++ The ECP/GR Pyrus Database [http://www.cra.wallonie.be/pyrus/passport.htm] NB : For "accession name", as a general rule the accepted name is the first published name in the pomological literature ; the name must be given in its original language without translation but in international alphabet form. There are, however, exceptions such as when a subsequent name have been so frequently used that it is then taken as the accepted name. For "landraces" each curator has to decide which synonyn fit the best. Subsequently it will be possible to have a field in the database devoted to synonyns. ===== European Central Crop Databases for Lolium and Trifolium repens (ECCDBs)===== It is based on the European Forage Passport Descriptor List (EFPDL)* which is itself an extended version of the FAO/IPGRI Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors. http://www.igergru.bbsrc.ac.uk/Welcome/ECCDB/descriptors/descriptors.htm (ACCNAME) - Cultivar name, Breeder's number or any other formal designation given to the accession. E.g. 'Aberystwyth S23'. ---+++++ Report of the Technical Meeting on the Methodology of WIEWS Radzikow, Poland, 30 September - 3 October 1996 9. The Meeting appreciated the cooperation between FAO and IPGRI in harmonizing multi-crop descriptors for common use in WIEWS, IPGRI crop descriptor lists and for reporting from databases (Appendix 8). The Meeting proposed the following changes in the list: - to change the name of descriptor no. 5 from "Cultivar name" to "Accession name",