%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1247045302" format="1.1" version="1.4"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="Tdwg2009"}% ---++TDWG 2009 Theme 2: Agricultural Biodiversity Informatics Theme Leader: Dr Elizabeth Arnaud (e.arnaud(at)cgiar.org This is the base page for open discussion about any and all aspects of theme 2 at TDWG 2009. ---+++ Comments and discussion %COMMENT{}% ---+++ Please feel free to edit the text above or to contact one of the TDWG team. -- Main.LeeBelbin - 02 Jun 2009 -- Main.AdrianRissone - 11 Jun 2009 %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Agricultural_sessions_TDWG2009.xls" attachment="Agricultural_sessions_TDWG2009.xls" attr="" comment="Suggestion for theme 2 :plenary, sessions, demos" date="1244967218" path="C:\Documents and Settings\earnaud\My Documents\TDWG\organisation 2009\PC\Agricultural sessions_TDWG2009.xls" size="35840" stream="C:\Documents and Settings\earnaud\My Documents\TDWG\organisation 2009\PC\Agricultural sessions_TDWG2009.xls" user="Main.ElizabethArnaud" version="1"}%